Price of Time-(Time-Travel Karl AU) Origins

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An:I recently learned of Karl's new ark/storyline called tales from the SMP and I absolutely love it! I love the idea of a time-traveler traveling time to write about stories to do his/her part for the world. I feel Karl is doing a lot to affect the SMP with this new Ark, so I wanted to make my version of his new ark and how it goes MY way. I hope you enjoy! ;)

....Time Travel... A hobby(?) of sorts....but with time travel comes's a few:anytime I get hurt I get a scar when I return to the present, every time I travel I forget somethings, If I change too much in a timeline the present could be effected negatively,positively or neutrally (AN:Idk how to spell that or if that's even a word but oh well)....But that's not why we're here, your here to find out why I time I time travel....


... was a normal day...

I was tired from hanging out with Quackity and Sapnap(An:Autocorrect sucks so I'm going to call them 'Quack' and 'Sap' form now on, sorry) so I went back home to rest. When I got back I was experiencing head pains, so naturally I went to lay down...when I woke up I was in a fully white place, I found a book that explained a few things...

I was in the in-between, a place where you could travel time with a special item... it said mine was the goggles I was given by...



...anyways...of course I was skeptical as you would be too if you were just told you can fRickInG TrAveL iN TiMe. Naturally I was going to tell Sap and Quack as soon as I could but... I realized if it was real I couldn't tell anyone....not even I quickly threw that idea away....I finally decided I would test it and if it didn't work or if it was just a dream I would tell Sap and Quack.


And so I took a deep breath and imagined a portal...when I opened my eyes.....




There it was....

AN:Sorry it was so short I just wanted to put my idea out there before I forgot it. I might edit this later.

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