A New Discovery

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~Lee's P.O.V~
Ash helped get the girls up, well, almost all the girls. Sqaishey didn't wake up. We tried all we could but she didn't wake up. Then when we all walked into the hallway to discuss what to do, we heard glass smashing. Stampy's eyes widened and pushed us all out the way to get to the door. When he opened it Sqaishey was gone. He didn't know what to do. Everyone pretty much knows that Stampy and Sqaishey are a thing now, so I don't know what he's feeling.

( while we skip to current time, shoutout to the MAC for being in this story!)

"Up, up, up! Let's go, let's go!" Stampy yelled from the bottom of the ladder. I groaned and turned over, burying my face under my pillow. "Come on Lee! We've got adventuring to do!" He yelled again. "five more minutes!" I groaned, though it sounded very muffled because I didn't bother to lift my head. "I'll use it again you know." I heard Stampy say as his voice got louder. I expected that he climbed the ladder. I turned to face him slowly, and saw a smirk on his face holding an air horn. My eyes widened. "Okay, okay! I'm up, I'm up!" I moaned, Sitting up slowly and rubbing my eyes. "HOONNKK!" I jumped and cried out. "That didn't stop me from using it though!" He laughed, sliding back down the ladder again. I rolled my eyes and started to get changed. "this is gonna be a long day." I thought to myself.
~Netty's P.O.V~
I woke up to someone whispering my name. "Netty! Psst... Netty!" It said. I groaned softly and sat up. Stampy was in the doorway and he held an AIRHORN. "oh no you don't!" I said jokily, covering my ears. "It's not for you, it's for Ash!" He replied. I rolled my eyes and shooed him out of my room so I could get changed. I wore a purple long sleeve shirt, black three quarter trousers and magenta pumps. "Okay! Now we can go!" I said, opening the door to see Stampy watching TV on the couch. "Come on then, sofa cat!" I said, standing in between the TV and Stampy's line of sight. he sighed and switched off the TV. "Okay. I'll tell you what to do when we get to Ash's house."
As we walked along the roads towards Ash's house, Stampy asked me something that I didn't know how to answer. "So, Netty... you and Ash a thing yet?" He asked cheekily. "What are you TALKING about?" I asked as innocently as I could. "You know pretty darn well what I'm talking about!" Stampy replied, grinning. I felt my cheeks burn red. "Ah! So you admit it!" He teased. "Admit what?!" I replied nervously. "You and Ash are a thing! Your face says it all!" I sighed and rolled my eyes as Ash's house came into view.

"Okay, so here's the plan." Stampy started. "You obviously have the keys into his house right? Of course you do! Anyway, get the airhorn and sneak into his room. press the button as hard as you can and run out. Quickly make yourself a cup of tea and start a conversation with me. If he asked, he probably just dreamed it! Okay?" That was a mouthful I must admit, but I nodded all the same. He handed me the horn and I unlocked the door. I shook the can when I was downstairs so he couldn't hear it. Creeping upstairs, I heard soft snoring coming from Ash's room. I peeked through the door and saw him sprawled across the mattress, sheets hanging off the edge of the bed. I pressed the button as hard as I could and ran as lightly and as swiftly as I could out the door into the kitchen. I turned the kettle on and started a conversation with Stampy who looked very excited to see the results. "Who disturbs my slumber?" Came a ridiculously fake deep voice from the stairs. I thrusted the horn into Stampy's hands to let him deal with it. "Mornin' Ash!" I yelled. He came into the kitchen and started to scold me.

"Why would you wake me up like that?!"

"Like what?"

"With an airhorn, dummy!"

"Must have been a dream."

Every now and then I heard Stampy choking on his tea, obviously from trying not to laugh. "Hurry up! If you wanna find Sqaishey we have to leave now!" He held his hands up in an "I surrender" position and ran up the stairs again.

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