An unlikely friend

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I looked at the clock as time sped past me, I was in another zone not being able to focus on what I needed to, because Brielle still hadn't shown up. It was now 11:50AM, and she had missed 2 classes. Maybe she'll finally show up after lunch time? I thought. I quickly scolded myself for thinking about her too much, I knew for a fact wherever she was she wasn't thinking about me.

She was doing her as usual, being her selfish old self. I mean how dare she not show up! She barely passed last year, and if it wasn't for me putting her first and writing up her final assignments she would have been kicked out, she was that behind.

If she thought that I was going to sit up and lose sleep again, writing up her late assignments she was dead wrong, but then again who I was fooling? Both her and I knew I couldn't say no to her, all my flare and sassiness went out the window when I was dealing with her, I continued to worry about Brielle.

Our psychology lecturer Mrs Truman reminded us about our Short Essay on 'The Concepts of Abnormality and Mental Health'. She passed around a brief on the essay. "Remember class I want this in first thing next week, no excuses. You are now dismissed."

She sighed, and returned to her desk so that she could close down the PowerPoint that was displayed on the white board, she then elegantly strutted towards the projector to switch it off. The shuffling of chairs, and books could be heard as the rest of class hurried to get out the classroom for lunch. A few eager students stayed behind to ask her questions on the short , but nevertheless important assignment.

I was still seated staring in space, thinking about Brielle and where and what she was doing. I hadn't even payed an ounce of attention to the lesson, which was preparation for the short essay. The sound of stiletto heels click clacking against the floor, getting closer and closer forced me out of my trance. "Not going to lunch Lauren?" Mrs Truman said, pulling out a chair and sitting besides me.

She took a sip out of a costa coffee cup, and smiled as the warm beverage slid down her throat, easing the stress of being a lecturer in a sixth form full of unmotivated pupils. Mrs Truman was a very pretty woman, with a beautiful chocolate brown complexion , and standing 5"9 without heels, she had the beauty and the stature of a high fashion model, it still baffled me as to why she chose this profession over being draped in haute couture, and walking down runways for a living.

She definitely had model written all over her. She took my hands in her hands, and then a look of concern washed over her pretty face, "Lauren I am worried about you, you're are one my best students and you have so much potential, but you haven't been putting any effort in class, or your homework. What's going on?"

I sighed and used my hand as a crutch for my face. I was annoyed that Brielle's disappearing acts, my weight and my home life had taken a toll on my education. Never has it been this bad, education has always been the one thing that stood firm in my life it was my getaway when I was under stress, but lately I had been slacking.

I didn't want to speak to Mrs Truman about my life, it was none of her business plus with teachers nothing no matter how many times they said it ever stayed confidential. I just didn't need that type of drama in my life right now, but then again strangely I really took a liking to mrs Truman, she was like a friend in my head.

She had stressed to me on many occasions that If I ever needed someone to talk to she would be there to listen. Maybe I could trust her? The only person I trusted was Brielle though. How would she feel If I started confiding in someone else? She had told me that no one else would care to listen to me about what was going on. And I wholeheartedly believed her.

Mrs Truman gently shook my hands. "You seem to be in deep thought, what are you thinking about Lauren?" She smiled a genuine sweet smile. I kept quiet, pondering on telling her about what was bothering me. "Is it about Brielle? Whatever it is, you can tell me." She urged, Brielle was a 1/3 of the problem. "Look Mrs Truman, you're a teacher, and I'm not sure If I can trust teachers."

Mrs Truman giggled. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, and wondered what in the hell was so funny? " I understand Lauren. You don't know me, and I don't know you... But I see something in you Lauren, something that I'm sure you don't see in yourself. And my name is Ruth, you can start addressing me by my first name if you want. I looked at her for a moment, unsure of what to think of the measly information she had just shared with me.

I mean just telling me her name wasn't going to get me to spill the beans on my life. She started rubbing her thumb across my hand, and I was rather surprised about the sweet gesture. "I'll tell you what...What are you doing for lunch? I have a free period after lunch, and to my knowledge so do you. So would you like to grab something to eat at... Nando's? Then if you want we can talk a little about what's bothering you?" She took another sip of her coffee.

I looked at her again, with a look of apprehension on my face. She saw this. "On me of course. And don't worry we don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, look at this as just lunch." I thought about the tantalising Peri peri chicken, hot, with a side of chips and garlic bread... Plus like she said I didn't have to talk to her about anything I didn't want to which I had no idea of doing anyway. And it was free! Nando's with Mrs Truman it was then.

After pretending to think about her proposition, even though I had already chose to accompany her I uttered an unconvincing 'alright'. She beamed a brilliant smile. "Ok, let me just gather my stuff and we can be on our way. She scurried to her desk and gathered her handbag and keys. "Are you ready? " I nodded and then pressed the button to open the door, she followed behind me and shut the door. We took the stairs and walked outside to the car park.

We then strolled over to her car, a white range rover. I wasn't surprised that this was her car, it was a classy car for a classy woman. She opened the car using her car key, and we got in. "Put your seatbelt on." She said politely, as she did her own. She turned the ignition on, and then put the car in first gear. We smoothly manoeuvred out of the parking lot, I kept checking my phone for messages from Brielle, but there weren't any. Mrs Truman slowly creeped up to a red light. "Lauren, Brielle is out there not thinking about you right now, so stop focusing on her so much."

I mean mugged her, but inside I knew she was telling the truth. Whatever Brielle was out doing she wasn't thinking about me, so I hesitantly put my phone in my bag and decided that right now I would at least try to enjoy my lunch with Mrs Truman. Hopefully when I got back to sixth form, Brielle wouldn't have a bitch fit, because she couldn't find me...that's if she decided to show up.

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