The Talk

451 11 15

~Netty's P.O.V~
Later that night
Stampy and Ash were treating Sqaishey's wounds, well, Ash was, Stampy was just there because he wanted to. Target will suffer for what he did. And I do feel slightly on edge, every little thing makes me jump. I guess my over confidence could be mistaken for fear.

"Netty, could I have a word with you please?" Stampy asked me when I was watching TV with Ash. I invited everyone over to my house to celebrate Sqaishey's return, and I was cuddling Ash on the sofa. "Umm... yeah, sure." I replied. We walked out of the room and into my hallway as I shut the door behind me. "Netty, do you realise that what you said to Target has put you in danger?" I shook my head. "I can take him. don't worry, I'm tough." I replied. Stampy sighed and bent his knees slightly, so his eyes were level with mine and placing his hands on my shoulders. "No, you can't Netty. Target's got over a thousand men. Yes, we've beaten him before, but that was because most of his men were cowards and ran for the hills. This is serious Netty, so I'm gonna keep a close eye on you." I nodded. "Okay, seeing as you're the older brother," (in this story Stampy is older by 6 months, I don't care if real life tells me otherwise, just pretend. XD) "I'll listen to you." I lied. "Thank you." it sounded like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"I'm gonna go for some fresh air." I said quickly. I needed to let off some steam. He nodded and sighed. "Just... don't leave the light." He seemed concerned, so I did what he said, grabbing my sword and bow from the door. "be back soon!" I told him, hugging him and jogging out the door to the nearest tree.

"If I'm gonna have a least bit of a chance to survive, I'm gonna have to train and get tougher." I told myself. I first practised doing basic hits with my sword, then, some fake kills from behind to the front. next, I moved on to my bow. I began just trying to shoot the centre of the tree, then did a quick turn and shoot. "bullseye!" I cheered. After a half hour or so, I began to feel a bit tired. I walked to grab my arrows and placed them back into my quiver, picked up my sword and began walking back to the house.

I was soon in the light of glowstone, surrounding the village of houses. I still heard the music from my house thumping, making my heart vibrate. "Thank god I haven't missed it!" I said with relief.

I stopped in my tracks as a red and gold blur went right in front of me, and stopped. It was Target. "Well, I'm glad to see you here." He hissed. One thought was going through my mind; more like one word. "Run." I dropped my weapons, spun around and began sprinting as fast as I could to the emergency igloo, thinking that I could find the tree train track and circle back round. to Ash. To Stampy. I forgot about them. I need to warn them.

I began picking up the pace as I heard at least three pairs of feet chasing me. I didn't know what to do. The igloo came into view eventually, and I began running even faster. I sprinted inside and locked the door. "Look for the train track." I thought out aloud.

I hopped into the Minecart and pushed the button. luckily it was quite fast so I didn't have any time to waste. I climbed up the ladder and flung open the door, but I got tripped up. I felt cold things attach to my wrists behind my back as I landed on the floor. it kinda bonded them together so I couldn't escape, though I tried all the same.

"You should really try to keep your thoughts in your head." HTT said, walking in front of me as two men grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. "Netty?!" I heard someone shout distantly. Stampy. I knew what to do. "STAMPY! STAMPY, HELP!" I screamed, trying to make myself heard. "NETTY?!" He cried, more worried and urgent. "STAMP-" I tried to shout louder, but I was interrupted by a cloth being thrown over my mouth. I kept trying to shout for help, but it all came out muffled and quiet. "That's enough out of you!" HTT growled, pacing back and forth. I looked in the direction of my house to at least see some kind of sign to know that they heard me. "NETTY!" Stampy screamed, as he turned the corner, gripping the sword he held and narrowing his eyes at HTT. Ash came too. I kept trying to fight off the guards, squirming and struggling, but no such luck. Stampy charged for HTT, while Ash tried to save me. I was getting dragged farther and farther away by the guards, but Ash kept running faster and faster. "Close your eyes Netty!" He screamed, as he jumped the guards, Axe in hand. I did what I was told and turned my head away from him.

I kept trying to shake off the cloth from my mouth, but it didn't work. And I felt dizzy as a result. I grazed my knees as I landed on the floor; Ash had taken out the guards, which made me have to support my body weight on my own seeing as the guards were supporting half of it before. I felt the cold metal, that I later identified as shackles, fall to the floor as Ash, I think, unlocked them. I got up, brushed myself down, and took the cloth off of my mouth. Ash was standing above the guards bodies guiltily holding a blood covered axe behind me. He dropped it when he saw me staring at it. I walked over and hugged him hard. (Wow! Alleteration! Say that ten times really fast!) he hugged back. "We were worried Netty." Ash told me as he pulled away. "I didn't go that far! Honest! You could still see me from the house." I replied. "Then how did you end up here?" He asked, obviously being cheeky. I looked around to see HTT struggling to fend off Stampy, who must of had it with him. Stampy walked back a couple of paces before charging toward HTT again. He jumped up and was about to stab him from above when HTT disappeared. As if he knew this was going to happen, Stampy dropped his sword and did a parkour roll that I taught him a few years back. I taught him that specific type because it seemed important to learn at the time. He stood up and ran towards me, anger still in his eyes. "Where is he?" He asked, standing beside Ash. "here." a voice said behind me. I gasped as a hand pulled the scruff of my shirt, which instinctively made me reach my arms out, hoping that Stampy and Ash would take them. I clung onto the boys as HTT pulled on my shirt harder, which began choking me. He eventually gave up and let me go, sending me flying towards the boys, knocking us down like bowling pins. Stampy growled, got up and hit HTT with another blow, with a short blade that emerged from his shirt, causing a deep wound in his shoulder. "I'll get her soon. Don't worry." He winced before disappearing again.

Stampy dropped his sword and began scolding me. "Why didn't you stay in sight like I told you?" I crossed my arms. "I did! I was literally right opposite the house when he blocked me." I argued. "Then how did you end up over here?" He asked. Copying what Ash had said.
"I ran. I thought that I could run to the emergency igloo, find the tree train track, end up back here again and run to the house to tell you!"
"Then how did they catch you?!"
"HTT said that I have to keep my thoughts inside my head, and I must have said my thoughts out loud at the igloo! They also tripped me up using their legs! Classic high school joke."
Stampy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, thank you for calling for help. otherwise you would've been captured for sure. And what happened to 'don't worry I can take them I'm tough'?" I smirked. "Well, I do like to save my life by doing anything possible! And I'm tired! And what happened to 'I'm gonna keep a close eye on you'?" He rolled his eyes as we all walked back to my house. That was a close one!
Why do I have to apologise every chapter?! Anyway, the reason why is because I'm making this story change from one of a kind, to every other story. But don't worry! Things are gonna become more lightning-bolt-8 style as you read on, which probably won't be until later. sorry people who have to wait!

Stay Strong Guys,

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