The Sleepover... And Snowball Fight?

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~Amy's P.O.V~
"Chache, do you want to spend the night at my house? I've got a couple of spare bedrooms, WITH beds mind you. What do you say?" Stampy said. "Yeah! That would be great but I can't stay for longer than tomorrow, I was exploring and I was supposed to be going to the shops, and I got sucked through a multi-coloured portal, and the next thing I know, I start to act like an idiot running about waving my arms getting chased by who knows what!" Chache replied, using hand gestures. Well, everyone does it when they're explaining something. "Alright then, it's all settled!" Squid said with a hint of exhaustion in his voice. The boys went their way, and we went ours. "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" I asked the girls, seeing my house was the closest. "We'll get our PJ's from our house first!" Sqaishey replied, changing direction. "No, no, no. I'll let you borrow mine." I replied, grabbing her arm. "Are you sure? We won't if you don't want us too." She asked me, with uncertainty in her voice. "Yeah, yeah. it's gonna be fine!" I said, as the four of us all went into my house. I went into my bedroom to grab 3 pairs of PJ's from my closet. Mine were under my pillow. i walked out of my bedroom to the living room holding them. I saw the girls picking movies out of the shelf just under the TV. "here you go! Netty, you can change in the bathroom, Sqaishey, you in the spare room, and Rosie can change in my room. Now Choose your PJ's!" I said, dumping the clothes on the sofa and pointing in specific directions. They got up and came over to the sofa and picked some PJ's and ran into different rooms. Immediately after you could hear three slams in a train of sound. I giggled and looked at the movies they picked out. "Hmm... Harry potter, my super ex-girlfriend, these are good picks." I said to myself. I heard the bathroom door unlock and Netty came strolling out in her purple and white pyjamas. Next Sqaishey, yellow and white, and then Rosie, black and white. "Thanks for letting us borrow these Amy!" Netty exclaimed. "And the patterns are perfect!" Rosie added. Sqaishey nodded in agreement. Rosie had vertical white stripes, Sqaishey had horizontal white stripes, and Netty had checkered white stripes as well. "Who's making the popcorn?" I asked, standing up to get the sleeping bags!" "Dibbs!" Netty yelled, jumping up and running to the kitchen. "Wait for me!" Sqaishey cried, running after her. "I guess I'm setting up the TV then!" Rosie said, kneeling next to the DVD player. I walked up and into the cupboard opposite the bathroom and took out the four sleeping bags we always use. Everybody's house has nine sleeping bags, plus one spare. Everyone had their own colours as well. I took out the pink, yellow, black and purple ones and took them to the living room. I came in to see Sqaishey and Netty sitting down next to Rosie arguing about which movie to watch. "Guys, lets just watch a movie we all like." I said, dumping the bags on the floor and sitting down next to them. "Let's watch this one!" Rosie said, picking up Pirates of the Caribbean." I love that movie!" I squealed in excitement. I went into my room to get changed and we started our girls night from there on.
*****after movie*****
As soon as the credits started to come on the screen we started to whoop and cheer. "I love that movie!" I screamed. "Whooo- aawwww, there's no more popcorn!" Netty said. We burst out laughing while Netty was rubbing the inside of the now empty popcorn bowl with a sarcastic sad face. Rosie yawned followed by Sqaishey. "Let's call it a day." I said, unravelling my sleeping bag. "Yeah, I agree." Sqaishey said. I crawled in my sleeping bag and started to dream about, well, dreams.
*****time skip*****
I heard shouting from, I think it was Netty. I wasn't in the mood, I was too tired. But as I heard the words get clearer, my eyes shot open and went to take a look. "It's snowing!!" She yelled over and over again. I looked out if the window and stared at the snowflakes falling gracefully to the ground. "Do you know what this means?" I said, turning my head to people doing their own things. Like Rosie making an effort to get up. Sqaishey making cereal but paying attention to what I'm saying and Netty just staring in awe at the outside world. "Let's go act like children!" Netty yelled, pretending to be silly. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!!" Sqaishey screamed. "Five... more...minutes." Rosie mumbled, turning over and falling back asleep. I looked at Sqaishey and beckoned her over to me. (Sorry for the wordy word!) "come with me." I whispered, tiptoeing past snoring Rosie and into the kitchen. I went to the corner cabinet and open the door. I gently pushed the bowls and plates out the way and reached for the air horn at the back. It was used for sleepovers so this was a good time. "Go get Netty." I whisper-shouted to Sqaishey. She nodded and tiptoe-sprinted to the spare bedroom where Netty was. They both came out from the door and silently shut it, cringing in case they wake up Rosie. I came over to them and told them to step back. I stood behind the sofa, pointed the horn away from me and pressed the red button. Even we jumped and started to laugh as Rosie screamed and rolled in her sleeping bag, causing her to become tangled. "When I get out of here!" Rosie yelled, but she was laughing a bit too. We helped Rosie get out of her sleeping bag and then started to talk to us with a fake strict voice. "Have you ever heard the saying, never press the red button?" She asked. "Yeaaahhhh..." We all said, exchanging glances at each other. "Well you should try it sometime!" She yelled. We all stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. Again. "Well, let's wake up the boys if we want a snowball fight." Rosie said, grabbing her clothes and running to the nearest room. We all did the same. I wore a pink turtleneck with black jeggings, a white scarf and a navy blue beanie. I walked out the door to see the girls waiting in the snow. "Let's go!" I said, racing to the boys' houses. We got air horns from our secret chest and split up to wake the boys quicker. I went to Squid's. I opened the door quietly and crept towards his bedroom. All you could see was the top of his head. I lightly shook it and I pointed the air horn away from me and pressed the button. "Whaaaayyyy! Ahhhh!!" He yelled (weird things to yell I know.) he jumped up and fell off his bed and landed with a thud next to me. "Ooof!" He groaned. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!! Meet me at the tree train!" I yelled, and ran out the house leaving Squid with a confused look on his face. We met in the centre. "You wake up the rest?" I asked them. They nodded. "Let's give them a surprise." Netty said, a mischievous grin spread across her face. She ran to her house and later came out with a bucket and a basket. she thrusted the bucket into my hands. "Go to the nearest lake to collect water. Then break off pieces of ice and drop them in the bucket with the water. Hurry back. Then I'll explain the plan when you get back." she said. I did what I was told. I came back panting and I found that the girls filled the basket with snowballs. "The first boy that comes here will have a really big shock." She stated. I smiled. Squid can get changed super quick. We made a few extra snowballs when we heard distant mumbling. "Quick! It's Squid!" I whisper-shouted. I grabbed the basket and ran behind the nearest building. I picked up a snowball and set the basket down. Netty was holding the bucket and Sqaishey and Rosie were holding a snowball in each hand. "Ready?" Netty whispered. We nodded. We saw Squid come closer, and when we heard his feet crunching in the snow practically right next to us. Netty turned her head and nodded at us. Rosie, Sqaishey and I jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!!" We threw the snowballs as he jumped back in surprise. The snowballs broke apart on impact. "What was that for?!" He said, smiling. "FUN!" I yelled, picking up snow from the floor and forming another snowball in my hands before throwing it at him, but he caught it in his hands and threw it right back at me. "Wooow!" I yelled brushing the snow of my shirt. I turned my head just in time to see Netty dump the water on Squid. "BBBRRRRRR!" He cried, shaking his head. "What was THAT for?" he shouted, turning to face a giggling Netty. "Throwing a snowball at my friend! What else?" She giggled. Pretty soon we were all laughing like crazy. "Umm... I don't think it's the best day for a swim Squid!" I heard from behind me. i swerved around on my heel to see Stampy, chache, ash, Lee and Finball come toward us. "Try telling that to your sister!" I heard him say. He wasn't angry though. "Oh Netty, typical." He said. I decided to change the subject. I crept behind everyone and beckoned Squid to come over quietly. "What's up?" He whispered, crouching next to me behind the building. I grabbed two snowballs from the basket gave one to him. "Let's change the subject. Who will be willing to join in when we splat them?" I thought out aloud. "I think pretty much all of them." Squid said, answering my thoughts. "I'll get Stampy, you get Ash." I whispered, getting up and peering round the corner. I slowly creeped around so that I was directly behind Sqaishey. "Change of plans." I whispered into her ear. "Throw this at Stampy and see what happens. Wait for my signal." I slipped her the snowball and she hid it behind her back. She smiled at me as I went to get another snowball. I grabbed a snowball and changed my target. Squid. I went back out to the siblings still arguing and Finball, ash and Lee butting in time to time. I aimed and threw the snowball at Squid. It hit him on the side of his head. "Hey! We're on the same team just so you know. Ah screw it!" He laughed, and threw the snowball at ash. Now, Sqaishey!" I yelled, and Sqaishey withdrew the snowball from her back and yelled, "hey, Stamps!" She yelled. He turned his head only to see a snowball whirling towards him. "CRUNCH!" The snow said.(i know, I know, snow can't talk!!) "whoa!" He said. "That was unexpected!" "This is the reason we woke you up dummy's!" I yelled. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Lee screamed, picking up some snow and and throwing it at Finball. "Boys versus girls!" Ash screamed, picking up a snowball and throwing it at Netty, causing her to drop the bucket. "Amy! Duck!" Sqaishey said. I turned my head to see a snowball whirling at me. I ducked in time to see a snowball drop behind me onto the floor. I looked to see Squid throwing a snowball at Sqaishey. "I almost got her!" He yelled laughing as the snowball hit Sqaishey on the hip. she laughed and clutched her hip. Then Stampy hit Squid with a snowball. "And that's for hitting a girl!" He replied. It turned into a madhouse! That was a morning I won't soon forget.
Hey guys,
I'm really sorry for the exceedingly boring chapter, but I hope you will forgive me for not updating in ages. Sorry if you're reading this as an old person, because my chapter was that long. Also, thank you SOOOOOO much for over 1.12K reads!! You do not know how much it means to me that you all take the time to read my book. And please comment! I would love to hear what you think and I'll reply to as many or all of you!! As you can see, I had a lot of apologies to make, and I hope you'll forgive me. *begs and pleads with puppy dog eyes*. Anyway, thank you and sorry!
Stay strong guys,

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