Chapter 4

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At the Poke Center Misty has finally been able to reach Brock. "What do you mean Ash is gone!" Brock yelled so loud that almost the whole poke center heard. "I mean he's gone Brock! Like he took all his Pokemon with him too. He plan on being gone for a while we have to find him!" Misty said on the verge of crying. Brock saw this and knew that she was upset and he knew the reason why. "Okay calm down Misty we'll find him don't you worry. Do you know what happened?" Misty's face looked full of anger and her voice changed "some of the people he traveled with told him he should give up on his dream as a Pokemon master and that he would never make it just cause he didn't win the Kalos league! Even though he made it to the finals which is the farthest he's ever gotten! It just makes me so angry they could have said that after how hard he's worked!" Misty could feel herself boiling with anger now. "What! That's stupid. There is no reason for that! You should never tell someone to give up on there dream. Failure is part of succeeding." He ca t believe they could of done that. Sure Ash has had some failures but he's also has had some wins and he is a damn good trainer. We have got to find him and let him know at least someone believes in him. "Is there anyone besides us that doesn't believe that?" Misty looked up calming down a little. "I don't know if they believe it but they weren't there due gym duties. They're names are clement and Bonnie." So another gym leader Brock thought to himself. "Well Misty I think we should see if this Bonnie and Clement are on our side." They both agreed and decided to meet at the Pewter Gym.

         Ash still figuring out what league he wants to start with first decides to do some trading with his Pokemon. "Bulbasaur use razor leaf then pikachu counter it with thunderbolt!" Pikachus thunderbolt stopped bulbasaur a razor leaf. "Okay now! Pikachu use quick attack while bulbasaur dodge it and use vine whip!" Pikachu uses quick attack but bulbasaur dodges and grabs pikachu with his vine whip. "Now pikachu thunderbolt now!" Just like that bulbasaur was full of electricity and wasn't able to battle. "Bulbasaur are you alright!" Ash said running over to Bulbasaur worried for his Pokemon. "Bulbasauur" Bulbasaur knew he meant no harm to him and this was just training so he wasn't mad at all. Then Ash picked up Bulbasaur and hugged him telling him he did great. "Pika Piii" Ash laughed and said "You did great too pikachu!". Pikachu said happily "pikachu"

       Ash started to think he might start out with the Pokemon league again. Not only because that's the first league he started his journey with but its in a region non of the trainers are in. He might be able to see Misty again too! Oh and Brock. It's Been a long time since Ash has seen them. Especially Misty to Ash it feels like forever! The only problem with that is Ash doesn't know if they'll let him use all his Pokemon. Then he thinks to himself  "why wouldn't they? I mean it's not like they can tell you what Pokemon you can use right? Besides there was one person who used legendary Pokemon which are very powerful and rare to catch." Ash decides he'll wait and continue training his Pokemon so the can get stronger.

       At times though Ash does feel guilty that he left home because he left his mom not knowing where he was or if he was okay. Ash knows it was wrong of him but at the time he was hurt and needed to get away. Ash will return home to his mom someday and do whatever he can to make it up to her but for now all he cares about is getting stronger and proving them wrong.

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