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I shut the door behind mickel and just stood there. I was confused, I wanted to take him back, but my intuition was telling me he was lying. He had admitted to the fact that he had fathered a child, but he denied anything going on between him and that girl at the restaurant... I wanted to believe him, but I knew better than to go against my intuition, that gut feeling. My mom opened the the door and looked at me in bewilderment. "Whats going on?" she asked groggily, as she looked around.

"Nothing..." I said as I locked the door, I wanted to stay in the spot where his frequent fragrance of choice Blue Jeans by Versace still lingered, but against my wishes, I stalked over to the sofa. "Are you sure? I heard someone shouting and banging on the door loudly, but I just ignored it because I have a shift at the hospital in a few hours, and I need my rest..." I sighed, and played with my thumbs. "Mom... I reassure you, nothing was going on...It was just a Jehovah's witness, all that shouting and knocking was just them being them, you know they go hard for Jesus..." I hated lying to my mother... "A Jehovah's witness? Knocking on the door at 5 something in the morning.

I nodded eagerly for her to understand. "Mhmmm...Thats weird, you better not be lying to me Lauren." she mouthed, as she gave me the side eye. "Im not..." I dodged her gaze. "Well Im going back to bed, I gotta be up soon. I Love you..." I smiled. "Love you too, mom..." I shouted after her, as I heard her go up the stairs. Once I heard the last of my mothers footsteps, my mind shifted to the way Mickel made me feel when he started rubbing my kitty through the satin fabric of my pyjama bottoms.

I had never felt anything like it before, it felt so good...I wanted to experience that feeling again, and again, and again...I didn't remember what it felt like when he went down on me so I couldnt compare the two, but if it felt anything like what I had experienced not too long ago, then I knew all common sense would go out the window, just to experience that again. I touched the seat of my bottoms, and felt the tips of my fingers. I was wet. I spread my legs, and looked between them. My mouth formed an 'o' shape, when I saw the huge wet patch. IIf I was wet, I believed that meant I was aroused?

I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my dressing gown and took it out. I saw that I had just received a new message from that unkown number, that had sent me that speech proffessing his love for me a while back. I unlocked my phone, and sighed heavily as I looked over the message, Lawd another speech...

Unknown Person: I think its time to stop beating around the bush...I've never been a shy nigga, anything I want/need I go for it, regardless of the obstacles in the way...We both have obstacles, but im willing to dead mine, and I know it'll only be a matter of time before you dead yours...Theres only so much I can express through a text, and trust me theres so much I need to get off of my chest... Its about time I stop pretending, and just be real about it, fuck what anyone thinks or says...When you said you were with who you said you were with, I couldnt believe it... I felt like going crazy, but whose fault was it? Nobodies but mine...The person im with right now, im only with her for status, shes makes me look good, but I wanna be with the person who I know will make me feel good. If you want to know who this is, then meet me at the entrance of the park around from yours, 8:30PM...I'll be waiting beautiful x

My eyebrows furrowed, as I placed my phone on top of the fluffly cushion right next to me. I looked down at my phone, looking over the longwinded message again. Who the hell was this... I had never been the apple of anyone's eye before. I was always known as the fat girl who had the pretty best friend. The awkward fat girl with the shy demeanour when you first met her, who then transformed into the sassy firecracker once she was comfortable around you. It felt weird having a secret admirer. My self esteem made me feel like I was incapable of being admired for my physical traits, or loved. For a short while I thought there were sparks with Mickel, but look how that blew up in my face? I picked my phone up and began typing.

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