Family feud AU

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I'm this AU Jschlatt and Phil has some tension. Tommy becomes friends with Tubbo, Jschlatt's son. Phil finds out and isn't very happy....
(If there are " " it means they are taking if not it means the character is doing something or thinking something"

Tubbo's POV:
I had just gotten home when Jschaltt, my "dad", came up to me. "Where have you been, son?" The annoying goat asked me. "I've been out with friends..." I answered "oh, right that friend of yours, what was his name? Timmy? Tammy-?" "Tommy, dad" I said dragging out and exaggerating the word "dad". "Right, Tommy, you know he's Phil's son and I dislike Phil, but the angry runt isn't that bad I guess." Jschlatt said grimly. When I had told dad about me and Tommy being friends I thought he was going to kick me out or something. Surprisingly even if he is not a great parent, he's not that bad of a guy. Tho I must say he has a lot of trust issues. I raised my eyebrow as he said "just be wary of the other 2, they don't seem..the friendliest." Jschaltt warned me. "Hmm, I agree, but what's your reasoning J?" Oh yeah I usually call him J, it's my nickname for him. "That "Techno" fellow is rumored to be the "Blood God" from the gladiator arena. He also seems to show signs of hearing voices." My spine shivered as I heard the name "Blood God" and my eyes widened a bit, I knew techno had voices(from Tommy of course) but could be really be a Gladiator?...and if so...does Tommy know? Has he- my thoughts were cut off with Jschlatt continuing. "And that Wilbur kid seems..odd" J said cryptically "what do you mean by odd" I asked pointedly "I don't know how to explain it" he said and shrugged. "Wow how helpful," I deadpanned as I walked up to my room.

Tommy's POV:
I was listening to music in my room like usual when I heard a knock. I was a bit surprised as must of my family left me alone. Despite the title of "family" they seemed to forget me a lot, not that I really minded, it just means I have more time to spend with my bee-loving best friend, Tubbo, or as I call him Tubs or Tubzo. I opened my door and surprisingly the one person I trust the least in this household, aka Wilbur, stood at my door. "Will?" I asked confused and guarded. He looked at me and his eye widened "Toms, you look different-". I rolled my eyes of course "I look different I haven't seen you long has it been-? Oh yeah a whole damn year" I said pointedly. I had been avoiding my family for a whole year, 1 f^cking year and they had done nothing. Wilbur looked a bit ashamed "oh..." Wilbur said softly catching me off guard "I was just wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us?". I thought on it for a few minutes...




The end of part 1

AN:Sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to post something because I haven't posted in a while

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