The Shock

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~Amy's P.O.V~
I got home and leaped on to the sofa. I sighed in Relief. I then heard a knock at the door. I opened it and got a little bit surprised. It was Squid. "uh.. hi." He said nervously. "Hi Squid." I replied. "I was just watching back the prank. Ash let me borrow his camera. care to join me?" "Sure." he replied. He followed me in and sat down on the sofa while I grabbed the camera from my bag. I turned it on and pressed play while jumping on the sofa next to Squid. It was about half way through the video when I saw something I didn't expect. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Squid looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Amy, what's the matter?" He asked. "We need to get to Stampy's house right now!" I said. "I'll explain on the way!" I said while picking up my bag and shoving the camera inside. "Wait, I'm coming with you!!" Squid yelled as he grabbed his coat. "Come on then!" I yelled back, whilst grabbing the front door. We both began sprinting down the lane, listening to the gravel crunching beneath our feet. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I guess this is just the beginning.
I don't think there will be time to explain much.

Aha! I bet that just came out of nowhere!! What do you think?
Sorry for the short chapter. I've had writers block.

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