The Walk Home

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~Squid's P.O.V~
"You want me to walk you down?" I asked Amy, hoping for some time alone with her. "sure." She replied. I linked arms with her and started to exit when Amy's grip started to get looser on my arm as she gave a loud yawn. I shut the door to the clubhouse and we started to walk down the hill. Her head started to lean forward as she started to nod off. She tripped over her feet and cried out as she was heading for the ground. But as she was a few inches off the ground, I caught her by the waist. I helped her stand up as she rubbed her eyes and yawned again. "Sorry, I can't believe I'm that clumsy." She said as she tried to regain her balance. "Don't worry about it. You really need to get home into bed ASAP." I replied. I picked her up bridal style as she buried her face into my chest. She wasn't heavy at all. When we got to her house, i heard her snoring softly into my chest. I smiled. I opened the door and carried her upstairs into her bedroom. She was still snoring as I laid her into her bed and pulled up the covers, she groaned quietly before turning to face me. She opened her eyes a little and faintly smiled at me before closing her eyes and started sleeping again. I turned around and crept out the door and down the stairs. As I shut her front door, I let out a sigh. But I felt the sleep catch up with me as my eyes started to droop. I began power walking home, in case I collapsed on the floor and slept there instead. "Don't fall asleep now!" I said to myself. Just as I saw my house come into view a few minutes later, I started to run towards it. "Almost there, almost there! Don't fall asleep now!" I said again as my hand reached for the handle. But my eyelids started to droop just as I touched it. All of i sudden a felt myself hit something as I fell asleep myself.

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