Scandalous Behaviour 2.0 ✌️

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"Try this on..." She chucked another one of her mothers many freakum dresses at me, I looked at the slinky dress and frowned, it was hideous! "Ermmm...Are you just going to stand there looking stuck on stupid, or are you actually gonna try it on..." I sighed, reluctantly taking off my tank top and sweat pants, I slid the dress on.

Not only was it not easy on the eyes...emphasising my gut and muffin top, it did nothing for my figure either. And It was way too tight, and revealing. "Brielle I look huge in this! Isn't there anything else I could wear?" I took it off, handing it back to her...She gave me the dirtiest look she could muster up. "You've already tried everything else's not my fault you're fa-"

Suddenly we heard footsteps and muffled voices coming up the stairs, we quickly turned our heads to see who was coming up the staircase.It was Brielle's mother Sadé, with a new male companion, who was groping and fondling her from behind.

"Brieelllleee! What the fu-" her eyes surveyed her room, clothes and shoes strewn all over the place. "Why is my room in such a mess?!" She removed the mans hands from around her waist...and put her manicured hand on her curvaceous hip, her expression demanded an explaination.

"Calm down...I was just trying to find Lauren something to wear to the party tonight, but if you're gonna be a right ole bitch about it..." Brielle stood up, folding her arms in annoyance...we'll just leave." She nudged her mother on the way out.

"Are you going to clean it up?!"She shouted after Brielle who was already halfway down the stairs, crickets were heard as Brielle ignored her mother and walked into her room, which was located on the second floor in the three story terraced house. "I swear she gets on my fucking nerves sometimes..." I remained silent, as Brielle opened up her wardrobe, and pulled out her outfit for tonight.

Speedily taking off the hangers, she took off her clothes and put on her outfit. It was a white crop top and midi skirt set with mesh panels, the number fit her brick house frame like a glove. Undoing the flexi rods that were sporadically placed in her head, she let the curls cascade down her back, before tousling them with her fingers. Strutting towards her floor length mirror, she checked her appearance... Grabbing 'Lady Danger' by Mac off of her vanity, she finalised her makeup -which had been applied earlier- by putting it on her lips.

Watching her Posing in the mirror it was like I wasn't even the room...

"...Brielle...What am I gonna, ummm...where?." I said slightly annoyed that I still had nothing to where and Elijah would be here in the next 15 minutes.. "Well...when I was giving you different options of clothing to sport, you turned your nose up at each just pack your shit up, and when Elijah gets here, he can you drop you home, on route to Kane's party..." My mouth flung open.

"Brielle, are you being serious ...that's kind of unfair." She stopped admiring her reflection, and turned around. "Dead serious, if you want to be an ungrateful little brat, you can take your ass home..." I really didn't wanna go home, especially after we stayed up late last night just talking about it...getting me all excited in preparation to be let down was really nasty of her to be honest.

"But none of your mom's dresses looked good on me..." I said, "The last one, looked nice..." Was she fucking with me or nah? Out of the 10 dresses I tried on, that looked the absolute worst on me. "Lol! Fix your face, you know you looked good in it. Just wear that one, or miss out on one of the best parties of the yearrrr...your choice." I thought about it for a while."Ok...where is it so I can put it on."

Her almond shaped eyes lit up, as she started smirking. "Really?! One minute...Mooooooooooooooom!" She screamed. "Whaaaaat!?" Her mother shouted back. "Come here." We waited for her mother to come down from her bedroom. "Why are you shouting for me, like you feel the Holy Spirit?" Sadé cussed, barging into the bedroom wearing a short satin robe...Brielle rolled her eyes. "Can Lauren wear that silver metallic dress...?"

Sadé grimaced. "Lauren, why would you want to wear that? There was a reason that dress was buried deep inside of my closet...the only reason I still have it is because I lost the receipt so I couldn't return it..a man friend bought it for me..." I nodded slightly disgusted, no wonder the dress was so horrendous, a man had bought it! " You know what...I have a really nice jumpsuit that would look amazing on you..." She pointed her long fluorescent acrylic nail at me and smiled, taking my hand.

"Lauren...Elijah's going to be here any minute, so you're just going to have to put on that silver dress..." Sadé loudly kissed her teeth. "Come on Lauren, ignore her, you're not wearing that fugly thing to the party..." Brielle loudly huffed, "Well if Elijah comes, and you're not ready...I'm not waiting on you..." She flipped her hair over her shoulder, and slammed the door behind her. " That girl has no fucking manners, god knows where she got that stinking attitude from..." Sadé said, I looked away, as she retrieved a topshop bag from within her closet.

"Here it is." I took the bag from her, and went to try the contents on in her ensuite. I came back out, and Sadé did a a double take, her eyes widening the second time. "Oh my gosh, you look amazing!" I lowered my head. Sadé kissed her teeth, and gently grabbed my shoulders...positioning me infront of her floor length mirror. "Look at yourself, if you don't believe me!" She urged, I slowly lifted my head and was met with my reflection...I looked stunning!

The 3/4 length champagne coloured jumpsuit gave me an hourglass figure, and the sweetheart neckline accentuated my breasts. She handed me a gold choker, a leather jacket and some black and gold strappy sandles. I put each of them on, and started cheesing, I looked badass! "Gwarn Lauren! You look 'ot." She said in patois. She then started taking down my hair from the flexi rods. Once they were all out, she began pinning it, so the curls only fell on one side.

Grabbing her huge makeup bag, she took out a lipstick, and passed it to me. I opened it up, and put it on my lips. It was 'Rebel' by Mac, I looked at my appearance, feeling myself a little. "You look really nice Lauren..." Sadé commented. I smiled. "Thanks...Sadé." I said, still admiring my reflection. "It was my pleasure sweetheart. But you've gotta get downstairs, so Brielle won't leave without you...enjoy the party babe."

The abrupt stirring in the king sized bed caused me to turn in its direction, it was the man from earlier turning on his side. I chuckled and waved at Sadé who looked embarrassed, I walked as fast as I could down the stairs, and opened Brielle's bedroom door. "I'm read-" I frantically looked around the room, and noticed Brielle was gone...

Hey guys, thanks for all the comments, and votes. This is not the end of scandalous behaviour 2.0. There will be a scandalous behaviour 2.0...continued.

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