A Special Thing In Store For Lee

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~Netty's P.O.V~
HTT. The most vile creature in the whole of Minecraft, except from Herobrine of course, but he's only a legend. I saw HTT bluff. I saw him. He only wants to scare us. But I'm not falling for it. Let's wait around for nine years, then he'll pluck up enough courage to just appear. He is a coward if I do say so myself. "Don't worry guys, he's bluffing, I can tell. I've had practise with Stampy anyway." I told the others. "Mind yourself miss Longnose, before I start duelling you!" He replied jokily. "Your bluffing!" I said in a sing song voice. Amy then let a big yawn escape from her mouth. "I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to bed now." She said. "You want me to walk you down?" Squid asked. I secretly smiled. It was obvious. Squid liked Amy. "Sure." Amy replied. Squid linked arms with Amy and started to exit. "Let's all go. We're super exhausted as it is." I suggested. After a few murmurs and nods everyone started to get up and leave. "Good call Netty!" Lee said sleepily, his arms stretching out and letting a huge yawn escape his mouth. "Hey Netty, come here quick!" Stampy yelled from the other side of the clubhouse. I jogged over to him, my tail doing funky moves behind me. "what's up?" I asked. "umm... do you know how to clean tails?" Stampy asked, as he showed his green covered tail. "Eww, what is that?" I asked. "Lee's bogies, which reminds me. LEEEE!" He replied, almost bursting my eardrums in the process. Lee came over. "Yes?" He said nervously. It sounded like he knew what was coming. "GGUUYYSS! wait up! You have to see this!" Stampy yelled again, as I flattened my ears in annoyance. I was tired as it is. Everyone stopped as Stampy pulled out a potato and he started peeling it. After a few minutes of impatient waiting, Stampy dropped the potato skin on the floor. "You didn't think I forgot, did you?" I heard him say. Lee shook his head slowly, let out a sigh, and walked towards the potato skin. As he stepped on it, he went flying back a few inches before falling on his bottom. I'd say it was a special thing in store, because not a lot of people get pranked by Stampy apart from his closest friends and family. "Good night!" Lee said, before walking out of the clubhouse hurriedly, and everyone else followed, but Squid and Amy were long gone. I searched my pockets and found a hankie. "Here, don't sit on your tail before you clean it." I said, while passing it to Stampy. "thanks." he replied. "Good night!" I said, blabbering on. "Same back." he replied. I stumbled out of the room, half asleep, staggering as I did so I felt myself trip over my own feet. but just before I hit the floor, if felt someone catch me. I turned around and saw that it was ash. "Hi." I said. "Bet you're lucky I caught you, huh?" He replied. "Do you want me to walk you back home? you look like you could fall asleep any minute!" He exclaimed. "Sure. why not?" I replied sleepily. He gently grabbed my arm and began guiding me to my house. I was so tired I couldn't even keep my eyes open for more than 10 seconds.
~two minutes later~
"Here we are!" Ash said, as I sleepily tried to open my eyes. Ash helped me through my house and to my bed. "Good night sleepy head!" He whispered as he turned off the lights to my room. "thank you so much Ash." I said before he shut the door. "Anything for a friend!" He replied, before gently shutting the door, and making his way to the door. When I heard the front door close, I slowly closed my eyes and started to drift away, lost in my imagination for another night.

Okay, I agree, it wasn't as long as I thought it would be.


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