Virgin territory

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Ruth/Mrs Truman POV

I walked out of the sixth form towards my car ready to go home for the day, or should I say my hotel room. I had taught 4 classes today, and I was exhausted, but money had to be made and most of all, my students needed me. As I got closer to my car I saw the silhouette of a man leaning against the door of my car. I slowed down, and gripped my handbag in apprehension, as I was unsure of his intentions. It was dark outside and I was the only person in the car park. As I got even closer I blew a sigh of relief that it was only Mickel, Instead of a possible thief.

Ugh! He's already hounding me for the rest of the money?! I thought as my grimace turned into a smile upon seeing him turn around. "Hey, what you doing around here?" I asked as I opened up the boot of my car. He took some of the things I had in my arms, and put them in the boot. "It's time for you to do, what I propositioned..." He said as he closed the boot. "What, now?" he nodded. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "I need you to offer Lauren a car ride 'home', even though you'll be driving her straight to my place... whilst you're driving her to mines, convince her to take me back." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion."And how am I supposed to do that..." Stroking his neat goatee, he leaned back against his car. "I dunno you're the one with the degree, come up with something..."

I sighed. "Well she thinks we're family, so maybe I'll just use that as an allaby...." I said, remembering him refer to me as his cousin yesterday. He wagged his finger, nodding in approval. "Shit I forgot all about that, alright use that as your way to gain her trust." I nodded. "Well where is she right now?" He asked looking in the direction of the sixth form. "I think she'll be out soon, she's probably in form..." He checked his phone. "Ok, well wait for her, yeah?" I nodded as I jumped into my car. I really didn't want to have to wait for lauren to come out of the sixth form, because I knew how long most students made a five minute task easily a half an hour one, staying behind to lollygag and talk to friends. The door alarm sounded off indicating that someone had just opened my car door. I rolled my eyes as I watched him get comfortable in the passenger seat. "What now?" I asked resting my hand on my head, facing him. Even if I had to hold off that Hot bath for an hour or so, could I at least enjoy some peace and quiet in my car, alone, with some Jhene Aiko crooning in the background?

"Just forgot to give you your reward for being my little trooper... You've got my back, and I have yours..." He dug into his pockets, and threw a baggie onto my lap. I exhaled as I glared at it. I really wanted to just throw the baggie at him, and tell him to get the fuck out of my car. I wanted to curse him out, and tell him to leave me alone, heck leave poor Lauren alone. All I wanted to do was stick to my original plan of driving straight to the hotel, checking into my room, bathing and calling it a night. But my yearning for the highly addictive drug made me think twice about doing all that, not to mention he'd probably fuck me up. Yesterday I stayed true to my promise of getting higher than a kite on a windy day. After Mickel had dropped me off at the parking lot, I hopped into my car and drove to my hotel room. I got what I needed to get high, and layed it out on the bed. I snorted up all the poison in that baggie, until I was numb. When my 1 hour high wore off, I drove down to grandbury park, which was a notorious spot where drug dealing went down, and purchased two more baggies. I think it was safe to say I had a problem, but I just didn't want to nip it in the bud... yet. "You gonna stop staring at it or what?" He asked as he looked at me. Against my better thinking, I reached over, and opened up my glove compartment pulling out my Jhene Aiko 'Souled out' CD, and a razor. I emptied out a little of the contents onto the CD case, and started seperating the coke into thin short lines.

I looked over at Mickel, who was staring at me intently. "Carry on..." He said as he took out some weed, and a packet of rizzla's. I went into my bag, to retrieve my purse so that I could find a note. As I took the note out, a passport sized pictue of Laith and I came into view. I snarled as I slammed the purse shut with anger, throwing it back in my bag. He had that mistress of his living the good life whilst I had to live in a hotel room.... He was the reason I was hooked on this shit in the first place... I thought as I looked down at the baggie. I dismissed him quickly, as I rolled up the ten pound note tightly, so that it looked like a straw. I took a deep breath, before holding one nostril down and putting the straw upto the other. I lowered the straw over one of the lines, and sniffed hard, like I had a blocked nose. I alternated snorting the other line with my other nosrtil, sniffing hard again. I sniffled as a burning sensation took over my two nostrils, leaning back in my seat, I wiped away any residue that had been left around my nose. As I closed my eyes, I tried to relax as my high took over the burning sensation.

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