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Chyna POV

I subtly swayed my hips to Amerie's 'Why don't we fall in love' humming along to the song as I stood over the stove stirring a large pot of bolognese. I dipped a fork into it and gave it a taste test, nodding in approval. Playing with my new blunt fringe, I lifted the lid on another pot to check on the spaghetti. Today was my baby boy's 4th birthday and I was cooking his favourite meal to celebrate. Earlier I had went out and fetched his cake from Costco and had also purchased some decorations and hats. The intercom rang and I wiped my hands off on my apron to go and answer it. "Hello?" I answered with a faint smile, cradling the phone between my neck and ear. As I observed my fresh manicure, my smile instantly faltered upon hearing the voice on the other end. I rolled my eyes. "What the hell do you want?" I barked into the phone. I buzzed him up, and slammed the intercom phone down on the base. It was a good thing it was our kid's birthday or else I would have cursed him out and hung up on him. I folded my arms over my chest as I waited for him to come up.

The door knocked, and I went to open it. Opening it slightly, I popped my head around the door not bothering to unlatch the chain. Whatever he needed to say could be said outside... "Hey. Where's Adrian? I got some new shoes for him..." He shook the boxes and smiled brightly. I scrunched my face up. "Shoes? What's he gonna do with shoes? Where's the money?" Mickel grimaced. "I gave you money two weeks ago! What does he need money for?!"

I held my hand out not moving one inch to let him in. "He needs some clothes and more toys..." Mickel chuckled. "Toys?! The boy has more toys than he can handle. He doesn't even play with half of them and they're always scattered all over the place. And I'll start buying him his clothes from now on, you don't dress him right..."

I scowled. "I dress my child just fine... Is this the reason why you came over here? To heckle me..."

"No, you dress our son like a fucking sissy. His name is Adrian not Adrianna. And again no, I came over here to catch up with my kid, and wish him a happy birthday. Now move..." He stated, barging past me so that he could get into my flat. Popping the chain with brute force. "Adrian!" Mickel shouted out, as I slammed the door shut behind him. I saw the two junior footlocker shoe boxes stacked on top of one another in his arms and a birthday card in a baby blue envelope. "He's in his room..."

"Well go and fetch him, and tell him I'm here then!" I kissed my teeth. "No, I'm busy cooking, thank you. I don't know why you're acting brand new for, you used to stay here with us... You know where his room is." I smartly replied. "You? Cooking? What, you ran out of oven food?" He snickered. "Funny! But what I don't understand is why you always feel like you can question my role as a mother, as if you know anything about the struggle of being a single mom? After you give him the shoes, just get lost. Seriously. It was nice and quiet before you got here..."

"Of course. After I give him the shoes, I'll leave you to cook in peace.Hopefully you won't burn down the flat though. My son is in here with you..." He remarked, laughing. I sneered, walking over to the coffee table where an array of banners and other decorations were scattered across it. "Need any help?" I heard him ask. I ignored him as I stepped up on the step ladder to put up a few more decorations. Not from the likes of you I don't... "Daddy!!!" I turned around and smiled as I watched Adrian run full force to Mickel whose arms were open wide. Adrian jumped into his arms and embraced his father tightly, resting his head on his shoulder.

Mickel returned the warm embrace, kissing him on the forehead. "Happy birthday..." I caught my self cheesing real hard at the tender moment. I removed the cheesy grin off my face and returned to putting up the last few decorations. Not before Mickel caught me though, and winked. "Look what daddy's got for you, Adrian, Some new Jordan's!" Mickel put the boxes down and took out the two new pairs of Air Jordan's. Adrian smiled as he eagerly gave Mickel his small right foot so that he could put them on.

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