The motion

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Brielle POV

I stood still, as my breath quickened. Dropping the large pan, I clutched my chest as the corners of my plump 'Rebel' coated lips twitched into an evil smile. "Fuck! I did it." I whispered more to myself than Mickel. "I fucking did it!" I mumbled, as I started giggling. I looked up at Mickel who watched me intently, as he puffed on a cigarette. His long muscular arms sprawled across the back of the sofa, he smiled too. "Never knew you had it in you, took you so fucking long to come out of that kitchen... I almost felt the urge to grab that lamp over there and strike the bitch myself." He laughed, the cigarette hanging from his mouth. I kissed my teeth, rolling my eyes in unison. "I hesitated, that was all. I did it though, I fucking did it! I feel so badass..." I exclaimed. He got up and stalked over to me, grinning like he had just won the lottery. "Yes you did..." He said, as he reached down to pick me up. "Yes. You. Did..." His words sounded a bit strained as he lifted me up and began to kiss me passionately. I moaned against his soft lips as he pushed me against the wall. "Mmm...I like it when you get rough." I murmured as he looked up at me and smiled. "I fucking love your crazy ass..." He remarked as he began to kiss my neck. As he bit and sucked on my neck my eyes involuntarily rolled to the back of my head. My neck had always been my spot, and he knew that. Heck he knew all of my spots, he was a skilled lover and master manipulator. His suave and cocky attitude, the words he used on me... the sex. All of those traits combined was the reason I was in his clutches, knee deep in his plan. And there was no way back. There was only one time, where I had allowed my thoughts of what could be blur my vision of the end goal. However now I knew what I had to do, and nothing would get in my way. Our way. We were going to ride it out together till the end, like Bonnie and Clyde.


I plopped down on the black worn out leather sofa, slowly nodding my head to the music in the background. I watched as a few of his workers stood posted around the room watching the girls who were naked, cut up and weigh the product around a large steel table. On the far right of the room it was set up like a kitchen. There was a large cooker, some cupboards and a counter. Two girls stood over a large pot, and I noticed that each time the girls finished cooking a batch of product they transported it to the large table. The girls who were stood around it would then proceed to cut up and weigh the product once it was cool. The cycle repeated once a new batch was cooked up. "Jalen, grab this!" I whipped my head around to watch Mickel struggle to bring in two large black duffle bags. Jalen who was large in stature took the large duffle bag with no problem and carried it to the back of the room where Elijah's personal quarters were. I heard the door slam, as I looked back down at my phone. I had been waiting patiently for an hour and he still wasn't back from whatever he was doing. I rested my head against the wall as my eyes fluttered, it was about 9.00am and I was tired as fuck. Why pull me out of my warm bed, promise me breakfast... to disappear ten minutes later to do a run?

I honestly felt like up and leaving, and I was about to do just that in 10 if he didn't show up. Tiredness hit me again as my eyes closed, I wiggled around in my seat trying to get comfortable as the light sound of the new Drake Album played in the background. After fighting off sleepiness for an hour straight, I let it engulf me as my world went black...


My eyes shot open, at the sound of my name being called. I looked around, and I felt my heart beat in my ears as I realised I was alone in the dark, well at least I thought I was as I suddenly felt the soft touch of someone's hand across my face.


I asked groggily, as I sat up a little. My mouth was dry and my head was spinning, I was trying to figure out who it was I was speaking to, because the voice didn't sound familiar.

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