On my mine

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Elijah POV

I stared straight into space, as the dim lights of the club flashed across the room. It looked as if someone was switching the lights off and turning them back on again as I watched the club goers bodies contort in a different position every time the club lights flashed across them. As I stared into space, I thought about Lauren in Mickel's t-shirt walking towards me in his kitchen. The way her 'just got rocked' glow diminished when she saw me sitting there with a grimace. I would never forget the way the room felt when we made eye contact. The tension was so thick you could've sliced it with a knife. She just stood there looking at me with an uneasy expression on her face, scared to come closer. I felt the nudge of Mickel's elbow as I shook off my thoughts, "Aye, we need to go..." I grimaced as I looked at him. "Why?" He sipped his barcardi breezer as his eyes as his darted across the room. "Cuz, my fucking crazy ass ex is here with her ghetto friends, and they look like they're heading in our direction." He said in an annoyed tone. I followed his eyes, and they landed on Chyna and her friends who were heading in our direction. However the new club, which was called club live was so packed, that I was certain that she hadn't spotted us just yet. "Let's go, before she comes over here and starts some shit..." Mickel said as he started walking in the other direction, I kissed my teeth as I began to walk slowly behind him.

As I followed him out of the club I purposely slowed down until I stopped in place. I watched him look back in irritation before looking around the packed club for me, after looking for a while I watched as he kissed his teeth and walked out the club. I smiled for some reason as I walked over to the bar, fuck him and his drama... I thought. It wasn't my fault he and his baby mother were going through it...again. I mean maybe if my broski used his head and not the other one he wouldn't have any problems with her, plus it still hurt that he and Lauren got back together. I leaned over the bar, as I flagged down the female bartender. She looked up and nodded before she finished making tequila shots for a group of girls. When she collected their payments I watched as she spun around and stalked over to me. As her breasts bounced up and down in her tight tank top, I couldn't help but smirk. I was sure her attire wasn't apart of the uniform they were required to wear, but I got the notion that she really didn't give a fuck.

As I ran my hand down my fresh cut I looked her over now that she was upclose. She was a mocha complexion with pretty features and a bright smile. Her hair was effortlessly pulled up in a messy top knot bun, and a bright red lipstick adorned her plump lips. It looked similar to the lipstick Brielle had begged me to get her from that MAC shop. If I weren't mistaken I think it was called Ruby Woo. She smiled brightly as she noticed my eyes ogle at her large breasts for a bit too long. "What can I get you?" She inquired in a sultry voice, her voice held a lilt of a caribbean accent, where ever she was from it was definitely not Jamaica. "Uhm, get me a rum and coke..." She nodded as she scurried off in the opposite direction to fetch me my drink. As I watched her make my drink, I felt the soft touch of a hand run down the length of my arm. Turning around slowly to see who was touching me I couldn't help but smile as my eyes looked approvingly at her get up. "Chyna..." She smiled in response as her bright green eyes twinkled.

She slowly walked besides me, to pull out a stool. As she sat down I watched her dress hike up a little, revealing more of her thick and toned golden brown thigh. "Elijah..." She cooed as she sat her clutch down on the bar. I noticed the pretty bartender returning with my drink, but her smile faded as her eyes darted over to Chyna whose body lanuage spoke volumes. "5.88..." She snapped with her hand out in aticipation, I noticed the fire in her voice, and her once friendly demeanour change. I pushed the ten pound note I had been holding for a while, in her hand as she snatched it almost taking my fingers with her. I paid her no mind as I told her to keep the change. "No one told you to fill out the application sweetheart..." I said as I lifted my drink towards her. She grimaced as she continued to the end of the bar to serve some other patrons. "Have you fucked her or something?" Chyna asked, as I watched her eyes follow the bartender who was impaling the floor with her heels as she stomped off in the other direction. "Fucked her? I don't even know the girl..." I said as I picked up my drink. "Could of fooled me..." She said as she continued to stare at the bartender. "Don't confuse me with your boy, i'm more selective with who I put my dick in..." I said as I took a large gulp of my drink, I let out a refreshed moan as the cool alcoholic concoction slid down my throat. Chyna loudly kissed her teeth, as she flipped some of her sandy brown hair out of her face. "Ugh, let's not even get on the topic of that user. I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore...really, if I even see him..." She said as she opened up her clutch. I smirked as I sat my drink down on the bar. "Good thing you just miss him then..." Her expression changed for a split second before her sour expression returned.

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