Authour Note.

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Hey guy! I'm Sorry this is not an update but I'm working on a chapter now and trying to figure out what I want to right for it. I've had a writers block for a while and after I lost it I just stopped writing when things starting coming up in my personal life but I want to try and go back to writing again. I miss it. I do want to ask for some suggestions on what you guys think I could do to make this story better. What things you think I should add or what needs to improve. I know for sure reading over my chapter I definitely need to make my chapters longer cause they are way to short but I'm using a phone to write this so they look longer than I think. But I promise I'll do my best to update this story more. I have a few ideas for the story but I'm not sure if it's gonna turn away from the betrayal story or not. I also want to bring in some of the alolan characters in eventually too. But if there's anything you guys specifically want me to include go ahead and shoot.
   P.s these two are my 2 favorite eevee evolutions.

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