A game of cat and mouse.(Hermitcraft AU)

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AN:I'm finally up to making hermitcraft AU's! I hope you'll enjoy them :>

Xelqua was lonley. So lonely. There was nothing to do in this seemingly endless white void.
It wasn't always like this. Xelqua wasn't always alone..He used to have a server full of people and laughs but then he was taken and given a big "amazing" responsibility as a Watcher. They destroyed his world and all the inhabitants...

After he tried to bring back that world. Evo...He was punished. If he wanted to be in Evo so badly they decided to punish him by leaving him in what remained of Evo, nothing. Not a single soul but him. It had been at least a couple of weeks but he wasn't sure...There had been no sign of the watchers or any other life form for that matter.

Then it happened. It was quick but nothing like he expected. There was a bright flash and then a note. It read:"Xelqua. I hope you have been doing well in your punishment. Unfortunately for some unknown reason we are unable to reach you. We'll figure this out, don't panic." Panic? DON'T PANIC? Well too late now. Xel was pacing around. Would he be stuck here forever. No. NO. This can't be happening. He'd be stuck in the world he was forced to watch be destroyed. His home..his family all gone.

Then it all turned black.

Xelqua's POV

...I awoke on grass.I was startled by the grass and I jumped up. Was...this a memory? No it can't be. I can't recognize anything here. Are..the others here? Where is here?

Questions were filling my head when all of a sudden I will picked up. I turned to see who picked me up.

"Awww you're a cute cat.." the strange man with a mustache said. 'Cat? That can't be right...' I thought. 'there's no way I'm a cat..right?' I tried to speak but a simple "meow". Came out instead.

"Oh, you don't have a collar..Well then I guess I'll be take you home!" The man declared. I shivered slightly. "Oh..you must be cold you poor thing." He cooed. He took out a red sweater that looked weirdly familiar and wrapped me in it. "Grian's gonna kill me when he finds out I adopted another animal."

'Grian? That name is familiar...' He thought as the man brought him to his house.


'okay this is not a house-' he thought looked up at the huge tower. It was overgrown and had pillars surrounding it. In the middle of it was a heart that seemed to be alive...

"Welcome to your new home buddy! Wait..I should probably give you a new name." The man said. He looked lost in his thoughts for a few moments before finally deciding on a name. "Maui." The man concluded looking proud.

'Maui..huh..Not that bad.' I thought. I meowed in agreement. "Aww I guess you like the name buddy. Maui it is!" He said. "Well then, Maui," The man continued. "I'll set up a bed for you and wait for Grian."


A few moments later I had finally settled in. The man was surprisingly nice. He and this "Grian" seemed to be close friends from the way he was talking.


I miss Tartarus..and the others..


I was snapped out of my thoughts by a rather loud bang. I practically jumped out of my skin when I saw someone who looked EXACTLY like me in my normal form. "Hey Grian!" That's why the name Grian was familiar! That's my player name! How..how is there another me? I stared up at the copy cat. "Hey Mumbo! Aww..Who's this adorable guy." The copy cat said sitting down and scratching my chin. I proceeded to bite him. He let out a yelp. "Ouch!"

"Maui! Be nice." I glared at him simply licked my paws and looked away. I then paused, i'm acting like a cat. I'm NOT A cat. I stopped and put my paw back down on the ground.

"I guess Maui just doesn't like me.." the copy cat said getting up. Well..His name is Grian and I go by the name Xelqua. I guess I'll call him Grian to make it simpler. "Yeah, sorry Gri. Maui was fine when I was carrying him..or her! I don't actually know..."

"Well, we should take him to Stress. Stress is a doctor but she also knows how to care for animals! We need to make sure he's fulled vaccinated(AN:is that term?) and everything."

"Right." Mumbo, as 'Grian' said, sighed and picked me up again. "Come on little guy." He said. He and Grian then started chatting. I started zoning out and feeling sleepy...


AN:I hoped you enjoyed this! Now I shall go work on another chapter of RFTP and the new miraculous book i'm making. Cya!

Dream SMP + a few HermitCraft Oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon