The future ... is near(2k reads special) Snapshot

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AN: OML thanks so much for 2k reads! Here's something different I suppose as a special! This isn't a one shot! It's more of a...snap-shot! It's a mini-teaser about a story that I make. I swear I'm on a role I have too many stories to make and not enough time. Don't worry! I'm going to start my Yugioh crossover soon!hope you enjoy

Background info:This is based of the tales form the SMP, in a similar fashion to the 'the lost city of mizu' but different... more drama, more conflicts,more people and most importantly....more dreams.....
Disclaimer this is based off of: Tales form the SMP:lost city of Mizu and Wilbur spots video(made about 11 months ago) titled "I robbed my subscribers Minecraft Realms". There was a very ominous part and I based this/ got the idea from that part(you'll know what I mean there should be a comment saying something like "They warned him about dream...." and then if you scroll down on the comment someone posted the time stamp in the replies to the comment).  Basically think of this as my take on the tales from the SMP but this takes place before the whole incident with Ranbob(I'm pretty sure if you've seen tales from the SMP you'll guess some of the plot..) and it's based on more medieval times(you know castles and shit; fuck now I just hear bad say "language,you muffin head!" every time I freaking swear great). Alright now... let's begin...

??? POV-
This story takes place around 22 years in the future. Many kingdoms were sprouted each representing what line of decedents they came from(Tommy, Tubbo, Dream etc.) some were in an alliance, some were matter, now you may be wondering "who am I?" My name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Jacobs....yeah I know strange you would assume time travelers were immortal. Anyhow this story is not about me... or is it?


Only time will tell


Here's something important to remember


"His uprising will happen once again..."


Don't worry I'm sure our hero will come up with something and remember nothing is as it seems. Maybe our protagonist isn't the hero...maybe the protagonist is the villain...


Hehe, I guess you'll find out! Till then... Adios!

Dream SMP + a few HermitCraft Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now