Chapter 7

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After about 2 days at the Pokemon Center all of Ash's Pokemon where fully recovered and checked out. Brock and Misty did the same thing. Ash decided he was going to try out for the indigo league again. Even if he doesn't get first he at least wants to make it past the top 16. They all agreed that Ash would try for his badges for the Boulder badge and Cascade badge and this time actually earn them. Clement and Bonnie both decided that they would be heading to the Pewter City Gym to watch Ash battle and see what the Kanto region is like.

Ash, Brock, and Misty finally made it to the Pewter City Gym. Ash wondered what type of Pokemon Brock would be using since he'd come across different types of Pokemon over the years. His best bet though would probably be rock since it's a rock Pokemon badge. While Ash is thinking of what Pokemon he should use and his strategy Brock comes up and asks "So Ash you excited for our match tomorrow?" Ash snapped out of his thoughts and said "what... Oh yeah sure..." Laughing nervously. "Is it just me or is Ash Ketchum actually nervous about a battle?" Asking amused. "NOOO!!" Ash said. "Brock's face fell "Ash you have nothing to worry about like we said you have gotten better since you first started and I'm sure you'll find someway of beating me." Ash looked at him and said "yeah you're right! Me and my Pokemon have been training hard. We can do this!" Brock gave him a nod and while walking away thought to himself "now that's the Ash I know."

The next day has come which means Ash is going to get his Boulder badge. He feels a lot more confident today then he did yesterday too. Ash heard someone say "Hey Ash!" He turned around and both Bonnie and Clement was standing there. As usual Bonnie has Dedenne on her shoulder. "What are you guys doing here?" Ash asked confused. "We came to watch you battle and see what's Kanto like." Bonnie said. "Oh okay." Ash said. Then they all headed off to the main gym.

When they got to the main gym Brock was already there ready to go. Well why wouldn't he be he is the gym leader after all. Ash walked up to Brock and thought if he was gonna do this right he mind as well challenge him as well. "Well hello there Ash are you ready?" Brock asked. "No not yet!" Brock rose his eye brows confused yet curious of what he met. "If I'm starting over I'm going to do this right!" Ash paused for a second. "So I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" Brock just smiled and said "I accept your challenge.". "And I'll be the referee!" Bonnie said proudly. She's honestly always wanted to do this. "Fine by me. So now that that's settle let the match beginning!" Brock yelled and just then the battle field just like last time changed to a rock battle field. This'll be a two on two battle each opponent uses two Pokemon. Only the challenger can substitute they're Pokemon." Brock says "now I'll go first. Geodude I'll choose you!" Ash thought Geodude "okay then I'll use Kingler!" Ash yelled. "Geodude use tackle!" Brock said "Kingler dodge and use bubble beam!" But Kingler wasn't fast enough and Geodude was able to succeed with his attack. "Are you alright Kingler?" Ash asked worried. Kingler jumped up ready for battle and said "Kingler!" Ash then said "alright Kingler use bubble beam!" Brock ordered Geodude use rock throw!" Both Pokemon used there move and they collided together neither Pokemon taking any damage. "Kingler use bubble beam!" Ash said then Brock said "tackle attack now!" Ash knew he had to try to dodge it otherwise Kingler would get hit again. "Kingler change of plan dodge it and the use bubble beam." Kingler did exactly that and because it was a last minute dodge Geodude ended up feuding a direct hit. "Alright now finish it off with metal claw!" Ash said. Kingler hit Geodude with Metal Claw and Geodude was unconscious. "Geodude is unable battle Kingler wins this round!" Bonnie said happily. "Well Ash you did way better than our last battle" Brock said "thanks Brock! You did good too." Ash said. "Thanks Ash but your gonna need more than just Kingler to beat my next Pokemon. Steelex go!" Brock yelled! Ash hasn't battled a steelix since the johto league. "So I see you evolved your Onix into a Steelix? This'll be fun!" Ash said intrigued. "Kingler use bubble beam!" Bubble bean managed to make a hit but Steelix seemed to barely been affected by this. "Nice try Ash... But now Steelix use iron tail!" Brock said. Ash new this wouldn't end well if he didn't do something quick "Kingler try to dodge it quick!" Kingler dodged but while he was in the middle of dodging steeling was able to hit him with iron tail and Kingler took a lot of damage. "No! Kingler!" Kingler struggled to get up. "Come on Kingler you can do it!" Ash kept encouraging his Pokemon. With one last attempt Kingler collapsed unconscious. "Kingler is unable to battle! Steeling wins!" Bonnie says excited once more. "Man I love this!" Bonnie thought to herself. "You did a great job Kingler. You deserve a good rest. Alright Charizard I choose you!" Then the Pokemon comes out with a roar. "Well hello their Charizard. Long time no see." Brock said. Charizard respond with a short roar. "Okay you ready Charizard?" Ash asks. Charizard nods. "Alright then! Charizard use Flamethrower!" Charizard uses Flamethrower and it hits Steelix but it did leave an affect but not as nearly as much as Ash hoped. "Alright Steelix use iron tail! Now!" Brock said. But before Ash could give a comman Steelix hit Charizard definitely leaving an affect. "Charizard are you alright?" Ash asked worriedly. Charizard got up and stood strong showing he wasn't going to back down. "That's it Charizard now let's show them how strong we are!" Ash said with determination... Charizard said "Zard" in agreement. This was exactly what Brock wanted he wanted to bring out Ashs battling spirit and his confidence. "Alright Charizard use Flamethrower again this time twice the power as before!" Ash yelled. Charizard used flame flower full force "Steelix dig now." And Steelix dug under the ground but Charizards attack did manage to reach steelixs tail before it went in leaving it affected. Now the question is where will Steelix come up from? "Charizard fly up and stay clear of your surroundings!" Charizard watched the ground focusing on where he might come out. "Great now when he comes out grab Steelix and use seismic toss!" Ash said full of determination. Charizard just nodded not losing concentration just then Steelix came out and Charizard grabbed him and then used the seismic toss on him. They both landed on the ground dust everywhere. When the dust went away both Pokemon where still standing steric now looking almost as exhausted as Charizard. "Alright now it's my turn." Brock said with a smirk."Steelix use bind now." Before ash could even respond Steelix already had Charizard blinded. "Come on Ash think. You got to think of a way to get Charizard to escape from there or at least Steelix to loosen his bind." Ash thought to himself while Charizard is still struggling in Steelixs bind. That's it! "Charizard try to use your flamethrower on Steelixs face. "What?" Brock said. Charizard exactly that but still was stuck. "A little more power. Come on I know you can do it!" Ash gave it more power and this weakened Steelix making him let Charizard go. Both Pokemon only have enough energy for one more attack. "Okay Steelix use Dragon Breath! Brock said. "Charizard use Dragon Rage with all you got!" Both attacks collided and then eventually an explosion happened and smoke was everywhere. Everyone was anxious to know who was the victor. When it cleared up we found that Charizard is the one left standing while Steelix is unconscious. "Steelix is unable to battle! The victory goes to Ash Ketchum!" Bonnie said excitedly. Everyone in the background was clapping and cheering at not only Ashs victory but at how great that battle was.? "Yay we did it Charizard! We won!" Ash started cheering. Brock started walking up to ash glad that not all of ash has changed and said "Ash Ketchum I proudly present you this Boulder badge. You gave me a good match and definitely made up for the last badge you got. Ash knows that both Ash and Misty will always have to bring that up sadly but this time he got a Boulder badge and he earned it all by himself. Ash said proudly "I've got a Boulder badge!"

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