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~Stampy's P.O.V~
"We need a plan of attack!" Lee chimed as we made sure we were out of sight of the entrance. "I have a plan; Attack." I replied. I heard Netty sniggering, and I have to admit, it did sound a little bit funny.

"I can hear you, you know." a voice came from the entrance to the castle. "Oh, crap!" Netty sighed. I held my breath and came out from behind the tree. "Where is Sqaishey?!" I demanded. "Aww... does Boyfriend miss Girlfriend?" HTT Asked sarcastically. "Uh-oh! Got a bit of sarcasm on your lip there!" Rosie said from behind me. I smiled. "Shut up penguin!" HTT snarled. "Okay, One: she is NOT my girlfriend!" I lied. "Two: where is she?!" I felt my voice rise. "Okay I'll show you." He replied. He sent a signal from inside and a whole bunch of guards flooded out separating me from everyone else. "Stampy!" Netty cried uneasily. "Don't worry, calm down and hold your tongue. Nothing bad will happen." I said quietly. "You know what to do." HTT said to the guards. Two or three guards, I didn't count, grabbed my arms and began stripping me of my armour and weapons until I was completely vulnerable. "Let go of me!" I spat at the guards, struggling to get free. They shook their heads and dug their fingers into my arms. I winced in pain as I felt blood prick out. "Here she is!" HTT shouted happily. my attention drew away from the guards and to Sqaishey, who was bound and weak, she couldn't even look up. "Sqaishey!" I cried out. I kept struggling, clenching my fist and bending my arms, pulling them in front of me, but the guards pulled them back each time. She looked up, surprised at what she saw, still not convinced that it was real. "Stampy?" She said quietly. I could only just about hear her. I tried harder. "Let her go! What business is she to you?!" I spat. I glanced at Sqaishey again to see if he had hurt her. He did, badly. Whiplash wounds and purple bruises were imprinted on her body. "She's your girlfriend, no?" HTT asked sarcastically. I had no idea how to answer that, so I just winged it.

"So what if she is?"
"I can keep her here and watch you have a meltdown!"
"Okay, so she is! That doesn't change anything!"
"Oh, it does! It changes a lot of things!"

I snarled. I've had it with him. I felt that it was the right time to ask a question that I didn't really want to know the answer to. I breathed in deeply and just let it out. My eyes narrowed as my stare turned to HTT, then back to Sqaishey, then HTT, then Sqaishey. "What did you do to her?!" I asked. Sqaishey's eyes were full of terror. I couldn't blame her. He smiled evilly which only lead to one thing; mischief. "This." Was all he said. The guards grip loosened on my arms, and I took my chance. I used half of my strength to get free, which took the guards back by surprise. I needed to stop what he was going to do. Whatever it was. He proceeded to take out a brown whip and a metal pole! I struggled harder. My feet dug into the earth below me as I pulled, trying not to rip my arms out of their sockets in the process. I was grunting out of effort, and my eyes drew toward Sqaishey and HTT when he raised the whip. "No!" I thought. he brought the whip down and it made a cracking sound. Her scream of pain and terror filled my ears. Then he dropped the whip and swung the pole at her. She screamed again. I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop! You're hurting her!" I cried. He looked at me and sneered. "Uh... that's kinda the point." He then stood up straight and pulled a fake thinking face. "Here, I'll make a deal with you." "oh no!" "Tell me your closest relative and I'll let her go." I stared at him, horrified. I'm not gonna put Netty, my closest sister, in danger! I desperately tried to get free now, HTT deserves a knuckle sandwich. "WHAT?! No! I'm not gonna tell you anything. Gang, help!" I needed help badly, and my arms were beginning to lose all feeling. "I'm trying Stampy!" I heard Netty shout from behind me. "Well, it's the thought that counts!" Sqaishey looked like she was gonna pass out, probably from blood loss. "Don't even think about it!" I thought, staring down HTT, who was going to do something unforgivable. He picked up the whip and brought it down on Sqaishey again. I tensed up and tried to pounce, but the guards were just too strong. "Good workout anyway!" I thought. Sqaishey's scream was full of pain and terror, the same as before, I could feel it. I bared my teeth. "What was that for?!" Sqaishey managed to scream, but her voice was croaky and dry. "To make Stampy here talk!" Was his reply. "She was hurt because of me?" I thought worriedly. "I'm not gonna tell you anything!" I replied sternly. "Not even when I do THIS?!" HTT asked evilly, drawing his sword and pointing it under Sqaishey's throat, causing her to look up slightly. I locked eyes with her to see the true pain and terror she was feeling. "NO!" I yelled. He has to stop what he's doing before his face needs plastic surgery. "I'M one of Stampy's relatives! And I've had enough of this!" Netty screamed from behind me. "Aaanndd... we're screwed!" I thought. HTT sheathed his sword and walked towards me, while the guards wrapped their arms around MY arms, making it harder for me to escape, though I kept struggling. "Why didn't YOU say that in the first place?!" He stared right into my eyes, causing me to look straight back at him. He raised his hand and brought it down on me. The left hand side of my face had a burning sensation. Luckily, as he slapped me, my head turned with it, breaking eye contact. I finally found my answer. "Because I didn't want to put my family and friends in danger!" He gave a satisfied grunt and walked back to Sqaishey, who was still on her knees, her hands still bonded together. She looked to the floor, worried about HTT's next actions. I felt the grip on my arms loosen as the guards let go of me. I sighed and stretched for a mere second, before looking over at Sqaishey. Boy, she really was in an upsetting state. HTT used a small knife to cut Sqaishey's bonds, and I set off towards her straight away. "Sqaishey!" I yelled. She leaned forward and fell on to her hands and knees. I bent down next to her and saw the majority of her cuts. They looked horrible. I'm surprised she didn't cry. I used my arms and picked her up by the waist, pulling her to her feet. As soon as she was on her feet, I pulled her into a hug. I was glad to have her back. "can you stand?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her shrug and she pulled away to test. It wasn't until then, however, when I saw all the bruises that he made. She winced as she was sent to the floor again, but I picked her up by the waist just in time. "I guess that's a no then!" I explained, picking her up bridal style and walking toward the group.

I felt Sqaishey's lips brush against my cheek, which made me blush a little, hoping no-one saw it. "So you ARE a thing?" HTT asked cheekily. I just ignored him as the guards let us pass back into the group. Even though I put her down, I didn't let her go; I was scared that she might fall over again. Netty hugged her the most out of everyone though. It was quite obvious. I also heard her whisper something to her, but I didn't know what. "So, you there! What relation are you to Stampy?" HTT asked Netty. She looked unsure then answered with the first thing that popped into her mind. Typical. "I'll tell you the day I'm bleeding all over!" HTT raised an eyebrow, and I winked at Netty. "Have it your way then!" He said eventually. "Come on guys. We got what we came here for, we didn't want anything else." I've had enough of HTT for one day thank you very much. Squid came over and put Sqaishey's other arm around his neck. I flashed him a smile. I didn't mind.

I needed to ask Sqaishey about what happened, I couldn't hold it in. "Sqaishey? What did they do to you?" She looked at me and cracked a small smile. "Why don't you look for yourself?" She rolled her shoulder so I could get a good view of her back. Long, deep cuts were all over her, her shirt ripped where the cuts were. Every time I moved a piece out of the wounds, she winced. "Sorry." I apologised. "you sure do THAT a lot!" She said, chuckling. "What do I do?" I asked curiously, letting go of the cloth and placing my arm back on her waist to support her. "Your eyes widen at the worst of things." I guess it was true. So, to make her laugh, or at least try, I rolled my eyes. I looked ahead of me to see the multi-coloured portal, the yellow stronger than before. "Here we go!" I announced, stopping right in front of the portal and In front of everyone else. "I'm not going on my own!" Sqaishey protested. To be honest, I wasn't expecting her to. "then I'll come with you!" I replied happily. Squid knew that it was his cue to leave, so he put Sqaishey's other arm around my neck and went to join Amy. As we made our way to the portal, I lent over to Sqaishey and whispered in her ear, "think of home." She nodded as I launched us both into the portal, the same feeling before rushing around me. Then, Sqaishey asked me a question that me question what the hell we were doing.
"How are we meant to land?"
I thought about it, because before, I landed with a thud on the other end, and I didn't want her to get even more hurt. Then I had it. But that's not surprising for me. Problem, Think, Solution, BAM. I got it all figured out. "Like this!" I stated cheekily, grabbing her and and pulling her on top of me. This is gonna hurt. I arched my back so I'd at least try to land on my butt, but I missed and landed on my back instead. "Ow..." was all I could manage. We just lay there in silence for a few moments, before Sqaishey realised that I might be hurt, and rolled off of me. I sighed happily as I picked Sqaishey up bridal style, moving out the way a bit, and we looked in the direction of the portal. Distant screaming was to be heard, I guess it would be boys then girls and then boys again. "watch this." I told her. she nodded and followed my gaze. Ash and Squid came flying out the portal, one directly behind the other. But it was the way they landed that made Sqaishey bury her head into my chest, I don't think she wanted to be rude and burst out laughing. I, however, was dead. I grinned really wide and gritted my teeth, trying my very best not to laugh. Ash got up and walked over towards us, though he looked drunk because he was dizzy. "You alright Stamps'?" Squid asked, getting ready for Amy to come out the portal. I nodded, not moving my mouth. I looked down into my chest to see Sqaishey breathing heavily, trying not to laugh anymore. I giggled a bit, all stories have a happy ending.
This means that this is not the end of the book! Yet... so do not fret my dears!! Just telling you that In case you thought that the sentence "all stories have a happy ending" meant the end of the book! ;)

Stay Strong guys,

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