Chapter 8

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After getting The Boulder badge Ash and his friends decided to go to cerulean city to earn Ashs cascade badge. Both Ash and Misty decided that they would do there battle in the gym plus misty has to check on the gym anyway. Misty realized that she will have a lot of explaining to do as to why she's back and that she will need to be away from the gym a little longer. "You know traveling together again bring back memories." Misty said. Both ash and Brock where thinking the same thing. "Yeah it does. Honestly I kind of missed this." Ash said. After almost a week they finally reached Cerulean City. "It's getting late I think we should stop by the Pokémon center for the night" Clement suggested. Ash thought about it for a second "yeah sounds like a good idea. I'm a little hungry anyway." Ash said. Then they headed to the Pokémon center.

They finally reached the Pokémon center and where greeted by nurse Joy. "Hi how may I help you?" Then Brock being Brock got all red and went up to Nurse Joy and grabbed her hand and said "oh Nurse Joy with such beauty like yours you have made my heart beat 10 times more." Okay that was terrible but I'm going with it." Making Nurse Joy surprised while Misty got annoyed so just like always she grabs Brocks ear and pulls him back and said "why don't you just give it up already?" Nurse Joy just giggled. Then Ash snickered and said "just like old times..." then Ash walked up to Nurse Joy and said "we would like to stay the night and maybe have something to eat." She smiled and said "oh that's no problem I assume you want your Pokémon to rest as well the look a little tired." He looked at pikachu and he looked a little dirty and tired "yes please" ash said.

Both Clement and Bonnie where amazed. Wow... that Misty girl is pretty feisty Bonnie said. "Yeah you can say that again. But that Brock guy is also interesting too. Especially when it comes to ladies. Clement said. "Yeah he is and the way Misty stops him is pretty entertaining. She definitely got style I'll admit that. I wish I was there when they where together." Bonnie said. She then thought about it "I wonder how Ash was in the beginning of his Journey." Clement then said "yeah me too. I could imagine that he wouldn't be as good as he is now."

After everyone's Pokémon where all rested everyone decided to eat before resting. "So Ash you ready for your big day tomorrow?" Clement said. "Yeah Ash you ready to lose to the match that we never got to finish?" Misty teased. Bonnie got looked confused "what do you mean match that never got finished?". Misty looked at them and smirked "oh he never told you? His first to badges where given to him out of pity by both Brock and my sisters." Ash just laughed nervously. "Oh really?where the others the same way?" Clement asked. "Nope just puts" Brock said. Ash said "yeah well this time I'm gonna earn them fair and square! You'll see." Misty giggled and said "well looks like someone is nervous." "I'm not nervous! I'm going against you and I know I will beat you." Ash said annoyed. Misty got mad "oh yeah? Well don't think I'm gonna go easy on you just cause where friends.". Ash then said "good I don't want you to!" Brock just shook his head and said "something never change when it comes to you two." Then Clement and Bonnie look at each other and ask Brock "are they always like this?" Brock said "when we where together they always found something to fight about but even though the fought they still had each others back when they needed it. Which what makes them such good friends." Just then Bonnie smiled knowing that that statement confirmed her suspicions.

Ash was in bed thinking about his match tomorrow and what Pokémon he should use. He knows they all would be water Pokémon so pikachu will definitely be one of them. She most likely save her gyarados for last. After awhile he finally figured out what Pokémon he was gonna use and what type of strategy he was gonna use. As Ash dozes he says "watch out Misty I'm ready for you."

Hey guys! I'll be honest I'm not pleased with this chapter so I'm sorry for the terrible writing.

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