Chapter 19

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       In the audience clement, Bonnie, Brock and misty are watching the battle going down. "This is getting to be a close call don't you think? That trainer must be good." Brock said. "Yeah but ash will beat him right Misty?" Bonnie asks her. "Yeah of course he will! That trainers strong but ash is a way better trainer!" Misty said happily. Bonnie smirked and said "oh didn't know you thought that highly of him. So what do you think of ash?" Bonnie asked in a playful tone. Misty got all red and started to stutter "Um... well." But before she could answer they where interrupted by Clement saying "hey look at the Pokémon on the field there using. Doesn't it remind you of the finals of the kalos league Bonnie?". Bonnie looked and saw Charizard and greninja on the battle field. "If that's the case that's kind of ironic don't you think?" Brock asked. "Yeah but it would be even more crazy if that kid knew how to mega evolve it would be like deja vu." Clemont responded. "If he did at least he'd greninja will win this time I still don't think they should of lost at the kalos league." Bonnie said crossing her arms. "Yeah but honestly for greninja and ash this might be a warm up the real fight to win is with Alan." Clemont said.

"Back to the battle"
    "Just cause it has type advantage over my Pokémon doesn't mean my Charizard can't win. We got a back up plan that I bet you don't." Logan said. Ash looked up with determination and said "don't think your the only one with tricks up there sleeve and this battle is not just about strength but about
bonds between trainer and Pokémon too.". Logan
scoffed and said "whatever Charizard use dragon
claw!'". Ash responded back "greninja use cut!". Both pokemons moves clash together causing a cloud of smoke to appear. When it finally clears you see both Charizard and greninja standing strong staining each other down. "Okay Charizard flamethrower!". Logan says. "Use double team to dodge it!" Ash says. Greninja uses double team just a charizard uses flamethrower and dodges it. "Okay now use water shurikan!" Ash said. Before Logan could say anything greninja uses water shurikan on Charizard cause quite a bit of damage. "Charizard!" Logan yelled worriedly. Charizard stands up showing indicating he still go on. "Alright it's our turn now. Use seismic toss." Logan say. "Char!" Charizard says determined and with that he flies towards greninja. "Use double team then aerial ace!" Ash said. But before greninja could use his double team Charizard grabbed greninja flew up in the air and spun him around slamming him to the ground. "Greninja!" Ash yelled are you alright. The smoke started to clear showing greninja took a lot of damage but greninja is not ready to give up as he's still standing. "I'm surprised no pokemons managed to stand up from that attack. That's one impressive Pokémon you got there.". Logan said. "Ha all my Pokémon will fight to the very end to win." Ash said. "Oh yeah we'll see. Now use dragon claw!". Logan said. "Dodge it and use cut!" Ash said. With that greninja dodged dragon claw and jumped behind Charizard using cut causing more damage. "Charizard!" Logan said. "It's time Charizard. Let us become one Mega evolve!". Just then you see Charizard change shape and become a bit bigger with horns. "So your trick was mega evolution. One you've gots different the the one we went up against but that's okay. Guess it's time for our trick too." Ash said. "okay greninja it's time for us to truly become one and show them your true power!". Logan said "No way you got mega evolution so what could you..." but stopped when he saw what was going on. Water took over greninja and when it was gone he took over a form that was similar to ash's and had a shurikan on his back. "What is that!". Logan questions.

Meanwhile the announcer says "well it seems we have something rare here. This is to only be known in kalos and with that particular Pokémon it's known as bond phenomenon. Basically if you have a strong enough bond with your greninja the trainer a Pokémon become one during battle. So much that the trainer feels what the Pokémon does. Guess it's good thing I've been to kalos for a bit to fill you in."He says while laughing nervously. Logan looks at him and say "hmm... that's pretty cool to think your Pokémon trusts you that much. Now I understand you statement earlier about bond or whatever.". Ash didn't like how he said that. "But where still gonna win now use fire blast". Logan said. "Dodge and use water shurikan!". Ash said. With that greninja dodged and landed a hit causing damage on Charizard. "Charizard use dragon Claw". Logan said. "Greninja dodge it!". Ash tried to say but it was to late Charizard got to greninja first causing damage not only to greninja but ash too. "Ahh..." ash said holding his stomach. Meanwhile in the arena "why is ash holding his stomach? He okay?". Misty asked concernly. "It's just as the announcer said ash feels what greninja feels." Clement said. "You mean he takes the damage he takes too?" Brock asks. "Pretty much but I'm sure that damage is nothing compared to what he took with his battle with Alan. He's okay?". Clemont said. Misty just watched ash worriedly. "So you do really feel what your Pokémon does? Including his damage?" Logan says. "Yeah so that doesn't mean we'll lose." Ash said determinedly. "True but then again I just gotta deal enough damage that you can't take it anymore. You'll have to forfit." Logan said with a cocky smile. "Not gonna happen"ash yelled. "Guess we'll see" Logan said.

     Ash never thought someone would be so ruthless but he won't let that get to him he'll win no matter what. "Okay greninja use cut!" Ash yelled. "Dodge it and use dragon tail!" Logan yelled. With that greninja get hit again hurting both ash and greninja. This hurt more you could tell cause the reaction from ash was a lot worse than last time. "So I see that ur Pokémon took more damage than last time judging by your state.". Logan said with a smirk. Ash looked up with annoyance while holding his stomach and decided enough. "Greninja! Use double team then water shurikan!" Just then greninja uses double team which confuses Charizard and the he throws his water shurikan causing damage. "Charizard!" Logan said. "I'm going to win! Now Charizard use fire blast". "Greninja use water shurikan!" Both trainers said. Just then the arena was filled with dust a debre from the powerful attacks colliding. Ash felt pain so he knew grininja took damage but he didn't give up that he made it.". As it cleared up it showed both Pokémon barely standing exhausted. Then Charizard falls down and turn back to its original form knocked out. "Charizard can no longer battle our new champion of the indigo league is Ash Ketchum!". The announcer said. The whole crowd cheared.

      Ash smiled feeling proud of himself. "Grininj, pika" both Pokémon say getting ashes attention. Ash looked at him Pokémon and said "I'm okay and you guys both did great! Couldn't of done it without you guys.". Just then Logan comes up and says "congratulations on the win sorry I sorta resorted to that tactic. Didn't think it thru. I only thought of winning but that's an amazing bond you have!". Ash says "it's okay I'm just glad you admitted you where wrong and you can mega evolve shows how much you care about your Pokémon. Keep training hard then I know you'll be stronger." Logan smiled and said "okay and when I do I'll battle you again and win!". Ash laughed remembering his travels "sure I'll look forward to it but I'll be stronger too.". Then they went there separate ways.

      Ash decides to return greninja for now "greninja return you deserve a long rest after today.". Ash was leaving the arena "ash!" he hears someone yell seeing Misty running to him and before he could react she hugs him. Ash was surprised. Misty didn't hug him often not like this. He felt his face heat up from the contact. But that didn't last cause the hug starting hurting his injuries even if he did enjoy it. "Um Misty I'd hate to ask this but can you stop hugging me. It's just your hurting me.". Ash regrettably asked. Misty realized what he meant and quickly let go. "Sorry are you okay? I was just a little worried about you. Congratulations though I knew you could do it!". Misty rambled on. She wanted to slap herself for talking so much. Ash snickered and said "thanks and I'm fine just a little pain nothing I can't handle. Thanks for caring though.". Misty looked at him and smiled. Just then you hear a cough and the others are standing there waiting. "Oh hey guys! When you get here? Why didn't you say hello?" Ash asked. "Oh we didn't want to interrupt you guys that's all.". Bonnie said with a playful tone. Clement just rolled his eyes at her. Misty turns as red as a tomato. "Anyway congratulations on your win ash where you gonna go next!". Brock asked. "Well I'm doing all the leagues I lost so I was considering the johto league.". Ash said. "Okay sounds good to me. Just means I get to go to more regions.". Bonnie said. "Alright let's go then!". Ash said excitedly.

               *In another part of arena*
       "Hmm... he actually wasn't that bad.". A girl with long brown hair says. "I though the battles where pretty awesome!" Her little brother said. "I'm sure the others would disagree but just cause he battled well doesn't mean he'll reach his goal." The girl said.

Hey guys! Here's the new chapter I promised.  Sorta left it on another cliff hanger but not at same time. Not sure if the new chapter will be up as soon as this one but I'll try anyway hope you like it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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