Ulterior motives

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Brielle POV

I put my hands in the pockets of my Khaki parka, as I felt the weather Plummet, every breath I took could be seen. According to my iPhone it was now 10:27 PM and bitch ass Mickel still hadn't shown up.

He was about to hear my mouth if he didn't show up in the next 5 minutes... But the full proof plan we both came up with, kept me waiting on him like a damsel in distress. So I 'lowed his punctuality, for now...

"She's clapped blood!" I turned my head in the direction where the loud voice came from. It was a group of animated guys coming out of a corner shop, which was right next to the chip shop. I didn't even see them go in, but then again I wasn't paying attention to anyone but Mickel's absent behind.

The ring leader screwed his face up, and laughed at what his friend had just said. His laughing came to an halt when he saw me staring at him. One by one all of his broke down cronies averted their gazes as they realised that their leader's attention was elsewhere.

"Yo who's that?!" I heard one of his friends mutter. " The ring leader shrugged his shoulders as he continued to stare at me intensely. "I don't know...but I'm gonna find out." I laughed on the inside as I assessed all of them in under 10 seconds.

Not one was up to par, looks wise they were all 'Eh', the only suitable looking one was the leader. He coolly bopped over to me, with all his friends behind him. I put my hand on my curvaceous hip, and pursed my mac lipglass coated lips, already not feeling whatever this peasant had to say.

"What's your name?" He said with a wide smile on his face. "Nonya..." I replied nonchalantly. He scowled "Nonya?!" He repeated after me, in disbelief. "Yeah, like it's none of yah business." He smirked, and his friends chuckled. "Ohh you got jokes! I see, well Nonya Can I get a number? Facebook, Twitter, Insta, somethin'... cuz you're beauty is undeniable babe, and I'd like to get to know a beautiful girl such as yourself a bit better..."

His Dumb ass friends dapped him up, and I chuckled at his shitty way of trying to holla ...at a 10, when his face and that horrendous line only worked on shiny ass 2's. "I'm flattered that you think I'm an undeniable beauty, and I think it's cute that you thought you had a chance, but sweetheart imma need you to go back to where ever you came from, cuz I'm happily taken."

I flipped my ombré weave over my shoulder my infamous way of dismissing anything and anyone as I looked away, and pulled out my phone to check the time. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as all of his friends started laughing at him getting rejected.

"Dammmmnnnnn, piff ting shut you down, b!" One of his friends, slapped his shoulder as he cupped his mouth. The leader gave his friend a dirty look, and pushed his friends hand off of his shoulder. Turning back to me, he stepped closer, and his tall hench frame towered over me, as I continued to tap away on my phone.

"Loool, you're still here?" I looked up from my phone screen for a split second as he looked down at me. I put my phone away, and smirked as I found pleasure in getting the chance to embarrass this dummy even more.
"Ok...so obviously you have problems hearing well, and that's ok sweet heart but here's some helpful information: Specsavers in the City centre are doing a special offer on hearing aids. 50% off! So if I were you I'd get down there quick, you know before they sell out... Now If you didn't hear me the first time, and I know you didn't... I'll gladly repeat myself. I don't want your dusty Fila throwback ass, so step the fuck off!" I said patronisingly.

I walked away, and the leader, the boss man, the original don dada actually had the nerve to drag me up by the hood of my expensive Parka. "Oi bitch! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" He shouted in my face, pushing me hard against the chip shop window with so much force I was certain my spine had snapped in two.

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