Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"You better have a damn good reason for interrupting that," I growled at Luke, the thoughts of my proximity with Hailey replaying on a constant loop in my head, forcing me to readjust my jeans. 


He nodded as we continued to walk into the woods,"One of the wolves on patrol found them. The hunter has struck again." 


I clenched my fists and a growl ripped through my clenched teeth, "Show me." 


Luke led the way through the woods and as we got near, I could smell their blood, letting me know who it was. All emotion fell off of my face as we finally got to the site of two dead wolves, lying on the forest floor, blood circling their heads. 


Recognizing the smaller light brown wolf as one of the pups in the pack, I dropped to my knees, glancing over at the other wolf. They were Lewis Macdonald and his older sister, his legal guardian, Olivia Macdonald. Lewis had just shifted a few months ago, Olivia in the process of training him.  I considered them my family, they stayed in the house with Luke, Lily and I. I couldn't do anything to stop the tears that flowed out of my eyes. 


This was the worst way for them to go; the same way their parents did. 


"Chase, look," Luke pointed to the arrow in Lewis' head, shorter than the one that protruded from Michelle's stomach when I'd found her the other day. Probably from a crossbow rather than a bow. But that wasn't what was important. "Olivia was killed with a bullet to the head, a gun. Lewis with a crossbow, most likely. Two different weapons, around the same time. Alpha, I think there are two hunters." 


I nodded. It would make sense, I thought. Maybe there were even three hunters, for all three different weapons. Or perhaps there was just one hunter, trying to make us more nervous, to scare us. The only thing they have managed to do thus far, is piss me off. 


"When we find them, and we will find them," I addressed him, looking back down at Lewis and Olivia, "I'll be the one to kill them. Do I make myself clear?" 


"Of course," Luke nodded, looking down to the two deceased members of my pack as well. 


I turned on my heel, stalking away from them and trying to hold back all of the emotions that were flooding me. I felt guilt, pain, anger, hurt and sadness. In all honesty all I felt like doing right now was either crying or being with Hailey. But considering I can't be with her like I wish I could, I'd just have to fight both of those urges for now. A single tear betrayed me as I dropped down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away, making sure it went unseen. 


I'm not sure who would've seen it, but I know that I'm an Alpha, and Alphas cannot be weak. Not alone and not with their pack. We have to remain the strongest out of everyone. 




School sucks, I sent to Luke, who was sitting next to me at the lunch table. Lily and Rebekah were fawning over Hailey, as was I in secret, while Josh just gave a look of adoration to his mate. If I'm on an honest streak, I might as well admit that I envied the happiness that came with Josh and Bekah's relationship. They had it so easy. 


Luke responded instantly, Tell me about it. If Josh gives Bekah one more kiss I might kill them both. 


I accidentally laughed out loud, causing everyone to look over at Luke and I. Clearing my throat, a sheepish look made its way onto my face, "Sorry? Luke told me a joke." 


"Oh really?" Hailey was the one to speak. "Funny, I didn't hear it." 


"I said 'If Josh gives Bekah one more kiss I might kill them both'," He clarified for her and she cracked a smile. Josh only rolled his eyes before planting a fat, sloppy kiss on his mate's lips, just to spite him, and I barked (no pun intended) out a laugh in response to this as well. 


Hailey laughed too, and as everyone was looking away, I gave her my usual smirk I used on all the girls and threw a wink her way. Her face flamed red with a blush and she was saved by the bell and stood up to throw her lunch out, Lily right behind her. My sister groaned, "Ugh, I really don't want to go to chem." 


"Tell me about it," Hailey frowned. "It's the death of me." 


Lily shrugged, "At least we get to be tortured together!" 


Realizing that Hailey was most likely in my Chemistry class, seeing as I was in that class with Lily as well, I decided to bail on my plan of ditching the last half and actually go to class. Walking up from behind them, I slung my arm over both of their shoulders, "So, we're going to chemistry?" 


My twin sister's eyebrows shot up, "Oh my god, you're actually going to your afternoon classes?!" 


"Uh, yeah?" I answered, furrowing my brows in the opposite direction of hers. I could feel Hailey wriggle under the weight of my arm and dropped both of them from the girls' shoulders. "Is there a problem with that?" 


"The problem is that I think you're mental. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, feeling my forehead with the back of her hand as if to check if I had a fever. 


Rolling my eyes, I smacked her hand away, "I'm fine. Now are we going to chemistry or not?" 


"Shit, we can't be late!" She screamed, taking both Hailey and I's hands and dragging us down the halls to Chemistry. We arrived in the nick of time, just as the bell rang and I nearly laughed out loud when the teacher's eyes bugged out as she saw I was actually in class. 


Stealing Lily's seat next to Hailey, I gave her a smirk and she grinned sweetly, walking to the chair behind me and sticking a pencil into my side. Gritting my teeth to stop the hiss, I yanked it out and stuck in my pocket quickly so that Hailey wouldn't see. It would be pretty hard to explain a pencil being stabbed into me and me just pulling it out easily without a single mark there. Well, if she knew werewolves existed it wouldn't be that hard, but she was just a human with no connections to my world. Which basically sucks ass. 


As the afternoon went on, I discovered that she was in all of my afternoon classes and last period we were the only two people from our lunch table in there, which I had to admit excited me. It would be the only "alone time" with her. At least--hopefully-- for now. 


A/N: Sorry it's short babes, but ily <33

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