The art of deceit

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Brielle POV

I rode him even faster, at the shrill of my phone vibrating. I knew, who it was... But I didn't care. He had been giving me the cold shoulder for weeks now, so he could fuck off. "What are you doing to me?" He asked rhetorically, as he brought his sweaty hands to my hips. I watched as his sexy eyes rolled to the back of his head, and I couldn't help but smirk. I spun around so I was in the other direction, his dick still planted inside of me. His grasp tightened as I slowed it down, and grabbed his ankles, moving my hips like belly dancer. "Fuck! Shit!-" I snickered at how indecisive he was, he couldn't even think of the right word to describe how good he was feeling right now.

"This is the shit right here!" He moaned. And I couldn't agree more. I was almost at my peak, and I was happy that at the end of this I would walk way with wobbly legs, shoes and some money. But my thoughts were short lived when I heard the door burst open. My closed eyes popped open, and I was met with angry eyes. Angry eyes that belonged to Farrah, his wife. Her piercing gray eyes roamed the both of us, and I could tell she was hurt and pissed. Oh well! It was nothing some of his good dick couldn't fix...

I continued to ride him, as I watched her closely to see what she was going to do. She looked as if she wanted rip my head off, then proceed to rip his straight off too, but I dared her to touch me. That bitch didn't know who I was or who I had behind me. If she even thought of laying a finger on me then I'd just send one of my goons to deal with her, and trust me she wouldn't even see it coming. "Shit! Baby, t-this isn't what you think!" He tried to explain, and I chuckled. Unless the chick was blind then I was sure she saw every bit of his deceit. He tried to push me off of him, but I resisted. Clenching my kitty muscles and tightening my grip around his copper hued ankles I continued to fuck him like we were the only ones in the room. Men like him killed me with their foolishness. I rode him faster as I felt myself release a flood. "Tatum..." I shouted out. I didn't even get time to revel in the aftermath of my orgasm before she rushed over to me and brought her expensive Prada tote across my face.

"This isn't what I think this is?!-" she roared. "I think this looks like you fucking some young heathen in our sacred marital bed! You bastard!" She pulled me off of him, and knocked me to the floor with another powerful swing of her bag. I tried to throw a few punches but none of them connected. Before she could do anymore damage to my face, Tatum came to the rescue and dragged her off of me. I grunted as I nursed my aching jaw. Pushing my pain to the back of my mind, I watched as he carried her over to the bed and forcefully pushed her back onto it. "Control yourself, woman!" He seethed. I brought my finger up to my nose and felt blood trickle out of it.

"Fuck you! I'm sick of this shit! You think I don't know? Huh? You think I don't know that the expensive gifts and the all inclusive trips are all cover ups for your deceit?! Your sorry ass way of apologising? I used to let them compensate for your cheating dog ways, but they just can't anymore! Your respect and loyalty means way more to me than Alexander McQueen and Balmain!" She shouted, a single tear slipping down her made up face. I started to clap at her heart felt speech. I watched as she looked past Tatum to flash me a look of disgust. Even Tatum spun around to see what the fuck I was doing. I guess I just couldn't help myself. As I watched her mean mug me, I just couldn't help but think: You fucking liar. If a man was willing to fork out hundreds even thousands for me just because he slipped up and so happened to cheat then I applauded him, shit, I didn't even know why she was complaining. She sneered at me, before she hastily took off her Christian loubitin heel and threw it at me.

It bounced off of my forehead, and I winced. "Fucking bitch!" I swore, getting up to charge at her. Tatum's eyes widened and he held out his large arm to block me from swinging. "Will you two stop! What the fuck has gotten into you, Farrah?!" He roared, towering over her. Her mouth widened in shock and she reached up to mush him in the side of the head. "Are you serious?! What's wrong with me? I walk in on you having sex in our marital bed, and you have the nerve to ask what's wrong with me?!" This time she slapped him hard across the face.

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