You Say WHAT Now?!

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~Sqaishey's P.O.V~
Stampy wanted to talk to me. But the one question that was in my head was, "why?" We walked through his house and climbed up the tower. I looked at the view. My eyes widened as I saw the sun setting, the clouds a pinkish-blueish colour. My mouth opened ever so slightly as Stampy grabbed my arm and gently pulled me to a bench. We sat Down and just stared at the view in silence. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him. His cheeks turned red before opening his eyes to say something, but his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I looked behind me to see a grey cloud with, what seemed like red lightning looming over our heads. I edged towards Stampy and shut my eyes. I was scared out of my mind. I felt an arm reach over my shoulders. I looked up to see Stampy pull me into his chest. I hugged him tight. I didn't know what it was but I think he did. "I said that you'll see me every now and then didn't I?" A deep voice echoed. "Sqaishey, don't look." Stampy whispered to me. I recognised that voice. HTT. he knows how much I'm scared of him, and when he hacked into the projector, he scared the life out of me. I hate that voice. He gave me a horrible childhood. He haunted me and I didn't know why. I only told Stampy because he was someone I trusted. "What do you want now?!" Stampy moaned. "Aww... how cute. You and your girlfriend having a moment!" HTT said sarcastically. "You say WHAT now?! Anyway, she's not my girlfriend!" Stampy yelled back. I was a little bit dissapointed, because I had a crush on him for a while now. "hmm... we'll see about that!" HTT chuckled. I started to sweat. "Just leave us alone! You've no business here!" Stampy replied, in anger now. His grip around me became stronger. I closed my eyes tighter. "Just you wait, just... you...wait!" HTT said evilly, before the sky turned normal again. "You can look now." Stampy said comfortingly. I slowly pulled away and rubbed my eyes. Stampy's eyes were red and puffy. "Are you okay?" I asked shakily. "Yeah, just fine." He said back. he wiped his eyes and breathed in deeply. "I just wanted to tell you... you?" He explained. I breathed a silent sigh of relief. "I like you too." I replied, blushing a little. he smiled. " you wanna go meet the others?" He asked. "Come on!" I said, jumping up and and leaping over the bench, but landing in the wrong place. "Now's not the time for a swim, Sqaishey!" I heard Stampy say as I reached the surface. I climbed out of the fountain and shook off the water. We began walking back to the group when Stampy asked me a question that made me turn into a tomato. "Umm... Sqaishey?" He said. "Yeah?" I said back uneasily. "Do you like me enough to become my girlfriend?" Immediately after he face palmed himself and said, "never mind. That was stupid." I moved his face so his eyes were staring into mine. "No, it's cute." I said back smiling. We walked back hand in hand. This was perfect.
* * * * *

~???'s P.O.V~
I need time. More time. A few more years. Then, there will be more things they care about, more things to take. This is going to be epic...

Sorry if this is out too soon, and I hope you love the chapter! Sorry that it's short because I literally came up with the idea after I ate my lunch! Thanks for reading, another coming soon, but I have writers block as I'm writing this, but maybe it will come to me tomorrow.
Stay strong guys,

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