A Big Decision

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This one-shot is part of a AU that might make, I hope you like it ^^. Sorry it's really short

Tubbo's POV
"...this is it" I said softly. I had finally finished making my decision. I held my breath as I knocked on Ranboo's door. "What's up Tubbo-" he paused for a second "...what's wrong?". I was surprised he already knew something was up but shook it off "Uh..Ranboo, I have something I want to discuss with you".. Ranboo stared at me for a bit "U-uh can I come in?" I said nervously. "O-oh!" Ranboo looked embarrassed "Yeah, sorry" He said as he opened the door for me to go in. I walked in and admired my PLATONIC husband's office, I had forgotten how tall it was... "Wow...this place has changed a bit since I last came here, it's much..taller" I said looking at Ranboo. "Yeah, I had to make it taller because I might become taller, you know being an endermen and all that" (in my AU endermen grow and can be up to 10ft, so imagine the 11-12ft tall just in case he grows) "oh." I said softly. We sat there awkwardly for a few seconds, "uh why don't you sit down?" Ranboo said pulling out a chair in front of his desk and sitting in his own chair. "Y-yeah, okay.." I said nervously. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Ranboo asked concerned "uh" I took a deep breath "Ranboo I think...we should move" I said softly but loud enough so he could hear. Ranboo looked surprised and he let out a sigh of relief which made me confused for a bit. He saw me looking confused and said "I was thinking the same thing, we wanted to make this our home and keep Micheal safe but practically everyone knows where we live now. Heck Tommy threatened Micheal and Sam kidnapped Micheal and almost killed him! I was thinking we should move from the SMP but I was too nervous to ask you." "O-oh!" I said surprised "well if you agree then it's settled, I kinda scouted out some places and I think I found a place for us to live. I found a secluded forest that has a cave, nice terrain and plenty of animals! We could make a little green house for Micheal to stay in and keep animals in there so he doesn't get lonely!" I rambled "Yeah! We could also make us a nice log cabin or something and maybe we could make a "visiting place" so that if people want to come see us we can tell them that's our home, even if it's only our visiting place." Ranboo said "Yeah, but we should make..."

-30 minutes later-
Me and Ranboo had been talking a long time, when I realized that I should go get Micheal, inform him we are moving and pack up all our stuff.(in my AU, Micheal can understand earthly stuff because Ranboo and Tubbo taught him. He can also understand English and can even speak a little bit ^^) "Ranboo I should get going" I said "Okay, let me walk you out" me and Ranboo talked a bit more while we walked to the door, he then opened the door for me "Oh! You didn't have to do that, thank you tho Ranboo.." I said "No problem" he said smiling down at me. I walked out the door and waved him goodbye. He waved back and then closed the door




"Well I guess I should go tell Micheal...after all this is a very big decision."


AN:okay that a wrap ^^ I hope you all enjoyed, Cya next time ^^. If you have any suggestions for my new book or this AU please let me know

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