White lines

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I walked into my psychology class and sat down near the back, I hoped that this lesson went by fast so I could go to lunch break. I had barely gotten through english Literature. I must of forgotten how much energy A levels sucked out of me. And to think I had actually missed sixth form! I had been reminded by my english lit teacher Mrs Robinson that mocks were approaching fast, and I wasn't even prepared for them. I was already stressed, and I had just graced the halls of the sixth form not too long ago. Another thing heavy on my mind, was Elijah. As much as I wanted to erase all thoughts of him, I just couldnt think straight. He had really thrown me off, after all he had put me through, he wanted a relationship with me?! He was one of the reasons why I hated what I saw in the mirror, and now I was 'Feisty and beautiful?!" I took out the homework that Mrs Truman had given me to do whilst I was away, my folder and some other items i'd need for the lesson. "Hey..." I looked up and smiled at Anabelle. She looked just like the singer SZA, minus the freckles. "Hey..." I got up and gave her a bear hug, swaying from side to side. "I'm so glad you're back! Psychology and sociology has not been the same without you man!" She said as she gave me another hug. I sat back down, and she sat down besides me.

"Your new hair colour though..." I pointed out as she ran her hand through her hair. She beamed, as she fluffed her thick mane. "You like?" She asked, as she started posing in different angles. "Yessss...Its fire! That copper brown colour looks really good on you..." I said. "Thanks, babe. I know that I can trust your opinion. But what I really wanna know is how did you get your braid out to come out so good?!" she reached for one of my tresses, and smiled. "Wait I think I know what you used..." She said as we both smiled at each other. "Shea butter!" We both said in unison. We slapped each others hands as we laughed. "Yesss...I never really used it in my hair before, but now it's definitely gonna be a staple in my hair routine." I said, as she nodded. I looked straight ahead as I watched Mrs Truman come in with her laptop, a costa coffee cup, and a huge bag. She set up her laptop, and turned on the projector. As she began to babble on about the next essay we were supposed to write. I heard the class groan. I was listening but I wasn't, asides from catching bits and pieces of her go on and on about the essay, I noticed that Mrs Truman looked a bit off, like her clothes were creased and dirty, her makeup clown like and smeared, and her usually thick SZA like hair disheveled and tangled.

I grimaced, as I watched her pass around some papers. She licked her fingers, and wet the corner of each sheet, passing them around. I hated when people did that... She smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper. "Welcome back Lauren..." She mouthed. I nodded and took the piece of paper. "Glad to be back..." Not! I couldn't help but notice that her flashy wedding ring with the princess cut diamond was missing from her ring finger. I made the correlation between the missing wedding ring, and her appearance and assumed that the reason why she looked a bit off today was because of what she may be going through with her husband at home. Must be some serious Marital problems... I thought, as I looked her over. She still could of made herself up and pretended to be fine, instead of letting herself go. I watched as she Abruptly snatched her left hand back, and moved to the next table. "Its rude to stare, Lauren...." She hissed loudly.

Taken aback by her harsh tone, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I didn't mean to offend her by staring so hard. I was just not used to seeing her look like this. A few students in the class started cackling, as they looked up from their sheets of paper. "Lauren has no manners Miss...She needs to be taught a lesson, wait I think some people already did teach her a lesson. Ennit Lauren, what day was it, last Monday at the bus stop?" I cut my eyes over to Chris the class clown, as he cupped his mouth and started chuckling at his own dry joke. I didn't find anything funny about me almost losing my life. An eruption of 'oooh's' and 'aaahh's' could be heard as the whole class started looking at me. "Chris mind your own business!" Mrs Truman shouted. Chris put his hand on his chest and looked around. "Missss...Don't come at me, I'm siding with you, we're both on the same team..." He said with fake compassion. "Chris! Out now, I've had enough of your unecessary remarks this year! To be frank with you, you're not funny at all, so quit trying to be the next Katt williams. Out!" Mrs Truman screeched, as she put her hand on her head, and the other hand on her hip exhaling heavily. Chris grimaced and got up, walking out of the classroom.

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