Restsaurant blues

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Mickel POV

"I'm outside..." I spoke into the phone quickly, hanging up before she could even respond. A few seconds later I saw Lauren emerge from behind the large ebony wooden door. She slowly closed the door behind her, before locking it with her key.

She skipped towards the car, and I smiled. She had such child like mannerisms, very innocent like, but not for long, not if I had anything to do with it... she jumped in and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. I decided to turn it up a notch, and gently hold her chin up with my thumb, and index finger before softly kissing her soft full lips. She kissed me back with as much passion, and before you knew it we were kissing each other like long lost lovers who had just been reunited.

The Lauren I knew a few weeks ago was so reserved that she wouldn't have even let me touch her, now just a few weeks later she was kissing with tongue, grabbing belt buckles, and feeling up crotches. You see ya boy had that effect on the ladies. I made them do shit that was out of the ordinary for them, I turned them out. However I had to give credit where credit was due...

She was making it hard for me to just remain the gentlemen I wasn't, every time she came on to me I just wanted to rip her clothes off and go ham. Fuck the role, and do what I've been wanting to do since the party. Just the sight of her was going to make my growing erection burst through the seams of my true religions...

Now I knew she only wore the clothes she wore for me. She was a tease, and my balls turned blue every time I saw her. I didn't mind a little eye candy, because it made my role of the caring boyfriend easier to play. I chuckled because she could tease me all she wanted to. When playtime was over, it was over and I was afraid there was no turning back.

"I missed you..." She said as she pulled away from me, and put her seatbelt on. "I missed you too." Now I really didn't miss her, I mean we were just conversing not too long ago, but I knew in order for my plan to work I would have to be sensitive, and give her a lot of attention. Tell her everything she wanted to hear... I had to be the gentlemen I had the potential be, not the handsome player I was.

"Did you really?" She asked tilting her head to the side, she bit her bottom lip nervously awaiting my answer. "Yeahhh..." I said, trying to be as genuine as I could. "Anyway...Where you taking me?!" She inquired full of enthusiasm. I started up the car and pulled away from the curb. "Just to TGI Friday's..." I looked over at her, and watched her beautiful deep brown eyes eyes light up. "You remembered?" She asked astounded. "Of course I did, I mean it was basic, but nevertheless an important piece of information about you."

Remembering simple shit about the girls I messed with, always worked out later in my favour. You see girls will know that you're listening to them if you actually take in what ever they're rambling on about, and put it to use. Even if it's total nonsense. "Well...ok, what's else do you remember?" She asked turning to face me. I smiled. "Your favourite colours are coral and gold...You have a fear of flying, but love to travel, and have been on many family holidays. Your favourite movie is Poetic Justice...and you're an hopeless romantic..."

I stopped at a red light, and looked over at her, she just stared at me with an blank expression...I prayed to god I didn't mix up any of the information, however I was reassured when the corners of her plump pout spread into a bright smile. She leaned over again, and kissed me on my cheek. "Now I know for sure that when I talk to you, it's not going through one ear and straight out the other... Because sometimes you have this blank expression on your face, like your spaced out." She said as she leaned back in her seat, still looking over at me. I nodded. Damn right it weren't, it was being written down in the notes app on my phone...

A loud beep behind me put an end to our staring, and I looked up at the traffic light to see it had just turned green. Wanting to know what the rush was I looked up into the rear view mirror, and my eyes were met with Cameron's who was seated in his car, glaring at me through the mirror in my car. I stared at him intensely. As real as a fucking cubic zirconia? I'd never forget him questioning my realness and manhood. He was going to pay for what he said. I heard Lauren calling out my name, but all I could focus on was the faint smirk on Cameron's face. The Fuck is he smirking about?

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