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I woke up with a blaring headache, every inch of my body ached. Rubbing my head, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I looked around the room, and started panicking. Attempting to stand up, I used the headboard for balance.

"Where you going?" The sound of a groggy baritone voice caused me to jump, it was Mickel. I looked over at him and gasped. Why the hell, was I waking up in Mickel's bed?! I pondered heavily, whilst I tried to quickly manoeuvre around the huge bed. "Nah not so fast, we're not gonna go for another round?"

He then flung the duvet off of him, revealing his hard member. I winced. When the hell did round 1 take place? He then started smirking his gaze moving down to my crotch area, wondering why on earth he was burning holes through my crotch, I looked downwards too, my mouth flung open.

I quickly covered up with my hands, as I turned red. Mickel laughed. "No need to cover up...I already saw everything. You've got a pretty pussy aswell..." I grew even more embarrassed. "Erm...What exactly took place last night? Between us two?"

He started smirking again, and I felt like slapping it right off of his handsome face! "Well if you're assuming that we had sex...then your wrong." I had every reason to assume, I was naked, apart from the push up bra I wore, and he was in his birthday suit.

"Well what did we do then?!" The smug expression he wore made me angry. "Nothing that you didn't want to just gave me brain, and I returned the favour." I blew a heavy sigh of relief. At least we never had sex... I thought trying to look at the bright side...

But ashamed, couldn't describe how I felt about my actions. We still had oral sex... He jumped out of bed, his anaconda swinging. I wiped tears away as embraced me. There was something about his touch that made me lose all common sense, and forget about everything.

"Don't cry baby didn't do anything crazy, I know you're nothing like that...we were both drunk, and things happen..." He explained, as he gently stroked my hair. I buried my head in his neck, inhaling his masculine scent.

We just stayed like that for a while until a loud knock on the door was heard, I sighed and Mickel broke away from our embrace. "One minute!" He shouted, as he quickly put on some boxers, and jeans.

I wrapped my semi nude body with the duvet as he opened his bedroom door. It was Kane, who looked at his brother then at me, smiling before he finally spoke. "Erm someone's at the door for you..." He said looking at me. Mickel barged past his brother to get to the door.

Turning his head to me, his smirk returned."Tut tut tut...Is this the same Lauren that rolls with that piff bitch...Brielle...?!" I cut my eyes at him. "Yes it is, and my friend isn't a bitch so don't call her that." He chuckled. "I called her a piff bitch, so pipe down. And damn, I didn't know you got down like niggas thinking you're a prude and shit, when all along it was just an act."

"Nothing happened, so hush up." He started laughing loudly. "I swear that is the line all Thots use. You're just in denial. Anyway I'm out..." He shook his head, whilst chucking up the deuces, finally leaving. Asshole! Annoyed I went to slam the door behind him, until I heard a familiar voice speaking to Mickel at the front door.

"You got it?" The familiar voice urged. "Yeah here it is..." Mickel passed an object which I couldn't make out, to the mystery person. "Alright...cya." He shook his head in response. " Yeah...bye." Making his way back upstairs, I left the door ajar, and dashed towards the bed.

Fixing the duvet, I pretended to be asleep. "You awake...?" Mickel asked, as he climbed on top of the bed. "I am now..." I said as I turned over. He grinned as he pecked my forehead. "I have no time to finish what we started, cuz I got some business to take care of...but if you get cleaned up now I can drop you off at Brielle's."

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