Chapter 2

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Ash ran as fast as he could until he finally made it to Professor Oaks lab. When he got there he told the Professor what happened and he agreed to give him all of his Pokemon if Ash really wanted too. Ash wanted to yes but he decide to give the Pokemon and option too. All of the Pokemon decided to come except Muk. Which both ash and professor oak thought was best since he's a big hugger. But Ash muk and professor oak agreed that for a little while Ash could switch out a Pokemon so he could spend time with him. Don't worry Ash made sure that his Pokemon the Pokemon where okay with it first. Professor Oak handed him his pokedex he updated it that he could hold unlimited Pokemon and then ash grabbed his backpack and started to lave but before he left Professor Oak stopped him and said "Ash don't listen to them okay. You are a good trainer and you will become a Pokemon master one day." Ash was touched and glad someone believed in him but before he left he made sure to thank him for believing in him.

Now pikachu how do we wanna do this? Should we start all over? Should we just keep training over and over? Should we go to the next region? What do you think? "Pikaa pika chu." You're right pikachu we'll do it all.

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