Trouble, Trouble Makers!!

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~Ash's P.O.V~
The girls went to camp out in the living room while us boys went to Stampy's bedroom. He got out the sleeping bags again and we sat down to have a little chat. "So, what happened with you and Sqaishey in the tower?" I asked curiously. "Well, what happened was-" Stampy started when we heard Netty scream a distant good night from the living room. "Wooow!" I said sarcastically. "Saved by your sister, so it seems. Let's all do it at the same time back, you ready?" Everyone else nodded. I climbed onto my knees and cupped my hands over the sides of my mouth. "GOOOD NIGHHHT!!" We all yelled. "Carry on." I said to Stampy. "Well, I was about to tell her that I liked her, but stupid-red-cloud had to appear. I soon sorted it out, confessed, got a bit wet, and whoop dee do, look where we are now." He explained. "I'm tired, good night." As Stampy crawled into his sleeping bag, the rest of us still hadn't moved, our jaws were on the floor. "and shut your mouths before you catch flies!"

We all shut our mouths and were about to crawl into our sleeping bags when we heard a huge scream. Stampy sat up straight and alert. "The girls!" Lee cried, getting up IN his sleeping bag and trying to walk through the door, falling countless times. "Woooow!" I said sarcastically. Again."Guys, this is serious stop fooling around and let's go go go!" The rest of us got out of our sleeping bags SENSIBLY, and ran through the door, not forgetting that the door is small, so all of us bursting through at the same time won't work. Hence what happened a few days ago. "plan. we need a plan!" I said as we arrived at the door. We peeked through to see thugs holding a small container circling all the girls but one. Netty. "Okay, umm... Finball, Lee, and squid, you help the girls, me and Stampy will help Netty. By the way, I think they've been drugged." I explained. They looked shocked.

"Hurry!" I said again. They nodded and burst through the door, with me and Stampy following close behind. "There!" I whisper-shouted, pointing to a guy with a heavily enchanted diamond sword. "Top heavy." he whispered, I smiled but that went away when I saw who he was gonna slay. Netty was sitting in a corner with her hands in front of her face, her eyes shut tightly. I grabbed the wrist with the sword and gripped it tightly while Stampy grabbed the scruff of his collar and pulled him to the wall. "Leave my sister alone, or you'll get what coming to you!" I bashed his wrist against the wall to make him drop the sword as Stampy began throwing punches at him. I heard a groan from the corner and immediately knew who it was. "Netty! Are you alright?" I cried. I slid on my knees like they do in football, (or soccer, as Americans say) and stopped next to her. She was still breathing but I was worried just the same. "What's wrong with Netty?" Stampy asked, sliding down next to me. "she's been drugged!" Finball said. "Duh" i thought to myself. "and all the other girls have too!" By now, the rest of us had beaten up the thugs. "Look at the back of their heads!" Lee said from behind us, pointing at the thugs. I looked over at Stampy, who nodded at me, and I got up to investigate. "What have we got here?" I said in my detective voice. "Sherlock Holmes! We need your help!" Squid said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and bent down. There was red and black mould coming from the back of their heads, but it was the darkest in the middle. "Red is HTT's favourite colour." Finball explained, with Stampy agreeing with him. "His arm!" Lee said suddenly. I looked down at the thugs' arms and saw three rings inside each other, more like a target. A third of it was faintly coloured in. Blue on the outside, red in between and yellow in the middle. But it all faded away immediately after I realised what it was. The thugs' skin turned pale and wrinkled. "what should we do about the girls?" Lee asked worriedly. "let's get them to the hospital. I know a special medicine that can bring them back to consciousness." (Sorry for big word!) I said, as a recipe popped into my head. Stampy went to pick up Sqaishey, Finball went to pick up Rosie, Squid went to pick up Amy, so I thought it would not be embarrassing to pick up Netty. the thing is, we were all carrying the girls the Same way; bridal style. And surprisingly, all the girls here aren't heavy at all! But why am I not surprised?

By the time we got to the hospital, the sun was coming up. "that's a few less googlies to worry about then!" Stampy said beside me. we all did a good job carrying the girls, because none of us had fallen over or slowed down. There were four beds in the hospital and I gave a sigh of relief. "thank god there's enough beds!" I thought, gently laying Netty down on a bed on the outside of the row. "Now, to the medicine room!" I said, posing in a superman way. "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's cheese man!" I laughed, sprinting around the room, still posing. I ran to the door but forgot to open it. "Ow." I said when I hit the floor. "there's something called a doorknob Ash, use it!" Squid laughed. "Yeah, yeah!" I replied in a 'whatever' voice. I OPENED the door and walked to the med room and I OPENED the door so I didn't give myself another bump. "Now, what was it again?" I said to myself, searching through the chests to find ingredients. "Something that makes you want to puke..." I took an awkward potion and added a fermented spider eye, rotten flesh, magma cream, and a ghast tear. (WARNING! NOT REAL RECIPE!) I took the bottle out of the brewing stand and mixed it. Then, prepared to sniff it. "You can do this. Just sniff it." I reassured myself again and again, telling myself that it can't smell that bad. Boy, I was wrong. I took the weakest sniff you could make, and a horrible smell filled my nose. I coughed and covered the top with a cork to stop the smell. "We're gonna need a bucket." I thought To myself. I walked back to the bed-room,(haha!) and put the bottle under Netty's nose. I pulled the cork off with a popping sound and I heard her breathe. "Bucket!" I yelled, as Netty sat up immediately and covered her mouth. "do not swallow the vomit Netty, it needs to come out." I said, placing the bucket under her face. I turned facing away from Netty, hearing coughing and spluttering every now and then. (gee, now I can't finish my apple!)

When it stopped, I turned around to see Netty's pale face, and an orange goo in the bucket. (I am actually felling sick just writing this). "You okay?" I asked, putting the cork on the bottle and placing it aside. "What happened, Ash?" She asked me, lying back down on the pillow. "Ugh, this is disgusting! I hope it's worth it." I said, putting my hand in the bucket and searching for the pill.
I found the cylinder shaped nightmare and pulled it out, gagging at my hand. "You were drugged. you had to throw up or we would have to wait till you digested it, which would of taken about four hours." I explained, dropping the pill back in the bucket. "Now, let's move on to the other girls."
Now, that's all done, I can relax and actually DO something. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. please comment as well! It makes me happy to see your views!
Stay strong guys,

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