The Sleepover (Boys' View)

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~Stampy's P.O.V~
We were all walking back to our houses. "Why don't we have an all nighter? I'm sure the girls are gonna have a sleepover." Lee said as we were walking back. I turned to look behind me and saw Amy grabbing Sqaishey's arm. I smiled, but I didn't really get to talk to her. Maybe tomorrow then. I sighed and turned back around. "I can't. sorry mate." Squid said. "alright then, it's just us five then." I said, waving goodbye at Squid as he changed direction towards his house. The cold air brushed against our backs. we shivered as we began to pick up the pace. "Let's hurry up. I definitely AM turning into a human Popsicle at this rate!" Finball exclaimed.
****time skip****
I shut the door as I went into the warmer parts of my house. "It's cold out there!" Ash said. "Baby it's cold outside!" Lee chirped in a deep voice. We laughed all the way into my bedroom and started the "all nighter". "Let's get this sleepover started!" Chache said very loudly. "All nighter!" Finball and Lee yelled with grins on their faces. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" Chache replied holding his hands in an 'I surrender' position. "I'll grab the sleeping bags in case we feel tired." I said. I walked over to my chest and grabbed an orange, brown, yellow, purpley bluey, (for Finball) and a spare white one for chache out and placed them on my bed. I went to another chest and got out some pyjamas and placed and placed it next to the bags. "Your names are stitched on the bags, apart from chache's, so grab the ones with your names on it. Chache, you have the white one. The colours are hints by the way." I explained. Lee was picking up the orange one, but I soon stopped him by grabbing it from him. "That would be mine thank you very much!" I said in a silly voice. We all laughed as Lee took the brown one. "Sorry Stamps!" He chuckled. I placed mine on the floor and unravelled it. "What should we do?" Chache asked after we finished preparing the sleeping bags and moving to different rooms to get changed into comfy pyjamas. "Read a book!" Ash said out loud. "Ash, that's no where near fun!" Finball complained. "Stampy, you try it!" He said pulling out a book. i sighed heavily, before opening the book. I dropped the book in surprise to see that something exploded in my face. The boys cracked up laughing, but I just stood there like an idiot. "You should look at your face!" Finball screamed. He fell on the floor screaming with laughter. "Ha ha, very funny!" I said sarcastically, walking towards a mirror to see myself, and boy, I looked a sight. Somehow red and blue paint exploded in my face, making purple in the centre. "Oh wow! That's a practical joke right there!" I said to the boys, turning around. Chache chucked me a hankie and it landed right on my face. "High score! Ding, ding, ding!" He screamed. "I'm actually impressed!" Ash said, crossing his arms in a manner to show that he was impressed. "I'm gonna clean my face." I said, standing up to go to the bathroom. I went to the sink and washed my face with my hands, before drying it with the hankie and walking out. I stopped in my tracks as I saw a red and gold blur run right in front of me and turned to run straight through the doors. I rubbed my eyes and squinted them to see if what I just saw was true, or if it was just my imagination. I decided to just forget about it. It might've been a hiccup in the works. (Is that how the saying goes? I'm lost here! :{}) I walked back to see the boys playing Marco Polo. I just joined in. Lee got blindfolded and everyone was walking, or perhaps stomping around my room, trying not to get caught. "Marco" Lee said. "POLO!" We all replied. He stood still and scratched his head. "Hmm... Where are you? Oof! That would be a bed! I don't want you! I want people!" We laughed at his comment as he was hopping in his uninjured foot, clutching the other one with his hand. "Ahaha! I've got you now!" He said suddenly, and I covered my mouth to stop myself laughing. He stopped right in front of me. "Marco." He said quietly. "Polo?" I squeaked. He reached out and touched my shoulder. "Better like next time my friend!" He said, taking off his blindfold. "Hey guys? I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed now." Ash said, crawling into his sleeping bag. We all agreed and crawled into our sleeping bags. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but couldn't.
I saw myself in a field of cake, as far as the eye could see. But there was something in front of me. A cross, made of glowstone, with a sign. i carefully walked up to it, being cautious of my surroundings. "I will get my revenge. HTT." It read. My eyes widened and I jumped back, just in time to see HTT drop from the sky, right in front of me, with his bow drawn, pointed right at me. "You can't get me out of your mind. Let's just say I'll be hanging around every now and then." He stated, and my hands started to get sweaty. "You won't get away with this! With...whatever you're going to do!" I spat, my hair standing on end. "Oh please! Give it a couple of years and I guarantee you that I'll be your worst nightmare!" He yelled, his voice rising all the time. I started to get scared. I saw him release the arrow and it hit me in the chest.
****Dream ends****
My eyes shot open and I sat up instantly, only to find that I was sweating all over. I wiped my forehead as I started to pant heavily. "You okay mate?" I heard someone say. I sat up to see that it was Ash. "Yeah, just a nightmare." I replied, whispering of course. "Are you sure? you were talking in your sleep, and tossing and turning. I was genuinely worried!" He whispered to me. He got out of his sleeping bag, kneeled down next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "We're here for you mate. We're here for you 'till the end of the line." I smiled at that. "Thanks!" I whispered back. "Anyway, what did I say in my sleep?" He snickered a little before replying. "Well... you said something about cake, HTT And an arrow, but that's about it. Oh, and that he was going to get revenge or something or other." I wiped my forehead again and sighed. So that's why he said that stuff to me! Ash turned his head and chuckled. I followed his line of sight to see Finball snoring, his arm outstretched on the floor. I suddenly had a great idea. I was so excited about it you could see a light bulb flickering above my head. "You wanna prank Finball?" I asked Ash, who crossed his legs and sat down next to me. "What are you thinking?" He asked suspiciously. "Let's wake everyone but Finball." I said, climbing out of my sleeping bag and gently jogged next to Lee. I put my hand over his mouth and his eyes shot open. i placed a finger over my mouth signalling to be quiet. he nodded and withdrew the covers from his chest. Ash woke up chache and we went to the doors to my bedroom. Ash and chache on the left, me and Lee in the right. (That rhymed!) "what's the joke?" Lee whispered to me, as I shut the door and walked to the water feature in the middle of the hall. Do you guys want to play the hand-in-warm-water-while-victim-is-sleeping-trick?" I asked them. "On Finball?" Chache asked. "No, on Elvis Presley. Yes, Finball!" Lee replied, doing the just-kidding face. "Ash, get a bowl and go to the kitchen. I'll get some shaving cream." I planned, everyone listening intently. (Sorry, the only word I could think of was that.) "why do we need shaving cream?" Ash asked curiously. "That's for me to know and YOU to find out!" I replied cheekily. They all rolled their eyes and sighed at me before Ash ran to get the water. Chache and Lee were just 'acting natural', whistling and rocking back and forth on their heels. "Soooo... what should we do?" Lee asked me. "Make sure that Finball doesn't wake up!" I replied, walking to the bathroom with Ash. I grabbed some shaving cream and ran back to my bedroom. Then we waited for Ash.
( shoutout to AdamStclair while we wait patiently for Ash!)
He eventually came back with a bowl full of water and a feather. "I knew I forgot something!" I said, face palming myself. I took the feather gratefully and quietly entered the room. Ash set the bowl down beside Finball and gently placed his hand into it. I then sprayed shaving cream on both his hands, just in case he moves the wrong one. I tickled his nose with the feather and he scrunched it up. I then put the feather up his nose. Just for a laugh. His reaction was: "SPLAT!" His eyes shot open and he looked around, just to see us laughing our heads off. "Why is my sleeping bag wet?" Finball asked. He lifted the covers up slowly an peered down. "Shhhhhh!" Was his reply. I think he was trying hard not to swear. I don't know why. "Let's actually go to bed now!" I told everyone. They all nodded their heads while Lee passed Finball a hankie. I chuckled and crawled into my sleeping bag. This time I was able to fall asleep and dream about the two things I can't take my mind off: cake, and Sqaishey.
(While we wait for morning, shoutout to _fangirl_mac_462 )
"HHOONNK! HONK HONK!" My eyes shot open and I jumped out of my sleeping bag and I screamed. "AAAGGGHHHH!" Everyone else did the same. "What the hell was that for?!" I cried. "FOR A SNOWBALL FIGHT YOU NUTCASES!" Sqaishey replied. I heard some groans and chuckles from across the room. "Uh... Finball? Why is your sleeping bag wet?" Rosie asked. "Ask him." He answered, pointing at me. Then everyone's eyes were laid on me. "It was just a tiny prank!" I whined. Everyone cracked up laughing as a huge grin spread across my face. "Come on then!" Netty yelled, setting off her air horn again. "HONK!" We all winced and groaned at the same time as the girls giggled and ran out. "Snowball fight? What are they talking about?" Lee asked. I turned my head to look at Lee when his face lit up. He JUMPED out of his sleeping bag and ran to the balcony. He opened the door and ran out on to the platform. As soon as he stepped out into the snow he gasped. "Every time." I heard him say. "Even when I know that it's snowing it always gets me." He groaned. He walked back inside and shut the door behind him. "I think I should get changed now." He said. I nodded as he left to go to his room. "Hey guys, something just popped into my head." Ash said suddenly. We looked at him with confused faces as he cleared his throat. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" We all chuckled as we climbed out of our sleeping bags and went to go get changed.
(Sorry for all the inturruptions, but I feel like I need to give some people a shoutout so I have something to do instead of doing time skips. So shoutout to sqampylove for just motivating me. Don't stop writing! XD anyway, I did this because the boys are taking a long time to get changed!)
We left the house to be greeted by a gust of cold air. We shivered as chache started to sing.
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the que-uh king.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried."
We all laughed at this, so we decided to join in.
"Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good boy you always have to be!
Conceal don't feel, don't let them know,
Well now they know!
Let it snow, let it snow
Can't hold it back anymore!
We all started coughing because of how hard it is to sing it. "That was really hard!" Chache choked out. "What was that for?!" We heard someone shout. I looked around and saw squid standing there with snow all over him. Netty was standing right behind him with a bucket. "We've got to see this!" Lee smirked, running behind a building on our right. I peered over just in time to see Netty dump the bucket of water all over him. We tried hard not to laugh.
" What was THAT for?!" He said again, but I knew he enjoyed it all the same.
But Netty, being the cheeky sibling, had to answer in the 'best' possible way. "Throwing a snowball at my friend, what else?" She replied. Hey, you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. "We never saw, okay?" I whispered to the others. They nodded. We walked slowly towards them, so they don't hear us. "Umm...I don't think it's the best day for a swim squid!" I said, trying not to sound too suspicious."try telling that to your sister!" Came the reply. "oh Netty, typical!" I told her. Then we somehow got into an argument about who's funnier. I looked over at Sqaishey to see Amy whispering something to her and passing a white thing to her. I shrugged and came back to the argument. "Come on guys! I pranked Stampy AND squid! Obviously I'm the better pranker!" Netty exclaimed. "Hang on, speaking of squid, where is he? And Amy?" "Hey! We're on the same team just so you know!" I heard someone say. "And... there he is!" I replied. Squid shook his head and chuckled. "Ah, screw it!" He withdrew his hand from behind his back and threw it at ash. "Now, Sqaishey!" I heard Amy yell. "Uh-oh! Now I'm in for it!" I thought to myself. "Hey, Kitty!" She called. She only ever calls me that when she's being cheeky. I turned to look at her when I saw a snowball whirling towards me. It broke apart on my neck and snow slipped down my back. "Whoa!" I exclaimed. "that was unexpected." Then Amy spoke up. "That's the reason we woke you up dummy's!" She cried. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Lee yelled at the top of his voice, picking up snow and frantically looked around to find a target. We soon found out who it was. Finball. "Boys versus girls!" Ash screamed, throwing a snowball at Netty, making her drop the bucket in shock. "Amy! Duck!" I heard Sqaishey shout. I turned my head to see Squid throwing a snowball at Amy, but just before it got to her, she ducked. He picked up another piece of snow and threw it at Sqaishey. "I almost got her!" He yelled jokily, throwing the snowball at her waist. I picked up a piece of snow and crept behind squid. I threw it and it shattered down his back. "And that's for hitting a girl!" I yelled triumphantly, but trying not to sound suspicious. "Stampy, look!" Sqaishey said smiling and pointing at something. I followed her line of sight and saw Ash throw a snowball at Netty. She picked the bucket up swiftly and managed to catch the snowball in it. "Aha!" She yelled in a cheeky voice. You didn't expect that, did ya?!" I suddenly thought of a great idea that would brighten our day up even more. "Hey guys?" I said in a high pitched voice, copying what Ash said of course. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Sqaishey's face lit up so much it could replace the moon. I chuckled silently at the thought of it. Sqaishey wanted to make the bottom snowball, so we said she could. It was up to her hip before she started to get tired. Amy and Squid were doing the middle one and chache was going to make the top. I ran to Sqaishey to see if she needed a hand. "You need a hand?" I asked her. "Oh, yes please!" She exhaled. I placed my hands on the snowball and began pushing it. It was very heavy. "Wow Sqaishey, you are very strong!" I said between breaths. "my arms are on the verge of breaking!" She replied. We both pushed the now huge snowball onto a patch of untouched snow. "Let's go help the others!" Sqaishey suggested. "Good idea Sqaishey!" I said in agreement.
When we had finished it looked, well, snowman-ny. The arms were made from thin spindly twigs that chache found, and Netty found an abnormally large carrot. everyone else went to find pebbles and arranged a goofy look on it's face. "So, what should we call it?" Amy asked. "what about... frosty Longnose?" Netty suggested. "Well, it does have a long nose after all!" Squid exclaimed. I crossed my arms and smiled in triumph. but then I remembered. I grabbed Squid's arm and dragged him behind a building while everyone was distracted. "Distract everyone until I get back okay?" I whispered. He looked at me, puzzled and hesitantly nodded. We both walked back and Squid started up a loud conversation and pretty soon everyone was distracted. I walked up behinds Sqaishey and tapped her on the shoulder. "What's up kitty?" She asked, turning around to face me. "Umm... Sqaishey? I need to talk to you."
MWAHAHAHAHA!! I bet you're wondering what's gonna happen next huh? oh yeah, and the shoutout a are gonna be a regular thing if you don't mind. It's just a silly thing to do instead of: ~time skip~.
I will be giving shoutout a to specific people, and I won't tell you who you are until the next time skip. Which would probably be the chapter after the next, because the chapter after this is gonna be around a page or two. Hope you love it! And I love comments! Please do as much of it as you can do!
Stay strong guys,

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