Chapter 16

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     Now that Ash has made it to the finals he has never been more ready but for now Ash will just have to wait cause everyone gets a break for two days to relax and maybe train before the finals. Today ash and his friends plan on going out and a certain someone has questions.
         "Hey Ash can I ask you a question?" Clement asked. "Shoot" Ash said. "Alright well I wanted to know how did you get Greninja. I mean last time I remember he was left in Kalos to protect the forest?" Clement asked curiously. "Yeah I was wondering that too." Bonnie said with everyone nodding there heads. I got him about a few days before the tournament. I was training with my Pokémon getting ready for my match." Ash said.

      Ash was in the forest training with his Pokémon "pickachu use electroball and eevee counter it with shadow ball!" Ash said and both Pokémon use there attacks colliding leaving smoke to fill the air. "Good job guys! Now eevee use swift and pikachu..." ash said before he stopped after hearing a noise. "Did you here that?" Ash asked his Pokémon "pika.." "eevee" Both pikachu and eevee said in agreement. Being the curious type he is ash decided to go check it out with his Pokémon close behind. Just then ash saw a Pokémon was walking wonderlessly. But something about that Pokémon looked familiar to him. "Hey pikachu does that Pokémon look familiar to you?" Pikachu looked and tilted his head and said "pika... (kind of)" . Just then the Pokémon turned around and looked at ash and that's when he noticed what type of Pokémon it was "it's a Greninja! What's a Greninja doing in the kanto region? Then ash looked closure and realized that that Greninja looks familiar. Then ash realized that it was his Greninja. He ran to Greninja and said "Greninja it's been a long time. What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in kalos?" Hugging Greninja. "Greninja ni ja ja... (we cleared out the forest and where able to clear it out. Now I'm hear...)" Ash looked at Greninja and thought "could they really of got rid of all the roots? Does this mean Greninja came back to me?" Ash then thought of an idea "hey Greninja decided to go back and enter all the leagues and win them. Would you like to join me?" Ash said. Greninja looked and nodded say "ninja (yeah!)" Ash then said "but the people where with now aren't who we where with before. Some of the people wanted me to give up on my dream so I decided to prove them wrong?" Ash then continued... "You don't believe that right?" Ash asked curious. "Greninja... (of course)" ash smiled and said "well then let's train..."

       Ash looked up and noticed everyone's faces where either shocked or interested. "That's amazing..." Clement said. "Yeah you guys must have a strong bond for him to come back to you right after." Brock said. "Well I'd like to think we do. Especially since we can do the rare battle bond." Ash said. "You guys can still do that?!" Bonnie asked surprised. Ash looked her and said "of course we can no matter what that bond doesn't go away." He said in an obvious tone. "So are we going to see this bond when you guys train?" Misty asked. Misty's saw it on tv but seeing it in person would be really cool. "If not you will definitely see it in the finals cause no mater what I plan on using Greninja." Ash said. "Well good luck. I know you guys can do it." Delia said.

Hey guys:) for all you Greninja fans out there I included Greninja in the story and even found a way to still keep the original plot from the show. I think it would actually be cool if ash stumbled upon Greninja in aloha. Anyway I hope you like this chapter. Bye:)

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