The Doorbell Ditch

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~Squid's P.O.V~
"Hang on one minute. Stampy, could you walk outside for a minute?" Ash asked. "sure." Stampy replied, looking very confused. I looked out the window when I realised that it stopped raining. "hey guys, it stopped raining." I said. "I know, and we are all going to play a tincy wincey prank on Stampy. Netty, I thought that you might enjoy this." ash said while glancing at Netty, who, as far as I could tell, was very happy. "We are going to lure Stampy out of the house, and into somewhere near like the theatre, and we are going to doorbell ditch him, but not your ordinary doorbell ditch, when he opens the door, lee, you are going to dress up like HTT, bow drawn and everything. Then back off a bit. I'm sure that Stampy will charge at you, so you better act fast. Then as soon as he is just in front of the doorframe, Rosie and Finball will drench him in milk, while Netty and Amy slap him in the face with cake. I know it sounds mean, but when I asked if he's ever been pranked, he said no, and he would love to know what it feels like. so thats your mission, if you should choose to accept." "Are you kidding me?!? This is going to be awesome! We accept." Netty said. "Finball, scream at the top of your lungs, and I mean the TOP of your lungs, call Stamps for us. please? if you dont, we will do the dare to you." I said. "Oh, ok." Finball replied. He opened the door and yelled. "SSSTTTTAAAAMMMMPPPPYYY!!!" But his voice got quieter and quieter, and I wondered why. I heard Stampy tell Finball, "I wouldn't have gotten that far Finball!" Finball replied "sorry, but squid made me." I heard him laugh a little as he walked in, but his faced dropped when he saw all of us looking at him. "What did I do now?" He asked, with a worried look in his eyes. "nothing Stampy. Calm down." Amy said. He then gave us all a weak smile. "Uh... Stampy? We're all thinking about going to the theatre, do you want to join us?" Rosie asked. "Nice start Rosie"!" I thought to myself. "Um... I guess so. what's the worst that could happen?" Stampy replied after a short silence. "oh a lot more than you think" I whispered in Amy's ear. she giggled a little bit, covering her mouth as she was trying not to give anything away. Stampy looked up but before he said anything Finball spoke and said "well, are we going or what?" I saw him wink at me and I mouthed "thanks" to him.
~Amy's P.O.V~
When I heard what we had to do to Stampy, I thought that it was mean, but then I thought, well cats love milk, and Stampy adores cake, so it might be a win win situation for him. We got to the theatre and my stomach was tied in knots. I was incredibly nervous. Squid must have seen me twiddling my thumbs because he said to me "I know why you twiddle your thumbs. don't be nervous. it will be exciting to see what Stampy's reaction would be don't you think?" I pictured it in my head and started to giggle. Squid started to chuckle too. Soon we were both in his hysterics, and everyone was looking at us with confused faces. pretty soon our laughter was under control, luckily just as we arrived at the entrance to the theatre. "Stampy, we'll meet you inside okay?" I said. he gave all of us a shakey thumbs up and walked inside. we shut the doors quietly so he wouldn't notice, but suddenly I remembered about the supplies. "guys! What are we going to do about the supplies?" I asked, beginning to have a panic attack. "have you guys forgotten what my job is?" Lee suddenly said holding buckets of milk in one hand and cakes on the other.we all hurriedly took our places. Rosie and I on one side, Finball and Netty on the other, but Squid came over to my side for some reason. "hang on." Netty said. "where on earth is Sqaishey and Ash?" Oh no. I forgot about them. I thought they were with us. "don't worry about them, worry about the task at hand." Finball said. I still looked frantically about. "Calm down. Wherever Sqaishey is, Ash is with her, And I heard that Ash is quite the fighter!" Squid told me. "and I know that ash wouldn't miss this for the world!" It seemed like Squid had taken over, since he was now the only one on the opposite team. "I can't wait to see Stampy's face!" Lee said as he was emerging from behind the theatre dressed up as HTT. "I thought for a minute that you actually were HTT."i exclaimed. "Okay guys, you ready?" Squid said. "Now Lee!" Lee knocked on the door and walked back 3 quick steps and drew his bow. when the door opened, all I could hear was a shrill, girly scream coming from inside. "that must have been too shocking then." I thought to myself. "YOU'll GET IT THIS TIME TARGET!!" I heard Stampy scream. Lee fell to the ground and started to crawl backwards. now was the chance. Netty and I balanced the cake on the palm of our hands, with the other on the ground so we don't fall over. SPLASH!! SPLAT!! "Ha ha!"Stampy laughed. "Surprise!" we all screamed, and Lee took off his mask to show that he was the same brown bear he always was. Just then I heard, what seemed like 2 people screaming with laughter, and I started laughing to by mistake. I tried to control it and I turned around and looked at who was laughing behind us. It was a cheese with brown hair holding a video camera, and a duck with pretty white feathers. I sprinted over to them. "where were you?!" I asked. "well, we didn't want this thing to be a once in a lifetime moment, so we caught it on tape. I absolutely cannot wait to show Stampy!" Sqaishey yelled in excitement. She ran over to Stampy with a towel and the video camera and showed him the tape. While I was walking back with ash, I heard the faint shrill scream, followed by Stampy's laughter, then the SPLASH!! And SPLAT!! And then everyone started to laugh. "Wow, Ash, you really ARE a good camera man." Stampy shouted, surprised. "why wouldn't I be?" he shouted back with a smile on his face. We soon were back in Stampy's bedroom. "Let's leave the Marathon until another day" I said yawning. "you're right Amy. We can play 3 more rounds of this game tomorrow." Rosie said. Everyone nodded in agreement and started to get up to the door. "hey Ash, can borrow your video camera? I want to watch the prank back." I said. "Sure." he replied. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his camera and gave it to me. "thanks" I said. "no problem." Ash replied as we both left the bedroom. "goodnight guys." I said while turning to face them. "Night!" They replied in unison.

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