Chapter 3

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Misty just finished battling a trainer for the Cascade badge. Misty can't admit that she is impressed by his battling skills. Haven't seen skills like that in a long time. After a long hard battle the victor was the trainer. The trainer was so excited he got his second badge and one step closer to the Indigo League. This brought back memories when she used to travel with Ash on his journey. Misty went up to give him his badge and told him "congratulations I was very impressed with the way you battled. Its been a long time since I've seen a battle like that. You deserve this Cascade badge." The boy was surprised no ones said that about him but it gave him determination "thank you" and then he moved on.

        Misty decided that she would ask her one of her sisters if the would watch the Gym for her for a while while she goes on a trip to Pallet Town. "Hey Daisy! Can I ask you something?" Misty asks. Daisy turns around wondering what Misty wants "sure Misty.". "Um... Would you be willing to watch the gym for me while I go on a little trip to Pallet Town? I want to go see Ash." Daisy smiled and said "Sure Misty. I'll watch over the gym for you." Misty then started to say somethings not noticing the yes "please Daisy it will only be for a few day and... Wait you will?" Misty surprised that Daisy is agreeing to this. "Of course I can not let you visit your boyfriend after all." Misty turned bright red and said "He's not my boyfriend!". Daisy rolled her eyes at Misty and said "He may not be but it's obvious you love him." Misty turned silent for a few second she can't deny she has developed feelings for Ash through out there Journey but It's been years for all I know he could love someone else. "Maybe I do. But that doesn't mean he loves me back." Misty says disappointed. Daisy got annoyed "oh please it was obvious the first time I saw you two together you both liked each other." Misty didn't know what to say. "I'm going to pack my things if I leave now I should be there by the end of the week.". "Alright. Be careful Misty and good luck.". Daisy said. "I will don't worry. See ya soon." Misty said and went to get packed for her journey.

       After 5 days of walking Misty has finally reached Pallet Town. She can see the town in her sight. Feeling the excitement of not only seeing Ash but also of being able to relax and not having to walk. Most importantly no more sleeping on the ground in those stupid sleeping bags! Misty started running towards Ashs house not being able to wait anymore. Once she got in the house she opened the door to Mr. Mime sweeping. Misty greeted Mr. Mime "hi Mr.Mime. May I ask Where Ash is?" Mr. Mimes face fell when he heard that question and Misty started to get worried. "Where's Mrs. Ketchum?". Mr. Mime pointed to the kitchen and said "Mime" Misty thanked him and went into the kitchen to see Mrs. Ketchum sitting at the table looking upset about something. "Mrs. Ketchum are you alright?" She just shook her head. Misty started to get really worried and got a really bad feeling. "What's wrong? Where's Ash?". "He's gone Misty. My little boy is gone and is never coming back!" Mrs. Ketchum said and then started to cry. Misty heart sank and all she wanted to do was was cry. "Mrs.Ketchum what happened? Where'd he go? Is he alright?" Mrs. Ketchum couldn't handle all these questions right now. "I don't know! All I know is he got betrayed by some of his friends terribly. If you want to know more just go to Professor Oaks he can tell you the rest!" Then she continued to cry. Misty felt bad and said "I'm sorry Mrs. Ketchum. Don't you worry I'll find ash and bring him back to you. I promise." Then she ran out to professor oaks.

       She got to professor oaks lab she nicked on the door and professor oak answered "Oh hi Misty. How are you?" Misty didn't want small talk she wanted to get right to the point so she answered "Fine. Where's Ash?" Professor Oak had a look of shock and didn't know what to say "I don't know all I know is he came here to get his Pokemon and left." Misty was confused why he wanted to do that. She knew he cared about his Pokemon and the only way he'd do that is if he didn't plan on coming back. She needed to know what happen! "What happened professor? I know you know what happened! All I could get out of Mrs. Ketchum was he was betrayed." Professor Oak new that Mrs.Ketchum was heart broken about this and Misty asking those question probably made it worse but I can't blame her she's only worried. "Well his old companions and rival May, Max, Iris, Cilian, Paul, and Serena all said that he should give up on his dream of being a Pokemon Master because he lost the Kalos league." Misty was full of anger when she heard this "what! That's ridiculous!! Being a Pokemon Master isn't about winning Leagues besides he got to the finals for all we know he could win the next one. And I've noticed he's gotten stronger with every loss and every win he has." Professor Oak was glad that someone else believed in Ash besides him and Ashs mom. "That is exactly what I told Ash before he left.". Misty wanted to know one thing. "Is their at least one person that didn't betray him?" Professor Oak proudly said them and was glad one of them didn't "Yes... Brock,Clement, and Bonnie. They had to defend there gyms just like you so couldn't make it." Misty was glad to hear that she had one person that could help her find Ash. "Thank gosh... That means I can at least try and contact them and see if they'll help me find him" Professor Oak wasn't exactly sure if it was the right time to look for him. "Misty I'm not sure he wants to be found right now. He seemed very serous about proving the traitors wrong." Misty didn't care she made a promise to his mom and she's going to keep it. "I don't care! Ash has nothing to prove to those traitors and he needs to know that. Plus I made a promise to his mom that I would bring him back to her and that's what I'm going to do!" Then Misty stormed off to the nearest Poke center to contact the Pewter City Gym. This is not at all what Misty had in mind. Now she has to wait even longer to see Ash.

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