Cut ties 2

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Lauren POV

I sobbed loudly as I ran my hand across the empty hospital bed. He was gone. At first I didn't believe it, but the reality of it all set in when I arrived at the hospital and saw his covered body being rolled out on the gurney. Destination the morgue. We had only been together for a few months, but no amount of time could prove my love for him. I just wish I could've spent more time with him. My mom rested her hand on my shoulder for support, and I turned around falling into her awaiting arms. Mothers always knew when and how to comfort their children.

"M-mom why did he have to go so soon?"

She stroked my hair, and lightly kissed the top of my forehead. I inhaled her frequent fragrance of choice 'Daisy' by Marc Jacobs, and felt a sense of security for some reason.

"I-I can't answer that, baby... Only god can. Whatever the reasoning was though, it was all apart of his plan."

I scowled.


I looked up at her, waiting for her to speak up. She had this uneasy expression on her face as if she dreaded having to utter the next few words.


"Sit down, I have to speak to you about something..." She patted a spot on the empty bed. I looked at her funny, dabbing the areas around my eyes before I took a seat beside her on the bed. She took in a deep breath, before she began. "You may resent me for this, but it's been heavy on my heart for the past few months. So here it is... A few months before you were born, I started showing interest in this man..."

I nodded, wondering where the hell she was going with this. "And?"

"A-and well, we started having a sexual relationship. At first I didn't want to give in to any of his advances, but then slowly I started to find him even more appealing than I originally did, he was a close family friend so I didn't wanna go there with him but eventually we crossed the line-"

"Weren't you with dad though?" I asked, not liking where this was going.

"W-well yes... But we were going through some things at the time and I had found out he was unfaithful so we were kind of separated, but living in the same household if that makes sense. Anyway, after a few months, I ended up becoming pregnant by him..."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Well what happened to the pregnancy?"

She swallowed air, looking over at me... "Nothing."

It was silent, before she opened up her mouth again. "The baby came into the world just fine. Full cheeks, chubby legs, 8lbs 0 oz, all her little fingers and toes... She was a beautiful baby girl. Looked just like her father."

"Well where is she?" I inquired, I didn't like where this was going at all.

"She's right here, sitting right next to me... I'm so sorry Lauren but your father is not who you thought he was..."

"What?" I mumbled.

She took one glance at my face and started to cry. "P-please forgive me..."

I said nothing as I stared at the floor. From the news of mickels untimely death, to this, had me floored. All this was too much to deal with at the same damn time. "Who is he? My father... Who is he..." She tried to take my hand in hers but I shook it off.

"H-his name is Calvin James, and he passed away 18 years ago. O-On your birthday." A tear escaped my eye as I moved away from her. I didn't even know what the fuck to think right now. So I guess my last name wasn't really Carson? It was James... No wonder I was always asked why I never looked like or shared any traits with my father...

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