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Ever since I had been discharged from the hospital a few days ago, Mickel had been at my every beck and call. To say I was smitten was an understatement...I think I was falling in love with him.

I was apprehensive at the start of our relationship, because all I had ever seen was the rough and rugged side of Mickel. However since the accident, I was lucky enough to experience his compassionate side. And even though I wanted him to drop the matter, he said that he might even know who may be responsible for getting me beat up.

"Lauren, do you need anything." My mom interrupted my thoughts, and popped her head around the door of the living room. I paused 'The sitter' and looked over at my mother who was dressed in her scrubs. "Erm no I'm fine." She smiled and walked over to me, and sat down.

"What are you watching?" She asked pressing play, and stealing the bowl of butter popcorn I had tight in my grasp. I quickly tried to reach for the bowl, but a surge of pain took over my still sore torso. "Owwwwwww!" I moaned, I cut my eyes over at my mother who was eating my popcorn and laughing at the adopted Mexican kid who loved bombing things up.

"I forgot how funny this movie was..." She said with a mouth full of popcorn, whilst reaching for another handful. "How was work?" I asked trying to occupy her, so that I could get my bowl of popcorn back.

"Stressful as usual, there was this patient who had been in my care for sometime who passed away today ...after taking care of him for six months there was a friendship built, you know?" I nodded my head as I slyly wrapped my hands around the sides of the bowl.

"I thought he was getting better, he was improving, but I guess his type of cancer was too aggressive..." She looked away for a brief second, and that's when I snatched the bowl back. "Anyway..." She looked down at her lap then up at me. "Lauren Aurora Carson! You are not slick, give me the bowl back!" She demanded, with a slight smile.

"No!" I shouted, as we began to fight for the bowl of popcorn. We continued a tug of war with the popcorn bowl, until my phone buzzed and I let the bowl go, causing all the popcorn to go all over my mother and the sofa.

"Lauren!" She shouted, I payed her no mind as I unlocked my iPhone. My eyes lit up, when I saw that I had some new messages from Mickel, not wanting to keep him waiting I opened up the whatsapp app so that I could view his messages. "Why are you smiling?" My mother asked as she continued to clean the popcorn up.

"No one has got me smiling..." I answered as I continued scrolling through the messages. "I never asked you who has got you smiling, I asked why are you smiling? But now that I think about it, it could be that young man that I saw at the hospital." She said looking up at me.

I remained silent as I scrolled through my whatsapp messages. The last message was from an recipient with an number I didn't recognise, so I clicked on it to see whatever this person had to say.

*Unknown number*

I hide my feelings for you, keep them locked up, ashamed that I feel the things I do for you, but I just can't do it anymore. I wish I could express to you in person the way I feel, but I can't, however just know that the first time I laid eyes on you, I realised the true meaning of 'love at first sight.' I think Im in love with you Lauren Aurora Carson, scratch that...I know I am, you deserve better than that user you're with, and I think that I might be the perfect upgrade - An secret admirer

*End of message*

I scoffed, who the hell was this message from?! I moved around in my seat, as I tried to wrap my brain around the message I had just received. The nerve of this cocky bastard! So what he thought if he just sent me a message professing his love, I would swoon and leave Mickel to be with whoever this was?

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