Running from the past part (3?)

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An:Oml apparently I made a(very short) part 2 already so actually it's part 3 anyways her you guys go! Thank you for being patient :)

After settling into Hermitcraft I made a pretty decent house I tried my best not to make it super detailed and tried to make it in a style where it would be different, it was much easier in Dream SMP to hide things as no one actually knew me there. I could just make shi- *cough* ahem bad bases like dirt houses and stuff and just blame it on my "bad building skills. After a while in my thoughts I finally finished. I examined it from afar 'huh' I think 'it looks a bit like something I would make as Grian but also not?'. All of a sudden I heard a boom "shit" I whispered under my breath "Language! I heard an British accent '' Mumbo' I immediately thought "sorry" I said turning to face him "I have a bad habit of swearing when things scare me". "It's alright" 'have a bad habit of swearing' ha, yeah right. Soon I was consumed by my thoughts "Tom..., Tomm-!...Grian!" I was finally snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh, sorry I dozed off...did you say Gr-a-in?" I said purposely butchering the name- MY name. "Grian" he said chuckling and then rolling his eyes "What were you thinking about" he asked "uh, well..." I trailed off thinking for a reason, then It hit me, literally, a ball(AN:in this world circles,triangles and other shapes exist lol) red with a diameter of around 12- I'm getting off track point is- *Bonk* "ughhhh....." "you.......I'll-..... X..." I could barely understand Mumbo and then it all went black.


AN:italics mean flashback(for this chapter)
Darkness, that was all I saw...everything was blurry, I- I couldn't remember much of what happened just *bang* and then I was in water about to drown, my base was destroyed, I could vividly see pieces of it floating above me. Then a*flash* next thing I know- "hello- hello are you alright?" A voice called out it was young and had an accent but I couldn't tell what it was as I was tired "I'll get you some help-" I couldn't hear any more of what was said as I passed out. "-And then I saw him on the ground." A...teen(?) in green(AN:lol that rhymed)and a bird(?) man with a strange striped hat in front of me "hel-lo?" I asked uncertainly "your awake!" The bird man said. I simply nodded as I didn't trust my voice..."what's your name?" I simply pointed to my neck "ah, you can't speak no wonder those wounds look bad..." bird man said worried 'what wounds...?' I thought "well, let's get you patched up so you can rest. I nodded once again.

-time skip-

"-so can he stay?" I opened my eyes and saw bird man talking to some strange man that was green, he looked, funnily enough, like an older version of the teen in green. "I guess, as long as he 'officially' joins the server..." green man said. I decided to speak up "um... who are you...?" I said tilting my head. Bird man and green man turned at me in surprise "I'm philzaminecraft you can just call me phill or Philza" bird- philza said "My name is Dream, I am the admin of this server" green man now named Dream said "ok...what server am I on?" I asked looking out the window "Dream SMP" I choked for a second "wha-t?...but that's also 39 servers away from my server!" I said confusion and concern showing on my face. "Really? What server are you from and how did you get here..?" Dream asked "I- I'm from EVO" I decided to go with EVO since I didn't trust them yet..."EVO? That was destroyed years ago..." Dream said "what...?" I said in fake confusion. "I was there yesterday" I said "...weird...wait...what's the last thing you remember?" Dream asked. I thought back to EVO and the last event there "I- we defeated the ender dragon then I was taken by some weird people...I- don't remember what happened afterwards..." I said "what...." he said "how is that possible?...." he mumbled it and if I weren't so observant I would of missed it. "Wait... what year do you think it is?" 'I quickly thought back to evo once again' "2020?" I said "'s 2040" 'what...?' I thought but- how?

"I- I don't know..."




End of flashback

"-ok?" Mumbo- I think said "he will be he just fainted from- actually what did happen?" Xisuma I presume said "I—think I was hit by a ball-" I said uncertain "your awake! Good!" God this is like Dream SMP all over again'

AN:And that's a wrap folks, remember this all isn't cannon. This is simply my AU and ideas I hope you guys enjoy!

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