Stampy's View Of It All

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Stampy's P.O.V
I didn't expect anything. We were at the theatre and Amy told me that they were coming in a minute. I was really nervous because I didn't know If this was to do with the discussion in my bedroom. Just while I was deep in thought, I heard a knock at the door. "they don't need to knock" I thought to myself. I opened the door and I heard a shrill scream. it sounded like a girl but then I realised that it was me. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. It was Hit the target with his now drawn targeted straight at me. I unsheathed my sword. "YOU'll GET IT THIS TIME TARGET!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before running as fast as I could through the lobby toward the door, but he fell backwards and started to crawl backward, dropping his bow on the process. I was just past the door when a cold sensation rushed over my entire body, but then I saw two hands either side of me with cake. but they slapped it right on to my face. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. Rosie, Finball, Amy, Squid and Netty came from both sides of the door and yelled "SUPRISE!" I burst out laughing but soon stopped when I glanced at who seemed to be HTT. his hand reached to his mask and pulled it off. It was Lee. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. Suddenly Amy started to laugh, but so did 2 other people. I glimpsed at the love garden to see Ash holding a video camera, and Sqaishey laughing next to him. Amy rushed up to them and started to talk to them, then Sqaishey came running over to me. "Watch this!" She said, thrusting the camera into my arms while trying to get the milk and cake out of my hair with a towel. I tried not to laugh as she tickled my neck. She knows I'm extremely ticklish around there. I glanced up and saw Ash and Amy still walking back toward us. I pressed play on the camera and watched it back. It was a little bit embarrassing really. I couldn't help but chortle a little when I screamed. I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. I heard the splash and splat and just burst out laughing. I couldn't believe Ash kept that camera still, especially when I could hear him sniggering in the background. "Wow ash, you really ARE a good camera man!"I shouted. "Why wouldn't I be?" Came the reply. We were soon all in My bedroom again. I could see everyone beginning to get tired, and Amy then said "let's leave the marathon until another day." everyone agreed. "Your right Amy. we will play 3 more rounds of this game tomorrow." I saw Amy talk to ash for a few more minutes, but I just turned around and tried to make my body relax. "Night." Amy said. "Night!" We all replied. I sat down on my bed and tried to relax. But there was one person I couldn't stop thinking about. Sqaishey.

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