Chapter 5

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Misty made it to the Pewter Gym and saw that Brock was waiting outside. "Hey Brock so do you know how we going to do this?" Misty asked. "Well first I'm gonna see if my dad can watch over the gym for me for a little while then we'll go from their." Brock said then he walked off. Misty decided she'd go find some place to stay while Brock went to talk to his dad. She found a bench by a tree which seemed nice cause it would keep her shaded from the sun. She began wondering about Ash. Thinking about where he would go if he would want to prove that he could be a Pokemon master and was a good trainer. "Hmm... What would he do? Well if I where ash I'd either go to another region or start over." She began thinking that there aren't a lot of regions that she knows of right now that he could go too so his best bet would be to start over but to which one? Then she thought out loud "well I'd think he'd probably focus on training his Pokemon first before anything else just to make sure their strong enough. Or at least that what I'd do." But how would he do it she thought to herself. Would he over train them or just train them enough just enough that they where ready? Just then Brock came back to tell her the good news that he can come help only to see her talking to herself like a crazy women "um... Misty?" Misty snapped out of her thoughts a little embarrassed "oh Brock... Hi! I didn't see you there." She said a little nervously. "Yeah I know. So any way my dad said he'll watch over the gym for me while I go with you to find ash." Brock said it and half entertained half serious tone. Misty then stood up and said with excitement "Really that's great!" I think I have a few ideas of what Ash might be doing..." Brock gave her a questioning look and then Misty sat him down and started to explain her thoughts. After herring all this Brock thought about it and said "that's could be true and definitely something I believe he'd do." Misty Said "yeah but I don't know where he would go." Brock looked at her and said "well that's something we'll have to figure out won't we?"

       Ash is still training is whereabouts are in no particular place at all. Sometimes he'll stop at hills a train other times he'll battle other trainers and sometimes he won't train at all. He'll just relax and let his Pokemon rest. Ash not only wants his Pokemon stronger but he doesn't want them to feel like he's pushing him and that that's all he cares about. Yes he cares about proving everyone who betrayed him wrong but his Pokemon didn't betray him therefore he shouldn't have to take it out on them. Since ash is able to hold more Pokemon he decided to catch more too. He caught and eevee, Vulpix, nidorian, and sandshrew. He started to train them sometimes with his other Pokemon and other times with each other so it would be a fair advantage. "Okay! Vulpix? Eevee? You ready?" Ash said "Vulpix! Eve!(I don't know how to say eevees if I could I would right adorable sound!)" both Pokemon said enthusiastically. "Alright then Vulpix use flame thrower! Eevee dodge and use swift!" Eevee dodged flame thrower but managed to get hit slightly but still was able to use swift which hit Vulpix. It nocked Vulpix down but it stood up "Vulpix!" It said. "That's the spirit! Now use tackle! While eevee try to use you tackle too." They both used tackle on each other. But eevee managed to take a little less damage then Vulpix. "Okay... Now Vulpix use your best flame thrower while eevee use swift again." Both Vulpix and eevee used their attacks both clashing into each other but it seems vulpix's flame flower was a little stronger cause it started to over power swift and hit eevee. Eevee wasn't able to battle so Vulpix won. Ash went up to both the Pokemon holding eevee and Vulpix next to him and said "you both did great! I can tell you're getting stronger every day!" Both the Pokemon started hugging ash happily now knowing how much faith their trainer truley has in them.


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