Chapter 14

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Hey guys!:) happy Easter!😊 now lets get to the story I hope you like it.

         Today is the day of Ash takes on his opponent in the top 8. He's picked his Pokémon carefully and thought of a strategy on how he thinks he will win. "Hey Ash are you ready for today's match?" Misty asks Ash. Ash looks at her and smiles and says "you bet I am." Misty smiles and says "good I know you'll do great." Misty said in a encouraging voice. "Thanks Misty..." ash said and then he hugged her. Misty was surprised at first but gladly hugged him back. "Anytime" She said as they broke away from the hug. They both looked at each other for a few seconds before ash broke the silence say "um... we better go. Don't want to be late." With a nervous laugh. "Oh yeah right." Misty said and they both walked out together towards the tournament.

*time-skip to Ashs match*

       "Eevee I choose you!" Ash says. "Bell sprout come on out!" Daniel said. "Bell sprout use vine whip!" He said "eevee dodge it and use swift." Eevee dodged vine whip and then used swift and managed to make a hit. "Bellsprout use razor leaf." Bellsprout used razor leaf and managed to hit eevee knocking her down. "Eevee are you alright?!" Ash says. Eevee stands up indicating she's fine. Ash smiled and said "alright then eevee use attract." Ash said. "Oh no Bellsprout dodge it!" Daniel said but it was to late bellsprout was hit by a bunch of hearts and started to act all weird. "Come on Bellsprout snap out of it!" Daniel said desperately. "Okay now use take down." Ash yelled. And with that eevee runs towards the confused Bellsprout knocking him down unconscious. "Bellsprout is unable to battle please choose your next Pokémon the referee said. Daniel returned his Pokémon and thanked him and then sent out his next Pokémon "Doduo come on out!" Daniel says "okay now use quick attack!"

        Before ash could say anything doduo knocked eevee down with a direct hit! "Eevee!!" Ash yells. Eevee struggles to get up but manages to stand up "that's my girl now eve use shadow ball." Eevee uses shadow ball but doduo dodges it using agility. "Man doduo is fast" ash thinks to himself. "Now use peck." Daniel said ash quickly said "eevee use dig now!" Just in time eevee dug under ground to avoid the attack. "Be careful doduo she could be anywhere." Just then eevee jumps out from the ground surprising doduo "Use swift!" Ash yells and eevee uses swift and lands a hit but only enough to weaken it half way. "Doduo you alright." He stands up indicating he's fine. "Alright then tackle! Daniel yells. "Eevee dodge then use attract!" Eevee did exactly that and just like with Bellsprout doduo started acting weird and confused. "Now use shadow ball and with that it knocks out doduo. "Doduo is unable to battle please choose your next Pokémon?" The referee said. Daniel returned his Pokémon thanking him and sent out his next Pokémon "beedrill come on out!" Daniel says. "Okay twineedle now." With that beedrill ends up hitting eevee knocking her out. "Eevee is unable to battle please choose your next Pokémon?" The referee said. Ash returned eevee "you did great you deserve a long rest." Ash looks up and say "noctowl I choose you!"

        Daniel looks at it confused he's never seen that Pokémon before. He grabs his pokedex and points towards noctowl. noctowl the owl Pokémon and evolved form of hoot hoot. This Pokémon spins it's head 180 degrees when thinking. "Interesting but why does it look different than the picture?" Daniel says allowed. This particular Pokémon has a different color coat indicating it's a shiny Pokémon. His pokedex says.

        "Well shiny or not I'll beat that Pokémon." Daniel said. "Use twineedle". "Use confusion!" Ash said and with that beedrill gets blue  around him and gets thrown to the wall. Knocked out instantly. "Beedrill is unable to battle please. choose your next Pokémon." Daniel returned his Pokémon and said "electabuzz come on out and use thundershock!"

           Electabuzz used thundershock on noctowl and managed to make a direct hit paralyzing noctowl. "Alright now use thunder punch!" Daniel said. Ash was in a little panic noctowl was temporary paralyzed which means he can't move. "Noctowl use confusion now!" Noctowl used confusion but electabuzz was able to land his hit knocking noctowl down. "Noctowl! Are you alright?" Noctowl stands up but looks really tired. "Noctowl return!" Ash yelled. "Donphan I choose you. Use roll out!" Then donphan rolls and knocks electabuzz down like it was a bowling pin. "Electabuzz! Another Pokémon I haven't heard of. Okay electabuzz use thunder shock!" Daniel said "donphan use defense curl!" Ash said. "electabuzz used thundershock but it did nothing! Daniel then grabbed his pokedex donphan the armor Pokémon. With its strong tusks and tough skin donphan is known for its tackle attack. "Interesting... so that means it's a ground type." Then Daniel snapped out of it when he heard ash say "donphan rollout once more!". "Quick dodge it electabuzz." But it was to late because donphan hit Electabuzz and knocked him to the ground unconscious. "Electabuzz is unable to battle please choose your next Pokémon" The referee said. "Nidoking come on out!" Daniel said. "Use focus energy." Nidoking uses energy ball and manages to land a hit but donphan is still standing. "Okay donphan rollout!" Ash say. "Dodge it and use focus energy again!" Daniel said and nidoking dodged it perfectly and used focus energy again and left a lot of damage on donphan. "Now finish this up with mega horn!" Just as donphan was trying to get up nidoking hits him with a powerful horn and knocks him out. "Donphan is unable to battle please choose your next Pokémon. Ash then sends out Noctowl again.

         "Okay Noctowl use tackle!" Ash said. "You use tackle to nidoking!" With that both Pokémon collide leaving damage on both sides Noctowl the most since he's still not fully healed. "Use focus energy!". "Use confusion!" With that nidoking got confused and started letting out a bunch of focus energy's and actually landing a hit on Noctowl knocking it out unconscious. "Noctowl is unable to Battle please choose your next Pokémon." The referee said.

         "Pikachu buddy you ready?" Ash asks pikachu. Pikachu jumps down on the field and says "pika!!" "Alright then pikachu I choose you! Use thunderbolt!" Ash said. "Dodge it nidoking!" Daniel panicked. But nidoking was still under effect from the confusion by Noctowl and couldn't dodge instead pikachu uses thunderbolt and knocks nidoking out. "Nidoking is unable to battle please choose you last Pokémon." The referee said.

        Daniel returned nidoking thanking him. "Snorlax come on out!" Daniel says "Use tackle" Daniel orders. "Pikachu dodge it then use iron tale." Ash yells. Pikachu dodges just in time and used iron tale which left damage but not as much as was wanted. "Snorlax Use rollout!" With that Snorlax rolled in a ball and attacked pikachu knocking him on the ground. "Pikachu are you alright?" Ash said worried. "Pikachu stood up ready to battle. "Alright pikachu Use volt tackle.". "Volt tackle what's that move?" Daniel thought. Just then pikachu starts running with electricity building up around his body and hits Snorlax making it a direct hit. Snorlax was still standing. "Snorlax Use rest." Just then he fell asleep. "Okay quick pikachu before Snorlax wakes up Use electro ball." Ash yells. Just as Snorlax was about to get up pikachu hits it with an electro ball knocking Snorlax out. "Snorlax is unable to battle that means Ash from pallet town wins.

        "Yay! Pikachu we did it! We're going to the semi-finals!" "Pika" Pikachu said while jumping on Ashs shoulder happily. Ash started laughing and Daniel comes up to him. "Congratulations. That was an awesome battle." Daniel said holding his hand out to shake. Ash looked at it and took it and said "thanks you did great too. I had fun." Ash said. Daniel smiled and said "me too." Ash walks away towards his friends and everyone congratulates him. "I knew you could do it!" Misty said. "Oh my boy is growing up so fast! I'm so proud!" Delia. Ash blushed and thanked them and said "semi-finals here I come!" Ash said excited.

   Wow! I think this is the most I've wrote so far. Well here's my update I hope you guys like it.

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