Chapter 1

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Ash has just got back from the Kalos region after getting second place in the Kalos League. "We where so close Pikachu don't you think?" Ash asked pikachu. "pikachu!" Ash said "we finally made it to the final round of a league! Who know maybe next time we'll finally win!" Ash said. "Honestly Pikachu I believe every win and every loss we have makes us stronger. I feel stronger already... Don't you think Pikachu?" Ash asks Pikachu. "Pii Kaaa chooo" pikachu replied in a enthusiastic tone. Glad you think so too. Now let's go home. I'm sure mom would love to see us.

Ash is just about to reach his home. Feeling the excitement flowing inside him and how much he missed his mother and as soon as he enters the door he realizes that she's not home. Hmm... She must of went out Ash thought. So he decided to go in the living room and wait for her.

Just as he is entering the living room he sees his old companions May, Max, Iris, Cilian, Paul, and Serena all standing there look annoyed and disappointed. I don't see Brock or Misty though which kind of makes me sad cause it feels like forever since I've seen them and maybe they won't look at me the way these people are. "What's wrong guys?" Ash asked them politely thinking maybe that had a bad day. "You're the problem!" Confused by what Iris means by he's the problem Ash asks "What do you mean I'm the problem?" "The fact that you can't even win one league is the problem!" Max said. Ash was hurt by that because he didn't think that his friends where that disappointed every time he lost a league. "You think I like losing leagues? I don't but you know what?! I'm getting stronger each time. Heck I got to the finals in the Kalos league." Ash said in his defense. "Yes you are strong but you aren't strong enough to become a Pokemon master. If you ask me you should just give up!" Serena told him. Ash took that to heart cause he thought Serena believed in him that she was his friend. "But I thought you believed in me Serena? I thought you where my friend?" Serena's harshly said "well you thought wrong!" "I'm sorry Ash but I'd have to agree with Serena. Becoming a Pokemon Master is just not for you." You too May! "Maybe you can become something else that deals with Pokemon?" May says again. Ash is starting to get really annoyed by all this "like what!" Now it's Cilians turn "I don't know something." Ash just rolled his eyes he was tired of hearing this crap. "Fine! If that's how you want it I'm going to leave and I'm going to continue my dream as a Pokemon Master and prove that you are all wrong!" Ash yelled back in the most serious tone any of them ever heard. "Yeah good luck with that Ash." Iris said. "You'll see" and then Ash stormed off on his way to Professor Oaks lab to grab all his Pokemon or at least as many as he can.

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