Effed up

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Mickel POV

I gripped the steering wheel as the colour drained from my face. I watched my knuckles turn white as I tightened my grip."What the fuck?!" I hissed as I banged the horn with my closed fist. I heard the loud horn blare as I continued to watch the blatant betrayal. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I closed my eyes and opened them up again, but that didn't do anything to erase what I had just saw. My 'boy', my fucking best friend all over that mistake I called my child's mother, right there in his car. The only reason I was here watching them, was because after I spotted her and dipped I had noticed Elijah hadn't followed with. Being the good friend, I decided to wait for him in my car, but now I was thinking maybe it was all in his plan to linger in the club. Fuck, her showing up in the first place could've been apart of their plan.

As I continued to watch them, I couldn't help but think this is what happens when you decide to be a good person. They were even going at it like they had done it before, so who knew how long this had been going on behind my back. Some brother.... I tore my eyes away as I whipped out my phone and proceeded to text Brielle. I shook my head, unfortunately for him play time was over now. And shit was about to go down. My plan for his demise was about to come into play, and all with the help of his so called 'wifey' Brielle, and my powerful uncle Tatum. Tatum was the reason Elijah was eating nowadays , and the way he did him dirty after he got back on was the reason why Tatum was happy to oblige; when I had told him I wanted to knock Elijah off of his throne.

His empire was about to fall down, and he wouldn't even see it coming. I smiled wickedly as my phone vibrated signalling that I had received a reply from Brielle. I texted a hasty reply, as excitement and adrenaline took over. He had always remarked that I was crazy and reckless I really could get. I drove off, glancing once more at the two people I thought really had my back no matter what I had did. Clearly I was wrong, my father was right. Trust no one. As for my father, I had sworn to avenge his death when he was taken away from me. By the same two people he thought had his back. Samuel Carson and Dominic Banks.

Brielle POV

I took a deep breath as I walked down the stairs. I had to be out of this house soon, or my head was going to explode. Like what the fuck did I just back hear ? I couldn't even wrap my head around it. If it wasn't college, it was something to do with my life outside of college. Could I catch a break? Lauren wanted to meet up, but I don't think I could just see her just yet. To hear her gloat about all the things she did with Mickel, the second they got back together would only give me that final shove that would send me flying off the edge. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I was a tad sour about her and Mickel getting back together. I knew it was all in the plan, but sometimes I think I felt more for Mickel than I thought I did. I mean I like him, and the sex was out of this world, but asides from that... the fact was we were just two effed up people with ulterior motives. We're selfish, cruel and manipulative and guess what? We both acknowledge that. We use that to get what we want out of people and in life. We make the perfect team. Two people who know what they want, and exactly how to get it.

Up until this point I had thought that I could disconnect my emotions from my actions, but now I realised I couldn't. What I felt for Mickel wasn't love, but I knew I liked him enough to not want him around Lauren. I didn't even want to picture them doing anything but nothing, so I was glad that I had decided not to meet her today. As I shook of thoughts of my lover and accomplice, I walked into the kitchen heading for the large fridge. I opened it and looked inside instantly scowling at the sight before me. A half block of cheese, butter, two tomatoes and a jug of kool aid were the only things staring back at me in the scarce fridge. "What the hell am I supposed to do with any of this?" I thought aloud as I reached for the jug of kool aid. As I poured some of it into a tall glass, I rested against the counter and took a long sip. I knew one thing that could take my mind off of the news I just recieved. Some well needed retail therapy. I smiled as I thought about how my mood would instantly perk up once I walked around a few shops, and spent a bit of money. I took out my phone and called Elijah, hoping he would pick up. He picked up on the third ring.

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