Chapter XV

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"Thank you for informing us." Clara said coldly as she looked at her daughter.

"My poor baby.." Mike said as he examined her daughter.

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way." Sinuhe apologized as she wiped the tears falling from her eyes.

"We'll take her home." Mike said, wiping the tears that were continuously falling from his eyes.


"I can't easily kill you and snap your neck in an instant." Michael said as he closed his eyes once he saw Alejandro.

"But I will not."

"I promised Lauren, I will not lay a finger on Camila's family. And I don't want Camila to lose her father, She does not deserve this." Michael coldly said, as his body shook in anger.

"We did not deserve this." Michael added.

"What did my daughter ever did to you?" Clara asked.

"What did Lauren do to make you act like a God and take her from us?" Michael said as he opened his now red eyes, looking at Alejandro as he used his Telepathic ability to show the man the things his daughter did for Camila and vice versa.

"Clara, Michael-"

"Don't get in between this Sinuhe." Michael warned.

"We accepted Camila like our own daughter when she imprinted on ours. And you treated Lauren like-"

"Dad, calm down." Chris said as he appeared in view. He knew the more Michael let out his insights, the more control he loses.

"Chris, look for Camila. We'll take Lauren home." Michael instructed. Sinuhe's eyes widened at the order, her hands holding Michael's arm.

"Please don't do anything t-"

"Relax. It's unsafe for her to be outside at this time of the month, some Outsiders are around the area." Clara said.

"I am simply sending my son to protect the woman that loved my daughter." Michael said.


"Camz, have you heard the announcements?" Lauren asked as she spoke on her phone.


"Calling Camila Cabello of.." Camila heard as she looked up at the speaker.

"What's with the announcement?" Camila asked as she held her phone on her ear.

"Lauren?" Camila asked, looking at her phone realizing that the raven had ended the call.

"Again, calling Camila Cabello. You're urgently needed at the nurse's office. Please bring the previous prescriptions for L-" The brunette didn't even finish listening to the announcement, rather she looked at her teacher-who gave her a nod- before running outside the classroom with the prescriptions.

"Jesus Lauren, what happened to you now?" The brunette muttered under her breath. The raven had been sent to the said office consecutively for the past days, for different reasons.

"Again, calling Camila Cabello y-Oh nevermind." The announcer said as Camila walked past the teacher's office.

"Camila, there you are!" Nurse Joy said as she smiled at the brunette.

"What happened?" Camila asked politely.

"Well, she was fixing something and was on the ladder. When it slipped and she fell."

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