Moving on

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Chyna POV

"Asswipe" I growled, as I examined my neck in the floor length mirror in my bedroom. You could see where he had wrapped his hands around my neck, and attempted to strangle me to death. The bruises were an blue/purple shade, and If I thought it looked hideous now, I knew it would look worse in the morning.

"He had no right to put me in a chokehold!" I mumbled to myself. I knew I could be a bit much sometimes, but that was just the way I expressed my love for him. I was sick and tired of him not taking our relationship seriously, he wanted to act single, whilst I had to be loyal? Hell no!

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and scowled. Was I not good enough for him? I had an smooth caramel complexion, with green piercing eyes and naturally long lashes, thick arched eyebrows sat above them and my lips were the perfect shade of pink, and oh so plump!

My sandy brown hair fell way past my shoulders, and my measurements were 38, 24, 37...Not to toot my own or anything, but I was beautiful, and my body was too die for!

The young lady I saw him with at the restaurant, was cute and all, but she was no where near on my level! And she was fat! I was T.I.A.T.R.P (Thick in all the right places) I guess he liked thickness everywhere, I snickered. Who knew Mickel Zaire James had a fetish for BBW's...smh!

Thinking about the way he dissed me... for her, made my blood boil. "Fuck him and her!" I thought aloud. No longer would I chase after him, his actions made it clear that he wanted nothing from me, but what I had between my legs, and like a fool I gave him some every time. All he did was use and abuse me, and then come right back and re-use me again.

All I wanted was to be in a committed relationship with him, was that too much to ask? He knew that's what I wanted from him most, and he used that to his advantage every time. But this was the last time.

He's played with my heart for the last time, And he was going to pay...

I wiped away the tear that slid down my cheek, and took my vibrating phone out of my pocket. I probably just received a message. I took my iPhone out of the pocket of my silk dressing gown, and looked down at the message displayed on the illuminated screen.

"I'm outside..." It read, I ran downstairs to open the door, and smiled. "Hey..." I cooed. "Hey..." He replied, leaning forward to kiss me on the cheek. "I was in the area, and thought I'd stop by and check on you and little man." He said nonchalantly, stepping inside my flat and looking around.

How considerate... I thought. "Adrian is at my mom's house, so it's just me..." He nodded, and sat down on the arm of my sofa so that he could take off his wheat brown timberlands. "So how are you? Haven't spoke to you in a while..." He asked in a salty tone. I had stupidly cut him off, so that I could give Mickel another chance. I could feel him burning holes in the side of my head.

That's all I ever gave that fool...chance, after chance and all I got in return was heartache. "I'm ok...I feel better now that you're here though..." I said, and he grinned.

"How's it going with that fuck boy anyway..." He asked changing the topic.

"We're not together anymore..." I whispered.

"Your what?!" He asked with excitement in his tone. "I said we're not together anymore, it's over...finito!" I shouted, looking over at him. He smirked, as he got up off the arm of the sofa and sat next to me. I watched him play with the toothpick in his mouth the entire time.

"What did he do this time..." He asked still smirking. "I caught him in TGI's with some bitch..." I seethed. He chuckled and shook his head. "I don't wanna say I told you so, but...I told you so. You keep running back to that dog, and all he does is disrespect you time after time, when are you just finally gonna say fuck it, and leave his ass alone?" He asked seriously.

"This is the last me." I stated convincingly, however I wasn't so convinced myself. "Mmmmm..." He mumbled more to himself than me. "Oh so you don't believe me?"
I asked looking over at him.

"You've been chasing after him since you were 16 years old, you're 20 now and still stuck on stupid for him..." He pulled me up onto his lap, and pushed some hair away from my face. "And here you have me...I've been chasing after you since that day I saw you at the bus stop, still chasing after you. I've been there for you in more ways than one, and I just wanna know when will it be my turn show you, you don't need him."

He Wrapped his muscular arms around me, and I buried my head in the nook of his neck, inhaling deeply. Aaah...Blue jeans by Versace. I knew the smell of that fragrance anywhere, it was a favourite of Mickel's also...

It felt good to be in his arms, he was just what I needed to forget about Mickel and his dirty ways, I hope that girl dumped him, because she'd be doing herself a huge favour. I looked up at him, and smiled. Here was a guy who had wanted something serious with me for the longest, and would do me right, but I wasted so much time devoting it to a guy that didn't treat me right, and just wanted sex... I was so stupid to have chosen the latter.

He looked down, and smiled back at me.


"Just thinking about how stupid I've been..." He chuckled, but his demeanour was serious.

"Well...what else is new?" He laughed lightly. I punched him in the arm, and elaborated.

"That maybe we could give us a chance?" I asked confidently. He smiled brightly and his green eyes lit up. "Finally..." He said, gently holding the sides of my face, and kissing me on my lips.

"Mmmmm..." I moaned, as I savoured the sweet kiss. He pulled away from me, and I watched his face contort into a grimace, as he noticed my bruised neck... "How'd you get this?!" He hissed. I got up off his lap and he pulled me closer. "Was it him? Did he do this?!" He shouted.

I nodded slowly as the tears started falling. "Watch when I see that Pussy!" He roared as he gently pushed me off of him and stood up. "Where are you going?!" I got up, and followed behind him. "To murk that fool!" He spewed. "No don't go, he'll get what's coming to him, just right now isn't the right time..."

"What?!" He boomed, with a look of utter confusion etched into his face.

"Just come on and sit down..." I took his hand in mine and led him back over to the sofa. "So how are we gonna handle this situation, there's no way he's getting away with this!" He said, as he stared at the bruise. I looked over at him, and froze in deep thought. We sat up for the next hour devising a plan on how I could get revenge...

Mickel was the one I yearned for, I had love for him, and always would, but he was no good for me...Cameron treated me right, and I could genuinely see a future with him, I was finally ok with the fact, that though he wasn't the one I wanted, he was the one I could have...

*End of POV*

This was just a filler chapter, I'll be updating soon... xox

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