Here We Go Again!

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~Stampy's P.O.V~
Sqaishey and I were the only ones left in my bedroom. Everyone else had gone to bed after an extremely long day of fun and games. I was deep in thought when Sqaishey broke the awkward silence and said "are you okay Stampy?" I came back to reality to see Sqaishey looking at me with a confused look on her face. "yeah, just fine." I replied. All of a sudden Amy and Squid came bursting into the room. Amy had a fearful look on her face, and I saw that she was gripping a video camera in her hand. Squid, on the other hand, was bending down and panting like he just ran a marathon. "What's the matter?" I asked. Squid shrugged his shoulders, with a glint of curiousity in his eyes as he looked up at me. "Stamps, you've GOT to see this!" Amy cried. I walked over to her as she turned on the camera. I loomed over the camera and saw what she was pointing at. My eyes widened. "Here we go again!" I thought to myself. I gave a silent groan and collapsed on my bed. "Guys, we need a meeting at the clubhouse pronto!" I yelled. Squid, Sqaishey and Amy sprinted down out the room yelling down the corridor to wake everyone up. I wanted to join in. It might be fun. I went to my chest and pulled out an air horn. He is going to go Beserk at me for doing this. I went through the painting and up the ladder silently into Lee's room. all I could see was his nose and ears poking out at the top, one of his paws holding a pen was sticking out the side, and one of his feet at the bottom. I giggled silently, but I held my breath when I saw his toes twitch. I shook the air horn lightly to warm it up, walked right and the end of his bed, pointed it away from me and pressed the button. it blared loudly and even I jumped. Lee jumped half a metre vertically from his mattress and I heard him scream. He somehow ended up on the floor. I cracked up laughing. This might be the last time I do anyway. He turned his head at me and stood up. "why did you do that?! I was dreaming!" Lee hissed. I controlled my laughter and tried to reply between giggles. "We...are...having...a the...clubhouse!" I said. "Why?" He asked. I breathed in and out as my laughter calmed down. "I'll explain when we get there." I said with my serious look taking over. "Last one there has to purposely slip on a potato skin?" (JUST PRETEND OKAY!) "your on!" I shouted back. I ran through my house with Lee tailing me. Which reminded me... I moved my tail in front of Lee's nose, causing him to sneeze. I felt cold things splatter on my tail but I'll find what that was later. "I win!!" I screamed, racing through the doors to the clubhouse, waving my arms like a madman, or cat shall I say? Everyone just looked at me with the strangest faces in the world. "I...uhh...Lee and I... no?... Ok." I said, sitting down at the head of the table. Lee came momentarily after. "That's not fair, you cheated!" He said, sitting down on one side of me. That's when I remembered. I peered to look at my tail and mad facepalmed myself while saying "ohh, Lee!!" "It's not my fault!" He argued back. "come on guys, why are we here for anyway?" Ash said, looking very grumpy. "Amy, set up the projector. You all need to see this. If it wasn't for Amy, all of us wouldn't be aware of it." (AGAIN, JUST PRETEND) Amy ran to the other side of the room and pulled out the trolley from the back. She turned on the projector that hanged off the roof and plugged in the camera to something, I didn't know what. I'm definitely not a redstone technical what-sit. The room went dark and the video Amy showed me earlier appeared on on wall. I quickly got up to get a stick that was attached to the trolley and proceeded to the wall that came alive. Amy speeded up the video to why we were all here right now. "This is why we are here!" I said, as Amy paused the video and I struck the stick against the wall to the "problem." everyone suddenly looked more alert and Rosie let out a gasp. "HTT!" She gasped. I nodded. "I just needed all of you to know, if you do see any suspicious movement, then you should report it to either me, Netty, Amy or Squid." I said. Everyone nodded, and Lee made the deepest yawn you could make and that made us all laugh, but we tried not to show it. I walked back down to my chair and said "BEDTIME!! But first, we need a head count, you never know what Hit the Target's up to." I told everyone to line up in a horizontal line so I could count properly. "Let's see, we've got Amy, Sqaishey, rosie, Finball, Lee, Squid, me of course, Netty and Ash. good, we're all here." I stated. "Stampy, look behind you." Squid said. I turned around and saw that the projector was going static. "Amy, what's going on?" I asked. "We're being hacked! I don't know how to stop it!" All of a sudden, it saw everyone tense up. then I heard the voice which I dreaded the most, a booming, evil laugh which sent shivers up my spine. I slowly turned around to See HTT through the projector. I drew my sword and hissed. "What do YOU want!?" I spat, with Netty walking to stand next to me, her ears flattened against her head, hissing and spitting as she came. "You have no business here. Go, and don't come back!" Netty exclaimed. A sly smile appeared on HTT's face. "Such strong words for a girl. but then again,how does the saying go? A bark is worse than its bite." he shot back. Netty seemed pretty taken aback at this, and backed away. "My business is to take over Stampy's lovely world, and if you dont, well, see what happens!" HTT laughed evilly again before turning off the camera, as Amy did the same. "Uh oh!" We all said together, "jinx! jinx again!" We all said. We all couldn't help but crack up laughing and we still kept jinxing each other! Whatever situation you are in, you have to always look on the bright side of it! That's what I always say!... I think.

Hey guys,
Sorry for such a long chapter. it was supposed to be two different ones, but oh well. I hope your enjoying this book so far. If you are please let me know!

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