Chapter 13

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     "Ash..." ash heard someone say but he knew that voice. That was the voice Ash had been waiting for so long to hear. He turned around to see his mom Delia Ketchum standing there with professor oak. "Mom... you're here" he said fighting the tears. "Of course I am. You didn't think I would miss this did you?" Delia said. A part of Ash new his mom would be here but another part has this feeling she was on the traitors side and didn't believe in him. "Ash I thought I'd never see you again. Next time you decide to worry me like that at least call me and let me know where you're at." Delia said through tears while hugging Ash. Ash hugged his mom back real tight glad that she's still on his side "I'm sorry mom. I promise I won't do it again. I just had to get out as soon as possible after what happened." Ash said. Ash then wondered if his mom even knew what happened since she wasn't there. "I understand Ash. After what your friends did. I feared that I lost you forever." Ash started to say... "mom..." But was interrupted by Delia again "but a part of me new that you weren't going to let them get to you. That you where going to continue you're journey because it's who you are Ash. You love Pokémon and are a strong trainer and I'm proud of you Ash." She said. Ash didn't know what to say he just started crying and hugged his mom that was exactly what he needed to hear. "Thanks mom. You have no idea how much that means to me." Ash said. "I have just one question" Brock asked Delia. "Yes Brock. "How did you know?"
         Delia then had this look of sadness and disappointment. "I wasn't there when ash came home. I was out shopping for some groceries to make a welcome home dinner. I got home to Ashs friends there. At first I thought they where here to welcome Ash but then I later found out they tried to turn me against him." Delia started to say... "really? That's terrible!" Bonnie said. "Yeah they started saying how they believed he should give up on his dream and giving me all these reasons. I couldn't handle listening to it so I kicked them out." Delia said. "Good for you Mrs. Ketchum!" Misty said. "Yeah I did the same thing you did Delia. They tried it with me but I refused to listen and kicked them out." Professor oak said. "Wow... I didn't think they thought that low of my training skills." Ash said disappointed. "Remember ash it doesn't matter what they think." Misty said. "You're right." Ash said. "I'm gonna win this league and I will have fun while doing it." Ash said.
           "Hey you made it to the top 8 Ash does that mean we'll see that Pokémon you where talking about?" Misty asked remembering what he said. "We'll see." Ash said. Honestly the Pokémon he has is not that special but is definitely one of his strongest. "What do you mean "we will see?"?" Gary said. "Well it depends on if I get to it. Remember I'm using 6 Pokémon and this Pokémon will be my 6th." Ash said confidently. "He does have a point." Professor oak said. "Are you ready for tomorrow's match?" Brock asked. "Heck yeah. We're ready to win right pikachu!?" Ash said looking at pikachu who is sitting on his shoulder. "Pika" pikachu said excited. Delia watched Ash and pikachu cheer excited about there match happily knowing that he still is the same Ash she raised and loves.
Hey guys!:)
Here's another chapter for you guys. I hope you like it. I promise the battle will be in the next one. What Pokémon do you think ash will be using as his final Pokémon. Bye bye

Why did you do it?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora