The Next Day...

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~Finball's P.O.V~
I slowly came back to reality. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and turned on my side to see what the time was on my clock, but before I could look i fell on the floor with a thud. I chuckled softly to myself and got up off the floor. I groaned in the sleepy way we all do and went to get changed in the clothes I wear all the time, my favourite clothes. A king's robe and crown. After I got changed I stumbled down the stairs into the bathroom to wash the sleep out of my eyes. I felt more awake after that. I opened the door and walked outside when I saw squid on his knees, his head leaning against the door, facing left. I ran over to him and just before I slapped him silly, I heard him snoring. I peered over so I could see his face properly and saw that he was drooling a bit. "Uh... buddy, I think you should wake up before you get your drool all over yourself." I said softly, while gently shaking his shoulder. "Huh... what?... What did I do?..." He said, moaning and groaning before seemingly turning over and falling face flat on the path. "I'm awake!!" He screamed, as his eyes shot open and looked around frantically . "Um... are you okay squid?" I heard someone ask from behind. I turned around to see Stampy, Ash, Netty and Lee walking towards us as squid rubbed his eyes with his hands. "I was not asleep! I repeat, I was NOT asleep!" Squid said, as he pulled his hands from his face to wipe the drool off the corner of his mouth. I stood up and offered him my hand. He gratefully took it and I helped him up to his feet. "I think you should go inside and rest a little bit more. You must be aching and exhausted." Stampy said to him, and I agreed with him. "I agree Squid. that was quite a sight I saw." he laughed softly before telling us that he'll meet us on the clubhouse at 4 'o'clock when he's fully rested. That would be the perfect time to finish off our dares.
~Stampy's P.O.V~
I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. I sat up and shook my head to stop my vision being blurry. I sluggishly climbed out of my bed and opened the door, but it saw something which made me remember what happened yesterday. "LEE!! I need your help!" I screamed as I slammed the door and leaned against it. "What?! I'm trying to sleep just so you know!" I heard through the painting. "Googlie alert! Get your sword ready!" I replied. I searched through my pockets and found my sword. "Every second counts Lee!" I screamed as I looked through the door. "How did googlies even get in the house?!" Lee asked me as he pulled out his sword. "You remember when we got stuck in the door yesterday?" I asked, rubbing my sore hip that rubbed against the door. "Yeah?" He said curiously. "Well, ash didn't replace the doors, did he?" I said with an official voice. (If you know what I mean cause I can't describe it!⚡️) "now that you mention it, he didn't! Now, let's kick some stupid googlie behind!! Lee said. I nodded and opened the door. Five skeletons, three spiders, one zombie and a...a... no creeper? That's weird. "Here we go!" I shouted, raising my sword to take on all three spiders.
"that was easy, considering we just got up!" Lee said panting. "come on, let's go meet squid and the others!" I suggested, walking through the doorframe. I turned around to Lee placing replacement doors in the doorframe. "Thanks!" I called out, before turning around again. He gave me a thumbs up and tested the doors. then he caught up to me as we just came into view of Netty's house. She was walking out the door with... ash? I decided not to question it as we met her. "We were just on our way to squid's house. Would you care to join us?" I asked them. They noodded as smiles appeared on their faces. As we came into view of squid's house, I saw him leaning against the door, Finnball squatting next to him. As we got closer I heard him mumbling and then screaming "I'm awake!!" I chuckled softly to myself and smirked before asking him..

Well, you know the rest. Comment if you really like this story and what else you would like to hear considering the storyline. At the end of the chapter I'll give a shoutout to whose idea I used. Thanks for almost 500 reads!

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